The Goblin

I pass past the enemy, cutting him into pieces and stopping a few meters behind him due to the fast movements, he moves a couple of steps before falling down into pieces. I stand back up, looking down on my weapons to clean them but I don't find any more blood after this kill. Turning around I reach the freshly cutten corpse and notice that instead of blood what I find is sand... One wouldn't be able to tell since the whole battlefield is drenched in red and the sand mixes with it, yet upon further examination it becomes clear how the man had no blood inside his veins. I did hear about this from one of the men, it was just a rumor back then... But now I'm starting to wonder if he was actually right but the generals tried to hide it to not spread panic...

-How's the situation Chuanzhu?- asks one of my men, coming to take away my sabres away

-That was the last one, we can head back to the others... The Generals must be waiting for news- I take the reins of my horse and hop on before driving my men back onto the battlefield. As the battle was coming to am end, some of the enemy tropes ran away and I got sent to take care of it while everyone else was finishing off the men remaining on the main battlefield.


Coming out of the path crossing the valley where the men escaped we face again then open area of the battlefield, one Squadron is just some meters away from us... The area is clear and all the fighting stopped so I call for an halt from our fast galloping and just move toward our comrades at a normal peace. Some noise comes from the mountains on the side, it's a rumbling sound... Kinda like an earthquake but not precisely it

"Is it me again...?" I wonder as I stop my men and turn to look in that direction, I see one tall tree falling down and then another... Another one, and another! -Something is coming our way...!- I murmur angered as I take out my sword, but beforemi could charge toward it that something comes running from behind the mountain. A very big creature, gray yellowish skin with a round fat belly and iron helmet... It is as tall as a house, it's holding a morning star in his gigantic hands and it screams as it looses saliva all over.

-RUN!!!- I yell and panic starts around both squadrons

I put my weapon away and get ready to retreat but the creature is too fast, I comes onto the other squadron and with one hit it sends dozen of men and horses flying right in front of us -Dammit!- I rush toward it as my men call for me -You all go back, I'll handle this alone!-

The other squadron starts moving at full speed in the other direction, to my left, and the creature follows them while slaughtering more men with each hit of his weapon...

I let go of the reins and take my bow out to then light up one arrow, aiming at the monster's belly, it is busy swinging his weapon and getting ready for another attack as it runs behind the retreating men... I shoot it but the creature dodge it and only its shoulder gets wounded, he turns around opening his mouth and let's out an angry scream while showing all the brown crocked teeth.

-Well, at least I got his attention- I murmur as the surviving men are now free to escape undisturbed -Now it's just you and me, big guy- I get another arrow ready and lower my arms to aim as the creature is getting ready to dash forward, locking eyes with that disgusting beast I shoot but it fends off the arroe with his helmets and charge in my direction. Pulling on the reins with one hand, my horse run to the side and I get ready to shoot again but the creature doesn't leave me enough time to and I'm forced to jump off my horse, landing on a tall rock as the goblin crashes his spiked ball onto my horse... I turn my head away just slightly, it's never good to see such innocent and brave creatures die, even less when they are forced in this horrible situation without even understanding the situation. I only hear his last rear and a splashing sound of blood when taking my sword out, ready to finally faces the monster.

It stops a few meters from me, bending down to roar at full volume as to prove his superiority and then walks in my direction, breathing heavely like a bull. I bend my knees as it rises its weapon and jump away before it comes crushing down on the rock -You really can't do anything but smash things up, can you?- I ask while dodging the shattered stone pieces and then move toward the side of the mountain where some trees are still left intact, luring the beast into my trap...

I climb a tree and drag the goblin's attention so he comes and knock it down, breaking the wood as if it was nothing. I move to a tree on the other side of the tight entrance of the valley and that falls too on the ground, moving in a circular way I let the beast take down all the remaining trees and trap him behind all the trunks... He looks around displeased, clearly thinking "That's never going to cage me, dumb human" but of course that isn't the intention, I don't have time to waste on this repulsing creature... Not after my recent discoveries.

While standing on top of the tree wall at the entrace of the valley, I take out my bow and get 2 arrows ready. The beast walk toward me swinging his weapon astheiron tips of my armows gets on fire and with no further thoughts I shoot into his eyes.

The beast start screaming and hitting randomly so, taking advantge of the situation, I reach to set the wood beneath my feet on fire and jump away. The Goblin, unaware of his surroundings, hits his back on the trunk and his whole body enlightens with flames as I dash away, back to the camp.


I reach the entrace a lot sooner than expected and many men are standing on look out as words of the goblin started going around probably... Some of my men run toward me -ChuanZu! What happened? Are there any survivor ?-

I shake my head -I checked all the corpres... Most of them died an immediate death, while some got mutilated too severely and I had to finish them myself...- I lower my voice not to make everyone hear those horrible things.

I never would have thought that coming here would have meant that... Seeing your comrades, people with whom you ate together just the day before, gargle blood from their intestines or having half face scraped off their cranium... Suffering while being unable to do anything but feel all that pain for minutes that seems infinite... And then having to be the one who kills them, with your own hands. And you can't run away, you can't be disgusted or feel weak either nor can you fall on your knees and cry for the desperation... You must pass that blade through their body, sliding between the flesh and piercing the heart, while looking at their faces as they twist in agony waiting for life to end.

-Lai'Er? Ehy, come back to us-

-Uh?- I get back to reality as Qin Luo grips tightly on my shoulder -Call all the Generals, there's something we must discuss- I finally face him again.