Into the Fortress I

I stand outside the fortress's gate

-I heard you want me! Is this an appropriate welcome?! At least open the doors!!- I yell hitting the back for my polearm against the rock path leading to the bridge

A man appears over the tall walls looking down at me -Sir the woman...!- he yells frenetically while rushing down some stairs to pass on the news

-Lower the bridge-

-Open up the gate!- a few men give orders and soon after I hear the cracking sound of the old wet wood moving again the rock

Once the doors are open I take a deep breath and enter...

-Miss... Uhm...?-


-Miss Ying well... Please follow me- says the Soldier in front of me but I just stare at him rising an eyebrow

-Where are you taking me?-

-Nothing harmful will happens I swear! Please just follow me-

-Like hell that I will- I flick my tongue assuming an attacking position and the man begins panicking, leaving me confused...

-Mhn... It really looks like you don't want to fight uh?- I relax myself -Then go, I'll follow-

I get taken into a room at the centre of the fortress

-Please, put your weapons down now-


-Our superior is coming here to talk with you, no bad intentions Miss-

-Are you kidding me?!- I rise my voice while walking past the door, inside the room -I came here to retrieve two people and burn this place down!-

-And that's what we want to avoid Miss...- a velvety voice comes from behind us in the corridor

-Leave us alone- he orders to the soldier and moves inside to meet me under the cold light of a few candles around the stone room

-You...?!- I widen my eyes to the point they could drop off

The man comes in front of the table at the center of the room and lookw at me with those familiar golden eyes...

Wang Chia-Hao

-Please have a seat- he gestures with his hand, while taking a seat himself on the other side of the table

-This situation feels familiar doesn't it?- he smiles quite warmly, as if we are just two friends having a normal chat

-What are you doing here?- I growl deep down my throat

-Isn't it obvious?-

-I want to hear it from you- my knuckles start getting whiter around my spear

-Seat down first, let's have some tea to accompany our conversation-

Somehow I obey...

-You are a cleaver woman as always... Well then... Here it goes- he smiles again pushing a cup toward me


-What exactly? Why am I here or... The whole Prince thing?- he smirks malicious


"How stupid of me! How stupid! To trust such a weird person only because I was in need at that time!"

-Or maybe you want to know where your little friend went?-

He crossed the line

I stand up taking my knife out and in a second I'm pointing it at his throat -Don't talk about things you don't know!-z

-Who said I don't?- he provokes me, ignoring the blade against his skin

-LingHe never knew you nor did you knew him!-

-Still, isn't it curious how he disappeared...?- he keeps smiling

I push the knife closer cutting a bit but then a flash comes back into my mind...


-Stop sticking your nose into my life- I said pointing a finger on Dong's chest

-You talk like a kid-




Once I fainted... Dong took me from the well where I fainted all the to the Royal Palace to practice...

LingHe told me about that morning, apparently the two didn't liked eachother much...


But what's really making the difference is that time.


Half drunk... I didn't care much for what was around me... I wasn't even able actually.

I remember only a few things of that dinner after we sat down to eat... The feeling of LingHe beside me helping me with his chin up looking at everyone else as lower than us...

The Emperor pointing at me, that was when he decided to take me as a Guard for XianLen, he wasn't shaming my condition afterall...

-Just fake it... I'll walk for the both of us...- he said with his arm around my waist

Leaving the hall I saw some luxurious black hair and golden eyes coming in our direction... The same in front of me now.

Even if my mind was completely clouded at that time I somehow still felt the urge to keep an eye on him...

He stopped to talk with Dong, who was keeping guard at one of the other entraces of the Hall... He patted his shoulder like a father would.

And then he looked at us, he was angry and cleanched his fists...

That's something I would normally pay attention to, something I would try to investigate and yet I let it go... Our eyes met, he smiled and went inside the Hall...


-So he's working for you... That's why he's been such a pain-

-Oh no, do not mind that guy too much...

We are somehow close yet not, he has nothing to do with all...- He points at the room around us -... Of this-

-Then explain yourself- I push further and he rises his hands innocently

-Relax my Lady... I am willing to tell you everything, if you let me- he smiles putting an hand over his heart -Can we just talk?-

-You talk, I will keep doing my work-

-Ah... Fine... Anyway, as I told you I am but a mere merchant and that is the truth... I just trade differently than other merchants, I trade opportunities- He says with a bad light shining in his eyes

-Like what?-

-Well... You surely remember the Prince, I really did only trade food and weapons for him, just in a way where both of us could be gaining something-

-And what did you gain?-

-You know how to ask the right questions... I appreciate it.

Anyway, he wanted a connection with the Monarch from the North, which could have been achieved only after gaining his trust...

While I wanted something to use, once day, against him and... A way to make you come to the battlefield-

-Me?- by the confusion I lose the grip over the knife, but as soon as I see him moving I get back to pushing against his skin

-I meet you more than a year and an half ago, My Lady... And I knew you would have been useful one day-

-Are you joking...? Is that really it? That's your motivation for having me involved?-


I burst out laughing -Sorry sorry... It's just that... It feels like one of these bad reviewed books for silly young men hahaha!

Now tell me the real reason-

-I did, I made that little rascal of Dong Hu to push you further and paved your way until here by moving away that useless guy you fell for-

-Mhn... And your purpose is...? Please don't tell me "to take the throne together", that's too cliche-

He doesn't replies and just stares at me

-For real?! Man... I really expected more from someone like you.

Now... The thing is quite simple, I have a war to end and you're in the way plus... What happened to LingHe?-

-I have no idea-

-Stop saying bullshit!- I push even more cutting a bigger area

-I swear! I just made him afraid and disappear, I have no idea of where he went-

-That's good then- I close my eyes taking back my knife

-What? Good how? A whole war is around you, your loved one disappeared and you're trapped-

-He didn't disappear, nor was he my loved one, I can escape from here with no problems and...

The war will end-

-What?- he looks at me with wide eyes, the first time I see him being shocked to be honest

-I said what I said, if you think I would have been helpful for your selfish betrayal... Just watch, you have no idea how much more helpful I can be to our world!-

-Do you seriously want to end a war of this dimensions all by yourself? It's insane-

-I am insane- I smirk to him before setting the table on fire.

I push it against him, trapping him on thr chair and run outside