Chapter 6: First love as a girl

"Oh my god!!!! Haha haha haha. Darling, I only left your side for two weeks and you're already in love?" Lexis laughed till her stomach hurt as they sat inside the hall of Maria's apartment that she shared with her aunt.

Lexis Mathias was Maria's best friend since high school. Lexis was in final year when Maria skipped a grade to join her.

First their relationship was a little rocky but soon they warmed up to each other and became best friends and even went to the same university together. They have stayed together as best friends since then.

Lexis studied chemistry at the university and got enrolled at Pacesetters Perfumes while Maria studied general languages and became a teacher.

Maria told Lexis what happened in school and about Carl making Lexis burst into a hearty laughter.

Lexis tried to calm herself down when she saw that Maria was getting angry.

''Portia, I really underestimated you. While everyone had their first crushes, first kiss and first other everything in high school and college you are different. How could you fall for your own student?'' Lexis said in between her laughter "this is breaking news Maria Portia Lee"

''I said I didn't fall for him. I was just drawn to him. Okay? I was just curious about him. Can't you differentiate the two?'' Maria said angrily and took a glass of water at her side to sip.

''Ok, let's say you were drawn to him. Fine, you were drawn to him, but, what exactly about him caught your attention?'' Lexis asked.

''Well, I don't know. I didn't have the time to even find out what it was about him. I was just flustered, is all''. Maria said.

''Maria Portia Lee. Be honest with me or I won't be able to help you figure this out. You are a very attentive and careful person. You are sometimes oblivious but you always know what you feel about situations. So tell me, what exactly about him drawn you on?'' Lexis pushed and urged Maria to speak.

''Well, he had a nice voice. He is handsome and has a really beautiful smile. His eyes are rare. I have never seen someone with green eyes like him'' Maria said as she pictured Carl.

''Wow. Portia, I don't think this is a simple crush. I think that boy might just be your first love''. Lexis said.

''Ahh? What do you mean he might just be my first love? How is that possible?'' Maria asked quite flustered.

''I'm not trying to scare you okay? But, look at it this way. Listen, in this world there are a lot of people who meet and fall in love but only about 5% of other people fall instantly in love with other people. What you just said about him isn't something you will notice just once except that you have taken time to really think about him. Didn't you feel anything in your heart?''

"My heart would beat faster anytime I see him or think about him. He occupies a lot of my thoughts. I can't help being curious about him" Maria said honestly.

"You have your answer there. Portia, that boy isn't just a crush. He is your first love" Lexis said and leaned on the couch leisurely.

''But, it doesn't have to be a first love? I mean I just met him not too long ago? We haven't also really spoken to each other except for times he brings the class assignments to me" Maria spoke skeptically.

''Okay, I will give you some tips to help you know whether you are in love with this boy or not. Now, let's look at Lexis' sure fun facts about love at first sight. For a newbie like you I will suggest you look for these signs.

The first thing you think about is him.

You get curious about him

You feel butterflies in your tummy and get all flustered when you see them.

You are likely to notice him everywhere you go and even when he is not everywhere you go, you still wish he was present.

All your thoughts, a large fraction is about him and you admire him a lot.

You feel shy to talk around him and you think he is just so perfect''

Lexis finished talking and looked at the confused look on Maria's face. Maria looked at her with a frown and felt like she was going to have a headache.

''Why do I feel that it was so wrong talking to you, Lexis? Why are there so many things I have to look out for? I don't care. I am not going to do anything. It will go away by itself. Is probably because it is my first time that's why I felt that way''. Maria said.

''Portia, I am being honest with you:'. Lexis said.

''No!!! Stop, stop. Just Stop. Maria Portia Lee will never fall for someone I teach. I must be crazy to have even thought about such a thing. First love my foot. You almost got me fooled there''. Maria said and got up going to the kitchen.

The next day, Maria woke up late and hurriedly got ready to go to school while blaming her best friend for putting all sorts of nonsense into her head the night before.

Maria couldn't sleep well and kept seeing Carl's face everywhere she turned. Maria quickly ate a little bit of the breakfast her aunt prepared and picked her bag leaving the apartment.

Maria got out to the roadside and heard a car honking behind her. She turned and saw Lexis in her car waving at her. Maria walked fast to her and opened the passenger seat and got in as she spoke.

''I'm late because of the nonsense you spoke about last night. Drop me off at the school gate''.

Maria put on her seatbelt and turned to face Lexis.

''Yes, Ma'am. Off we go!!!" Lexis said and drove off.

Maria got down from the car the moment Lexis pulled over and ran inside without even seeing her friend off. Lexis laughed and shook her head. She just lost her chance at finding out the identity of the boy who captured her friend's heart. But she wasn't discouraged. Where there was a will, there was a way, so Lexis decided to be the one to pick Maria up from school when she closed. Lexis was determined to find out who the boy was.

Maria got to the door of the staff room and saw Mr. Arnold. She greeted him and was about to go in when he spoke ''I was waiting here for you, Lisa''.

''Huh? Me? Why? Is there something you need me for?'' Maria asked, confused.

''No, not really. I just wanted to have a chat with you. Mr. Arnold said, startling Maria.

''Oh. So, what do you want to talk about?'' Maria asked.

''I brought breakfast. You haven't had your breakfast yet, right? Let's eat while we chat. I know a good place''. Mr. Arnold said, walking away. Maria was about to tell him she had had her breakfast already but the former was already gone so she followed him.

Calia ran into the class hurriedly and stopped at Carl's desk. She placed a crumpled piece of paper on his table and walked away to her desk with a smirk. Carl glared at her figure before taking the paper to open it. What he saw made his face turn a shade of black. He was in a bad mood. He stood up at once making the chair behind him fall , startling the whole class as they turned and looked at him.

Calia chuckled and looked away immediately. She was finding his reaction rather funny. She merely told him she had seen Sir Arnold going with Lisa to the building's rooftop which had an open space perfect for dates and he reacted that way? It seemed he was really infatuated with Lisa.

Carl ignored the eyes that followed him as he walked out. He met Karen on the way and she smiled at him but before she could say a word, Carl had walked away from her completely ignoring her and she frowned and turned watching him go up the stairs.

She wondered what he was up to but went into the class. Calia was looking outside and saw what happened so when Karen entered, Calia couldn't help but stifle a laugh which further irritated Karen.

Maria followed Mr. Arnold as he took the stairs to the rooftop of the school building. This was her first time going up there.

Arnold pointed at a flowery painted bench by a pot of flowers and said to Maria.

Maria sat at the edge of the flowery bench farther away from Arnold. She was curious and a bit unsettled about his reason for asking her to join him for breakfast this morning.