Fox Tales II


The two young men dressed up as commoners and sneaked into the city

-Come, come or we'll be late Wan!-

-Your Highness...! Wait!- yelled the fox but soon after he lost sight of him

-Your Hig... Uhm... Len? Len?!- I tried to call for him but soon after remember that the Prince's identity had to remind hidden

-I'm here Wan, don't worry- a little hand embraced his own and that familiar pure smile came to meet him

-Your Highness... I... Don't let go of my hand anymore- said the other, dragging him in an embrace with closed eyes, tears peeking through between his lashes

-Wan...- he felt shocked for a minute.

That cold stoic fox hugged him and almost cried at the thought of loosing him... Could that be true? -I'm sorry Wan... I'll always be with you don't worry...-

As the two were hugging eachother a voice came from behind

-Well well well... What do we have here? Have I heard the word Highness?-

Wan quickly composed himself and pushed the little man behind him -Stay away!- his eyes were fierce and scary

-What if I don't? Haha you're probably only 18 years old and spoiled just as much as him hahaha!

This will earn us a lot of money... Take them!-

He was looking like a human but he still was as quick as a fox when he took the small Prince in his arms and run away...

-That side! Let's go!-

The two kept running before entering a side street and hide behind a container...

The other men passed over, not keeping up wiyh his quick movement.

As the young man was catching his breath he let go of the Prince worried, caging him between his body and the wall for protection

-Are you hurt? Scared? I'm sorry... That was my fault...-

-It's fine... They should be gone now, let's head back to the show- he tried to walk away, wanting to hide his slight blush, but Wan stopped him turning him to face eachother

-Wait- he passed an hand over both their faces -Now they won't recognize us... Let's go!-

And so the two youngsters found the group of comedians playing tricks with the audiences, dancing and breaking rocks...

After a particularly good joke a little chuckle escaped Wan's mouth z leaving the Prince in awe -You... I want to hear that more... I will make you laugh forever!- he yelled hugging his arm close to his body.

Things began to change as they grew and soon after the atmosphere between them got different...

Anyone could see that they were dear to eachother, one could understand what the other was thinking with just a stare...

But still... It felt awkward for the Prince.

Wan was becoming colder and colder... unreachable almost.

Making his heart ache, longing for that warmth he felt in the past...

One day as they were walking in the woods the Prince tried to talk about such a topic with Wan, but unfortunately he started a fight.

-There has to be a reason don't just say "nothing"! Was it my fault?

Or someone forced you to be like this? Is that our difference in rank? You know I don't care about it! Just...! Answer me please!-

He rised his arm to punch the chest of the other, Wan moved away quickly making the Prince to lose balance...

-Your highness...!- he still couldn't put aside how much he cherished the other and bend foward to help him, ending up falling together over a tree root...

-I'm sorry... Did I hurt you?- he asked pushing himself up, not wanting to crush the frail man... But the Prince grabbed his shoulders stopping him, his eyes dark and his cheeks red

-Your Highness... You should let me go so I can check if you...!-

The Prince went against all his embrassment and shy attitude, dragging the other near to kiss on his lips before letting go crying...

-I... I... Don't want you to leave me- he covered his eyes with his sleeve, trying to clean his face but the big teardrops kept falling and the sight made Wan's mind to become empty -Your Highness... T this... I...-

-I will say it once and only once... I... Love you, stay with me forever as we promised years ago...-

-Your Highness...- He called for him, wanting to see his face but the other man was still reluctant.

-Ehy, Len... Look at me- the fox moved away Len's hand from his face to place a kiss on his forehead

-If I have to be honest... I've been feeling the same for His Highness since a while but... You are a Prince so I thought you had to marry someone and... I didn't want you to hurt yourself... So... I... Took a step back-

-Idiot...- pouted the Prince taking the fox back over himself to kiss him again and again...

Their feeling grew stronger by time...

One night as they were laying in bed, hugging eachother, they made a promise.

The Prince rested on the naked chest of his lover who was playing with his hair -Wan... Would you be willing to marry me?-

-I would right away, if we could-

-Then let's do it... We even consumed our marriage without a proper wedding... I feel so ashamed- said the Prince blushing as the fox placed a kiss on his forehead, it always managed to melt the younger man's heart

-You should never be ashamed of yourself,mmy love... You're the most beautiful being to exist- kissed him the fox turning to hover over him

-Wan... I... Mmh...- moeaned the Prince hugging his back, throwing his head behind.

And after kneeling and sharing the wine they tied a red string to eachother's fingers, marrying eachother, to never be separated by anyone...


-And then what happened?- I ask looking at his slender figure, looking even more frail while telling such a story... Still smiling...

-Then... Then I died...-


-This can't be! I'll be going to save him!- yelled the Prince over a letter who soon after fell from his hands.

He run and run and run...

Until finding the place he was called from.

There was no moon that night but a woman just as cold was replacing it, a fox woman... And a cage, where inside was tied Wan

-Don't come closer... Run away! Mmmh....!- But the woman covered his mouth with a cloth, taking him out of the cage

-Well well... What a cute little Prince we have here... But not more than me. To think you seriously though about replacing me with him...-

-What... Is happening...? Let him go!- yelled XianLen

-Sure... Say your last goodbye then...- she threw him to the ground, kicking him toward XianLen and the Prince rushed to his side, removing the cloth

-Wan... I'm here... It's going to be alright... What's happening?-

-That woman...- tried ro say the Fox man but instead coughed blood, making the Prince's blood freeze

-Me?- she turned around swinging the tons of pendants on her hips -Oh well let's make this short.

I'm the Queen of my clan... He's a Prince of our allied clan... Well, a King now since his father died hahah! By my hand of course...

We are promised since birth but apparently his family lied all this time, saying he died years ago while they actually sent him away being scared of me...- she commented liking her claws

-My clan is superior than theirs you know? Well of course you don't know haha!

Anyway, now I finally found this idiot and I'm taking him back but you, little one... You are in the way.

I cannot marry him as long as his partner is still alive... The transition of powers to the heir will fail... And we need to create a perfect one-

-You won't touch him...!-

-As if you can do anything to stop me-

Wan... HIS Wan, was about to be forced into a marriage and get separated from him!

Wan stood up, throwing himself over the woman who dodged him sending him flying with just an hand movement...

-Now then...- she took her sword out, swinging it playfully -Time for the pretty one-

-Len... Run!- Wan yelled spitting more blood, the Prince was frightened... He couldn't run and leave him there to a future of sufferings.

-Not without you!-

-Leave me here, I will find a way! Just run! Please...-

But the Prince didn't listen and rushed to untie his lover's hands

-How cute... I'm almost sorry for having to kill you...-

As she said those words a blade penetrated his whole chest, coming to stop a few centimeters from Wan's face...
