
As I am training my small group of men, Qin Luo approaches me in full General attire, gaining a few curious stares

-How did the meeting go?- I ask him

-Mhn, nothing too difficult... The Area Is quite favourable and we are as strong as never before now. We most surely will win-

-That's good to hear, I guess now it's my turn uh?-

-Exactly, I would say goodluck but that surely won't be a problem for you- he smiles

-I already sneaked and destroyed so many of those bases that It almost feels natural by now- I reassure him, just in case.

His eyes leave me, going to examine the men -You already localized it?-

I nod -I haven't yet received the official order but still... I did in advance what could be done-

He chuckles -You never change Lai'Er... But it's fine, you have this General and my men at your order- he says pointing at himself

-You are not my General tho- I flick his forehead -And I have my own men now, don't forget it-

-Sure sure... I see you are doing good here- he puts his hands on the hips and rises his shoulders, meeting Zhou's stare

-I am, I might not have control over everything but my opinion is still being considered and I have quite some liberty of action... The men I've chosen are all very capable too-

-Mmhn... What about that disciple of yours...?- he asks taking a big breath in

I roll my eyes trying not to laugh -Ohhh I see what's going on here- I point a finger toward his face


-You already locked your eyes on him, haven't you? Keeping your guard high, exposing your chest and all those "male" competitive things-

-I... What?!-

He blushes as I elbow him -Try to remember that we are in an actual War and not an Hormones war. Anyway, he's a fast learner and very open minded guy... I can see him being able to learn a few tricks of mine-

-For example?-

-Internal breathing, reprocessing of Energy's flow... Things like that-

Qin Luo widen his eyes -Teach me too! If I knew how to do those things, I could help you regain strength when you consume your energy after those bases-

-Mmhn... I'll see if there's something I can do with you. If you let me go now, I have men to train and an assault to plan-

-Fine, I'll see you in the evening then- he sighs before taking his leave unwillingly.


-Lai'Er... Isn't it time for you to sleep a bit?- Qin Luo voice comes from the other side of the tend

-Mhn, you're right... I think this plan can't be modified much more anyway- I sighs still bent over the table

-Is it that bad?- he comes forward to look over my shoulder at the papers

-No no, it's good actually...-

-Then stop being a perfectionist and get some rest... You are out of brain vitality, I can see it on your face-

-Yes... I really am, I'll go have a bath I guess- I stand up and close the map in front of me

-Are you alright going alone? You don't look so well-

-Yes it's fine, I'm just tired... I didn't get to sleep much these days-

-That's not the definition of fine, I'll help you-

-Are you worried that I'm gonna drown or what?- He shrugs his shoulders -I'll be off then-


I seat down in the water... It's slightly warm now, the weather is getting hotter afterall so there's not much need for warm water.

I lean back against a rock and take a few deep breaths to cool off -Ah I should really stop worrying about that plan...- I sigh -I'm cannot do it alone afterall, not in my current state- I turn my eyes to where the flow of water comes from and see the water turning darker, I frown trying to focus my eyes.

That colour creeps toward me, quickly dying the whole river. I lower my stare finding myself to bathe into blood instead of water... With a scared jump I leave the water and reach for something to wipe the thick and warm liquid off.

-All the water turned into blood...?- I ask to myself bending down to touch it again... It is indeed blood, not simple red water... The thick consistency and the metallic smell speak for themselves -But how?- I wear some clothes and move along the river's side, wanting to reach the source... If there's any in the first place.

But I don't make it much far before seeing a head floating on the water, and old face full of wrinkles and with some very deep dark circles... Attached to the head there's also a body -Help...- the corpse gargles as blood fill their mouth.

"He's still alive!" I rush back in the water and come to rescue the drowning man, with some strong pushes I make it back to the beach and lay him down, finally looking at the elegant robes he's wearing... Drenched in blood.

With one more stare I finally recognize him -Your Majesty...?!-

-Miss Ying... There's no more saving me, I've been... Poisoned! For weeks... But this Nation, it needs you- he coughs out blood at each word

-Rest down, I'll help you-

-No! No... I'm already dead! Be... Aware of... The Princes... Only... XianLen is... Worth it- he tries to say something more but falls back dead on the sand

-Your Majesty! Your Majesty!!!- I try to shake him but his body becomes liquid and crawls back to the river, slipping in between my fingers, becoming part of the infinite flow of dead corpses... -Save us!- a distant voice yell, I begin to run toward it as a voice in another direction echoes too -Please oh Gods!-

And another... -Help me!- clots of bloods yells and pieces of human corpses floats down the river, all asking for help -I don't want to die... No...-

-Mother, what's going to happen now?-

-At least today give us food, please...-

More and more voices, either whispers or yells, layer one top the other and I eventually realize it is all inside my head -If there's still someone in Heaven, listen to my prayers...-

-No! Nooo!-

-We are done, doomed to death-

I fall on my knees holding my aching head, gritting my teeth for the unbearable feeling -Aghhh...!- it pains me, each drop of my blood start boiling and almost seems to want to go and join the flow... Burning me from inside.

Everything is red, blood drips everywhere... In my desperate yelling I notice that black entity staring at me from far away, I reach out an arm but the pain becomes unbearable... Leaving me to scream on the ground.


-LAI'ER!- I widen my eyes finally back to reality

Qin Luo and Zhou are standing before me, short on breath and with very worried eyes, I lower my hands slowly and stare at them both... They're fine, the scene behind them is back to normal too...

-Lai'Er... We got worried about you blackouts and came to check on you... Then we heard you screaming and... And- tries to say Zhou while Qin Luo rushes to my side and begins patting my back

-She's not hurt anywhere, not physically at least- I push Qin Luo away a bit and look at both men, regaining my sanity by each second -Something happened... I know that stare- murmurs the General

-The Emperor... Died-

Qin Luo tighten his jaw -How do you know?-

-The blackouts... I finally know...- I try to stand up with the General's help -It was a warning, since he began getting poisoned I started having very dark and violent visions. His death might lead to the ruin of our Nation, I should have... Stopped it... But...!- I try to walk away from Qin Luo but his grip on my trembling body is too strong for me to resist im my current state

-Lai'Er... Lai'Er! Breathe first and calm down- I look into his eyes, panicked -We don't know if he died in the first place, even less we know how it happened... If it's true, you couldn't save him in any way from here-

-Maybe... I wasn't meant to be here now- I bite on my lips, looking at the now clear water

Qin Luo grabs my shoulders and force me to look him in the eyes -You are meant to end this war and save us from a greater menace... All of that can wait now, another King will seat on that throne but what's important now is to save our people!-

-Both a King or War can bring a Nation to its ruin, General... Even more if the one seating on the Throne is a murderer- I shove away his hands and walk back to the Camp.