Chapter 3: Opening words

I came out of the room to see my father and mother already sitting in front of the table enjoying the breakfast, my mother looked at me with concern while my father just glanced at me before he continued to enjoy his breakfast.

I sat opposite my father and my mother, the breakfast food was chicken porridge and milk. 'It's been five days since I do not eat' Haland thought.

Then Haland gobbled his breakfast greedily because he did not eat for five days.

Seeing Haland eat his breakfast like this, Almira finally relieved and smiled, "eat slowly, do not choke" Almira said with gentle and caring tone.

Haland finished his breakfast with 3 bowls of porridge and 2 glasses of milk before he was satisfied.

"Dad mom, I will continue to hunt today!" Haland said suddenly to his parents with a serious tone

Hearing the statement from her son, Almira shocked and panicked, five days ago her son had just survived the pursuit of wolf which almost killed her son and today her son just woke up from his grief, of course, Almira panicked after hearing a statement from her son, she did not want his son to go hunting again for fear of something dangerous happen to her child.

When Almira wants to say something so that his son does not have to go hunting anymore, Wisen suddenly holds her hand.

Almira looks at Wisen with a puzzled look and sees Wisen shaking his head. Of course, Wisen knew what Almira wanted to say.

Then Wisen looked at Haland and nodded his head, "Okay, but not today, today you have to recover your body first and tomorrow you can continue your hunt"

Hearing the words of Wisen, Almira became anxious and wanted to rebuke her husband, but Almira just saw Wisen shake his head indicating she did not have to say anything.

Got approval from his father, Haland was delighted. He thought after incident six days ago his parents would have forbade him to go hunting, so Haland was quite happy to get approval from his father.

Seeing his anxious mother's face, Haland knew that his mother was worried when he went hunting, "It's okay mom, I will be careful when hunting, I will not be careless again" Haland reassured his mother.

Almira helpless just nodded her head.

"Okay, I will go out first to stretch my body because it's a bit stiff after 6 days of not doing any activity," Haland said after seeing his mother nodding her head.

Seeing her son want to go out Almira said, "hey, bring this breakfast as well for Michael mother and sister"

Haland nodded his head and then he brought the breakfast that his mother had prepared.

Haland went out of his house and walked straight to Michael's house to deliver the breakfast his mother had prepared.

When he got to Michael's house, Haland did not immediately knock the door. He paused, then the grief over Michael death that he had buried in his heart out again.

Michael family only consists of three people before Michael died, his father died of cancer when Michael was 15 years old, Although his father died but their family did not live hard because his father left enough money for their family can live comfortably, But after the Battle of Ascension begins Michael became the backbone of his family, between me, Michael, and Widi, it was Michael who worked the hardest. Unlike me and Widi, we still have a father who can still support our family.

Then tears fell from Haland's eyes, he immediately wiped his tears and knocked on the door.

Moments later the door was open, the one who opened the door was a woman, about 45 years old, this woman was Michael's mother, Hellen.

"Good morning Auntie Hellen, this is food from my mother for aunt" Haland greeted and gave the food he brought to Michael's mother.

Seeing Haland, Hellen surprised then smiled, "oh, thank you, Haland, and also give my thanks to your mother for the food"

"Alright auntie Hellen, I will convey your thanks to my mother" and then Haland turned around and wanted to leave but suddenly Hellen called him, "Haland!"

Haland turned toward auntie Hellen.

"Haland you do not blame yourself for Michael's death, me and Mika do not blame you, this is the choice chosen by Michael," Hellen said to Haland. Hellen knows that after the incident at that time Haland kept locked himself in the room because he felt guilty about Michael's death.

So when Hellen saw Haland deliver the food, Hellen felt that she need to say this, even though she keeps blamed Haland for Michael death, Michael will not be able to live again and saving Haland is also the choice of Michael.

Hearing this Haland's eyes become red and tears began to gather in the eyes of Haland, seeing this Hellen hastily said, "okay, you can go" then Hellen immediately reentered her house and closed the door leaving Haland by himself.

Then Haland wiped his tears and left. He plans to stop by Widi's house, but after arriving in front of Widi's house, Haland hesitates. Finally, he decided not to stop by Widi's house and went around the Residential Area.

When Haland came out of the house, Almira who had been gentle and full of concerns turned into a lion and looked at Wisen, "What do you mean by allowing Haland to go hunting? don't you know how dangerous it is? six days ago he almost died, What if something happens to Haland?" Almira immediately angry at Wisen.

Hearing questions after question from his wife, Wisen helpless just shook his head.

Seeing her husband shake his head Almira's anger grew bigger, "why are you shaking your head? If you do not give a reasonable reason! hmp, you will sleep outside for a year" Almira said ruthlessly.

"Sigh, do you think Haland's really not blaming himself anymore?" Wisen answers Almira with questions.

Hearing questions from her husband Almira became confused, "Haland still blames himself? Why?"

"Do you think with what I said yesterday could make him not blame himself anymore? Of course not, for now, he feels responsible to Michael and Widi's family after the death of Michael and Widi. Especially for Michael's family, so he will hunt to replace Michael so that Michael's family can survive. What I told him yesterday was that he would not confine himself anymore" Wisen explain to Almira.

"After all, if he does not go hunting what he's going to do? Haland cannot keep relying on us forever, he should be able to hunt himself, what if something happens to me while hunting?" Wisen continue "so let him hunt, we're old and Haland's has grown up, we can not spoil him anymore"

"but ... but .... but ...." Almira cannot say anything to refute Wisen's explanation, but Almira does not want Haland to encounter danger anymore.

"Well, this is decided, I'll go hunting now" and then Wisen stood up and kissed Almira's forehead before going out.

Looking at the back of Wisen's body, Almira sighed and cleared the table.

After traveling around the Residential Area for 3 hours, Haland returned home. When he entered Haland's house only see his mother, he knew his father had gone hunting.

"You come back," Almira said when he saw his son come in.

"Hmm" Haland nodded his head, then he went straight into his room.

Haland thought of plans to hunt tomorrow, he intends to learn 3 skills.

"Battle System I want to learn the skill"

Then the display list of skills in the eyes of Haland.

1. [Basic Sword Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a sword, level can be increased using skill points. (Learned)

2. [Basic Spear Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a spear, level can be increased using skill points.

3. [Basic Archery Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a bow, level can be increased using the skill points.

4. [Basic Hammer Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a hammer, level can be increased using skill points.

5. [Basic Axe Mastery]: increase proficiency in using an ax, level can be raised using skill points.

6. [Basic Saber Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a saber, level can be increased using skill points.

7. [Basic Dagger Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a dagger, level can be increased using skill points.

8. [Basic Blacksmith]: increase proficiency in the blacksmithing, level can be raised using skill points. Requirement: learn skill [Basic Hummer Mastery].

9. [Basic Alchemist]: learn how to make potion or poison, level can be increased using the skill points. Requirement: learn skill [Basic Gathering Herb].

10. [Basic Gathering Herb]: learn how to pick herbs, level can be increased using skill points.

11. [Basic Cooking]: increase proficiency in cooking, level can be increased using skill points.

12. [Basic Tailoring]: increase proficiency in the tailoring, level can be increased using the skill points.

13. [Basic Detection]: detects the level of the beast/monster and stats, level can be increased using the skill point. (Learned)

14. [Burst Strength]: increase 50% strength for 1 minute, level can be increased using skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished, strength will decrease 50% for 20 minutes.

15. [Burst Vitality]: increase 50% vitality for 1 minute, level can be increased using skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished, vitality will decrease 50% for 20 minutes.

16. [Burst Stamina]: increase 50% stamina for 1 minute, level can be increased using skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished, you will not be able to move for 10 minutes

17. [Burst Agility]: increase 50% agility for 1 minute, level can be increased using skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished, agility will decrease by 50% for 20 minutes.

18. [Burst Spirit]: increase 50% spirit for 1 minute, level can be increased using skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished you will get dizzy for 15 minutes.

19. [Basic Mining]: increase proficiency in mining, level can be increased using skill points.

20. [Basic Rune]: learn how to create Rune for weapons and armor, level can be increased using skill points. Requirement: learn skill [Basic Hummer Mastery], [Basic Blacksmith], [Basic Detection], and [Basic Mining].

21. [AI Helper]: helps and guides during Battle of Ascension, level can be raised using skill points.

Haland has learned 2 skills, [Basic Sword Mastery] and [Basic Detection]. After viewing the skill list, Haland chooses [Burst Strength] and [Burst Agility], he chooses [Burst Strength] to increase his attack because when he leveled up to level 2 all the stats points he gets, he adds it all to agility so his attacks rather weak. [Burst Agility], he chose this skill to run away if something bad happened.

Haland still has one more to learn the free skill, after thinking 10 minutes he chose [AI Helper].

Battle System: please choose a name for your AI!

'Hmmmm' Haland contemplates 5 minutes before saying, "Shana"

Battle System: please select your AI gender!

"Female" Haland answered without hesitation.

Then a girl appeared in Haland's eyes with a height of about 15-20 centimeters and said to Haland, "Hello Master"

This girl is cute but when she speaks she has no expression, neither cold nor warm.