Under Arrest

-What you two are saying is a serious accusation... Do you have any proofs?- he ask serious, caressing his beard

-Lai'Er... Please show him-

I nod, talking out a few papers from my sleeve and handing them to the Prince who begins to unfold them and then place them on the table...

The Emperor reach out but I stop him, placing and hand between the sheets and himself -Before we hand these over... Can we trust Your Majesty to do what's right, forgetting any blood relations?-

XianLen looks at me worried -W... What she means father, is that... Uhm...-

-It's fine, my son- the Emperor moves his hand to stop the son from talking, while looking at me in the eyes -You have guts Miss Ying, I admit it... A soldier like you is a one in a million.

To doubt the capacity of jusdice of the Emperor himself... You really will risk much in your life if you don't care about ranks and titles, but instead treat and punish everyone equally-

-No father... If there's someone to punish, that's me! She did everything according to my orders!- kneels down XianLen, already thinking of the worst scenario

-My son... I'm not going to punish this woman.

We really need someone like her in these dark days... And I also know planning is not your speciality, so obviously the mind behind all of this is hers- he scolds him, making him stand up

-If what you state is the truth... You will be rewarded lots, my child-

-Your Majesty... If it was rewards what I wanted, I wouldn't have risked my life to join an army to me previously prohibited nor would have I stole just paper from the Crown Prince household... But I would be instead married to a wealthy man, spoiled like a rich Lady is expected to be-

I bend down while talking

-Yes father... I tired to stop her at first, but she only ever wanted justice to be made, she doesn't care about anything else-

-Well then... You have my word... Now, can I see those papers?

-Yes Your Majesty!- we both answer


-There's both the Royal Sigil and the exclusive Prince's one... At this point nothing can save him- He sighs, obviously feeling strong emotions after this revelation

-To think I used all my wisdom and affection to rise him... And this his how he repaid me- he takes one more cup of tea and gulps down before standing up

-Well then... You have my personal troupes under your command for this night...Go arrest that traitor and all his complices, bring them to me for a process and we shall decide a punishment together!

I'll take my leaves now-

-Thank you, Your Majesty!-

As the door close we both take a breath of relief...

XianLen falls seated on the ground -My knees were shaking like a leaf... How the hell did it come to you the idea of doubting him?! It could have ended much worse!-

-We needed his full support... If even a part of his heart was excusing his son, then his judgement would have been altered-

-Let me tell you... You're crazy-


As night falls I guide the Troupes to the meeting spot and organize the men to surround the small teahouse

I point to two of them to follow me and enter the building.

-I'm sorry my Lords but we are closed for tonight...-

-Imperial order- I pass oast the maid anyway, showing the big gold and Jade Royal sigil

-What's happening there...?- asks a voice from a smaller room, behind the reception

-Sir some men are coming in...!- The Prince stands up, rushing to come out

I rise my blade over my face, passing through the tends as my sword comes to meet the Prince's throat... He rises his hands and backwalks as I push forward untill he's trapped between my blade and a table.

Right behind me the two soldiers block the passage with their polearms...

-Oh... Isn't this the beautiful dancer from my wedding? The Emperor won't be so happy knowing what you are doing...- he smirks, believing to have the upper hand...

The man behind the table covers his face with a cloak and tries to escape from a window, one of the two soldiers begin moving but I stop him -Don't worry, he won't make it far before he gets caught.

Now... Back to us, Crown Prince.

I'm sorry to inform you but the Emperor was much less happy when he found out about what you did...- I smirk

-What..? Don't bluff woman! It won't end well for you- I take out a parchment throwing it on the table for him to read, still holding him by the tip of my sword

-You're under arrest by order of the Emperor himself-

-Stop! You're lying! The Emperor would never believe a lowly woman who speak nonsense!- he stands up taking out his sword but I disarm him quickly, to send him on the ground with a bleeding hand right after

-Is this nonsense to you?- I take out the signed papers, to show him how we have all the needed proofs, before burning them over a candle -Wasn't this the same thing you did to that letter yesterday?-

-Y you...! Thief! Mad woman who stole from my own house!-

-These are just copies, don't you worry... The original ones are locked under surveillance for your process, waiting at the Palace...- I rise my hand faking an hot once more

-That's enough, ChangLai... You scared him enough.

He even admitted those papers are his property now- says the voice of the Emperor entering the small room as my blade change direction last minute, going to hit the wooden floor beside the Prince's head who gasps scared

-Your Majesty- I bow down backwalking as the two soldiers come in to tie up the Prince

-Father no... This is not... I got forced! There was a man... It's all his fault!-

-Don't lie, I read all the reports carefully and It was all planned by you! Take him away! I don't want to see this traitor's face any more minute!-


When the process is in act, I get taken to a small room where my brother is waiting for me and rushes to hug me along XianLen and my old roomates... Who asked to presentiate, having heard the news...

-You are alive, Lai'Er!- yells Wei

-What a tough girl we have here uhh?- laughs Kasuo messing my hair

-I only did what's right- I chuckle as the door opens and the Emperor himself enters, sending us all on our knees

-Do not kneel for me, my children... Today it's this woman who deserves all the recognition... She just saved our nation from a defeat and terrible future- He says before turning toward me

-We found out more papers with the location of more provisions and already sent out some soldiers to take care of those... All his accomplices have been killed and the Prince got his legs broken, forced to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Miss Ying... If only it wasn't such a burden, I would really give you that throne...Ask anything, anything at all and it will be yours-

As the Emperor talks the other guys steal eachothers anxious glaces, along a few gasps of surprise

-My Emperor... There is actually nothing I want in this world except for doing what's right in my mind-

-So tell me...- he make me stand up again -... What is it that it's right in your mind?-

-Send me to the battlefield. With the closest armada, it doesn't matter which one... I'm ready to depart right away- I state with eyes burning of living fire


-It can't be real...-

-Fine then... For how much I would like to keep you inside the Palace, I suppose you are not made for this... You will depart tomorrow, take this day to say your goodbyes-

-Thanks Your Majesty, I will be back victorious- these last few words leave everyone shocked in the small room