Perry had took Winter too her apartment and put her in bed when leaving he said you have restore so much in a little time restore yourself first.

I will check on you if haven't woken by morning he walked out the door and downstairs, outside the new Jupiterians waiting for him asked if she would alright?

He answered Yes she has exceed her Penwork for today she has restore more then we the Royals have expected.

He explained that they're homes are not in the clouds and apartments and houses are on land rest up he assigned homes and to who has been awaken.

He talked to Doris about food and about Winter's Penwork he asked if she inherited their origin Powers and Abilities?

Doris smiled and said that her abilities and power are off her father's mother and her mother the late Queen Gargoyle,her own powers of Penwork abilities only known to her.

Doris said I know of this baby she hadn't been born as yet and she predicted many things.

We didn't understand as yet but what she predicted Came true for We are here in between Worlds without our true Penworks she was in the Queen Gargoyle womb at that time.

Outside the crystals came flying as they would look like a falling star some had covered the auras in the sky others found the now living aura's that had been released they were healed,the shard of crystals returned to Winter's side.

Shards of Crystals floating above her body each trying to figure out which would heal her fast the combination of all worked hard through Winter's body.

From the window you could see a brightened light, Kierl-Ann felt a jolt through her body and started walking towards the apartments with each jolt she felt she screamed and her eyes pierced through the town.

A light of blue shined through her eyes a new crystal was born within Kierl-Ann a new Jupiterian crystal a design of Penwork abilities.

Not yet mastered it the light blue beam rapidly beamed on and off colors of purple with every jolt her eyes felt pain.

New Jupiterians ran towards the scream she felt her legs give way Perry went to catch her but missed her by a few inches Doris said What's wrong Kierl-Ann?

She said my eyes burn Oh how they burn !Perry and Doris picked her up and took her to her house.

Doris said I have a idea go get Winter and bring her here I feel that she will soothe Kierl-Ann for they are Royal bloodlines.

Perry left and got to the apartment were Winter was he walked in the room but the bright lights surrounded him the shards of crystals had lifted up her body.

Perry tried to get her released but with every touch he was burned for it he just stopped and started talking Queen Gargoyle I beg of you!

Please release the Princess!

The voice said I'm the Queen, the Princess has become the Queen she must find the Royal Crystal's and restore the Jupiterians lights of their crystals.

We must rest for we have to find all of the Royal bloodlines of Penwork she must rest for her body hasn't restored all of her abilities in this world.

Bring forth the other Queen for we must restore memories and resurrect old and new Penworks,Perry went to open the door and standing was Kierl-Ann and Doris she said her body moved on her own.

Perry said How did you know they need each other?

Doris said from times of the past all Royal Jupiterians have restored they're energy crystals with each other she had a glimpse when she was a young child.

Crystal's gave them back they're powers and abilities once drained if more King's and Queen's are with them what Doris remembers they recovery is faster.

Some crystals are still missing but this will be feeling the vibrant through the waves of lights there bodies began to sink back in to the bed.

In the morning the air had become cold for it seemed to the other Eartherian in a July's day and night it felt like the air was defrosting the waves of life restoring back too the way Eartherian atmosphere was.

What is familiar they we're called by a Queen they looked like stars to from afar but dark skies was only left like a blackouts in current parts of the world.

Moving in such speed the Crystal's opened Realms within crystals dimensions with crystals opened up too the calling of the new Queen of Jupiterian, they flew in haste in search with the past Queen essence.

All seven crystals a lined for the seven statues on Earth had been released into the new world they never aged with world they had remained the same as when they we're statuified.

The seven crystals hovered over many towns, many cities,countries on the Eartherian atmosphere hidden until now the Crystal's flew towards Kazone Ontario.

They're in the sky transforming into one big Crystalljupiter for all seven crystals have emerged out of hiding and into the Eartherian time.

Never have they been captured by human Eartherian hands as Winter controlled them from birth of being raised with her Aurora Grimm.

Winter as a baby had changed many aspects of the Eartherian atmosphere and landscape to adapt too her surroundings meaning she change trees,mountains and the air around her,statued Eartherian humans.

If they touched the area that grew yellow petals and big orange petals flowers with purple stems that are 27 feet 12 trunk a unique flower that grows on Jupiter called Jupitsun.

The petals started falling down releasing relic crystals around the area of the trees released animals Jupiterians in search of crystals.

It didn't matter if it was a child or a mother nor a soilders or police the crystals provided protection to the flowers by putting anyone in a statue form through the years.

Her drawings and stories brought about a energy that never manifested on paper the crystals helped her as a child and teenager the crystals matter flowed through the air around her.

Winter's old pictures and stories had come to life only true Jupiterians could see them for her essence of the shards of Penwork resided within her work on Eartherian.