Behind the Gift I


XianLen was walking around the streets with the pretext of shopping some supplies for the store while also getting new clothes and food at the market. While his real intention was to get, once again, as close as possible to the Royal Palace and found out anything worth remembering... He would occasionally stop to rest nearby random guards in hope to catch on any internal informations, but would end up dragging their attention and have them flirt with him. Even if wearing simple clothes with neutral colours, his female figure was simply too outstanding for men not to turn their head and hit on him, it did come in handy a few times after all.

-Here's your change Miss- -Oh thank you good man- he replied to the stall owner while putting a few candles inside a sack, just as he was about to move away to the next stall he heard some men murmurs nearby -He really left?- -Yeah, completely vanished- said the man trying to heat up the drama, these words piqued the Prince's interest so he moved to a closer stall and began to look at the merch casually, just to listen on those men -Mmhn, I don't buy it- snorted the other guard -I swear it on my wife!- -But you don't have a wife- -Not yet...- laughed the gossiper -But anyway, I heard that they charged the other one with the crime of kidnap and labelled him as a deserter- the more skeptical man rose an eyebrow -Why would they? We all know he's too dumb and frail for such things- -I have no idea, but somehow Ge didn't get charged with anything... That's way too odd- -Bah whatever, not our problem! Better mind our own business these days- sighs the skeptical man -Anyway, time's up, wanna go grab lunch?- and so they moved away while talking to each other.

-Is there anything you fancy Miss?- asked the merchant to the prince -Oh, I'm just looking around thanks- he replies lost in thoughts, then went away... -They must have been talking about PeiZhi and Hua, so this mean Hus is the one who got all the blame... My brother wouldn't touch PeiZhi directly, he's dumb but still he's scared of Lai'Er- he held his chin while walking around with his head facing the ground -It's ho wonder they left, I long saw that coming. The little Hua cannot stand this oppressing atmosphere, he's too delicate and naive... I just wish they would have told me directly instead of making me worry about their disappearance so much- he sighed then head toward the Palace, hopeful to catch some weird movement by the gates.


Entering the main venue the atmosphere was even more oppressing, tons of guards going around fully armed and nobles with twisted expressions... Almost every merchant was being investigated daily and any man would be inspected on order of the Emperor, one could even still see the blood stains from the continuous public executions st the plaza. A small area was circled by a wooden fence and behind were places chairs, poles, chains and more restrictions for the victims... The air smelling slightly like iron due to the amount of blood poured on the stone floor.

A guard suddenly appeared and dragged an old man by the arm -No please no! I have a family I cannot lose my legs!- -Shut up!- yelled the built man while throwing the elder on a chair and locking his wrists -This is what you deserve for running away from justice- -But I never committed that crime sir! I've been framed!- the man was crying and looking completely drained, he didn't seems to belong from the upper class and yet he was getting falsely accused just as the nobles who wronged the Emperor. The guard went to grab some wooden sticks and placed them between the man knees, pushing them apart till the man began to scream in pain... The prince adverted his gaze and saw instead a richer man, with a round belly and expensive clothes, receiving money from another guard, then looked at the man getting tortured with a pleased expression and left -Is this really the society you want to create, brother...?- murmured XianLen and moved away.

He moved further into the venue and stopped to look the menu of a small restaurant while keeping his ears open to catch anything useful... The guards in this area were much less talkative than those around the marker, some of them even looked like outsiders, for each 5 or 6 regular guards there was one fully dressed in black with a high sleek ponytail and daggers on his back, ready to be unsheated... Probably assassins, called forth to keep the emperor safe. By the gates of the palace, strict investigations were occurring for each person passing by. The boy's birthday was drawing close and surely he got scared about any attempt 9f murder due to his unstable position, every single cargo underwent double the check.

A whistle came in the prince's ears, still bent over to read the menu -Would you look at that! Ain't it a snack?- he tried to ignore it, noticing how some of the nearby guards turned their heads toward them due to the loud yelling -Ehy, I'm talking to you! Ehy!!! Big breasted woman- the man reached am hand to grab on XianLen wrist but he quickly moved his hand away -Ehy you little...!- the man used his other hand to grab onto the prince's hair, he struggled a bit and freed himself -Come back! I just wanna stick it between your milkers!- yelled the probably drunk man shamelessly.

XianLen walked away, bowing his head trying not to attract the guards stare... The less he stand out in this venue, the better. But still those men had no intention to let him leave, following behind with fast steps. Just as one man was about to grab him a hand came to block his arm -Is would very much appreciate if you didn't touch my property- a velvety voice said -Any who the heck are you?!- -Someone that can get you executed with a snap of their fingers...- he tilted his head toward the assassins -... You wouldn't want that right? So stop making a fuss and leave- XianLen froze, afraid to turn around and face this unknown powerful man who seemed to have caught interest in him, the drunk guy fixed his clothes and left grunting swears.

-Shouldn't you say thank you to who saved you just now?- the man finally spoke to the Prince -Mmmhn... Good Sir, I'm still an unmarried woman so if in compensation you wish...- -Stop pretending and turn around for once- the man said with a bored expression, waiting with crossed arms. The prince gulped down and did as told while bowing down, once he straightened up he faces the man and all the blood in his veins seemed to have been drained...

He looked at those gold invasive eyes with fear and the man spoke again -Wang Chia-Hao, I believe we've met before... Your Highness-
