There was a split in the Eartherian timelines that has been prophesied for ages,they're still it now as the Jupiterians have arrived like it prophesied.
It is increasingly important to focus on what was created by the Jupiterians to distract the Eartherian realities keeping them asleep like sheep.
Winter walked into the forest,was following a path she trip over a rock onto a tree she laughed to herself as she touched her head it had a scratch on it but was bleeding as yet.
The tree started too move on its own the branches became hands and the body pushed her off it's body and stood tall in front of Winter it roared at her, many trees came alive in the forest chasing her down to she fell off a cliff in water.
Where the trees raised her up back on the cliff she was knocked out from the blow of fall into the water the trees that scared her into running away picked up her body and walked towards the big clearing in the forest one of the trees made a woo hoo noise three times and a woman appeared.
On vines swinging she jumped down from a vine onto a tree and they put her down gently she walked with a sway in her hips towards what they had found she gasped when she saw her face they're leaves also change into colors to make up her expressions which was shown on the trees.
Saphron told the trees to bring her to cabin which is further then clearing she told them to be careful with her as they walked down the rocky paths towards her cabin when they arrived she whispered to the air and birds surrounded her.
Singing songs and telling her the news of Winter arrival to Kazone,Ontario that she was the only one who drove through the hidden barriers.
She living here the birds for a month now Perry calls her the lost Princess she covered her mouth in shock,the birds stopped singing the message.
When they saw her face expressions she dropped to her knees and tears fell overly alot of tears she held Winter's hand and just weeped.
The trees, and flowers and birds bowed down to Winter's body,Saphron got up off her knees and said we need the ingredients to patch up these cuts gather some bay leaves and the special plant and lemongrass she will be up soon.
Saphron's cabin looked like a front castle but built with wood it had a big entrance with a large door that sprung down by Saphron touch that's the entrance the house is among the trees up high.
The bridges between the other tree houses moved on there own the sky blue now turned purple by glance had welcomed the Royal bloodline inside of her home.
The essence of Winter's aroma took over the forest air,the animals and trees and birds came to see the Lost Queen the animals waited for her awaken.
Winter tossed and turned and then sprung up hazed eyes she wiped her eyes and then she saw her sleeping beside the bed she touched her hair and said Hello and you must be ? Azeria or are you? Yasmere? Who are you now in this time in this world?
Saphron lifted her head and said I'm Saphron, and the other names you called me How I have been searching for you?
In my soul and heart for years searching for you in my dreams and now I have you forever her with me she hugged and kissed her head,her eyes, her cheeks and hands.
Winter sat up more then before and said am I in the forest she nodded "Yes" I have kept you safe in my heart,mind your safe in the forest branches in the trees your safe here.
They spoke like they had in there dreams she hugged her and said Welcome home,old friend and Winter answered Yes I'm home.
The two woman walk among the forest holding hands whispering to each other like children like no time had passed between them like time and space didn't keep them apart as they walked around it seemed as time had stand still in the forest and outside in Kazone,Ontario.
As they kissed and hugged a emerald of green ring with red and yellow flowers and twigs too bind the ring together frozen within it appeared on Winter's finger,on Saphron's purple spiderlilies with silver,golden interwoven through the ring on her finger as well their Jupitrystal interweaving into each other.
The two woman laughed and spoke about they're past lives how they were always near each other along has always brought them closer and tested their love for each other.
The trees surrounded them as the took pieces of there clothes off touching each part of each other bodies,they're bodies intertwined into each other, a bright light of green's and purple's shined through the trees.
The kisses and kissing bodies their sweat and essence and aroma mixed together brought them too pure ecstasy too they're souls and bodies.
It felt like a day had gone by in the forest of their love but it was a month that had passed between their meeting and new memories the life they have always wanted together was before they're very eyes.
Saphron could feel her true feelings in the air as the wind turned and she felt a slight chill in the warm air as Winter slept beside her, Saphron brushed Winter's dark red dreadlocks away from her face so she could see her face clearer.
She touched her dark coco skin,she watched the woman she loves sleeping peaceful in bed the woman she had lost in other dimensions in many galaxies even in war and enslavement.
She had lost her presence in her Jupitrystal Saphron's mind said to her " It's okay now we are one"!
She got up and got dressed leaving her love sleep a bird had told her about a Tree of Life that had sprung up in the darker part of the forest.
She knew that her wife would have create the New Royal Families or Rule over all Primary Families her decision will be long and hard some might even turn against her for being sent to Eartherian atmosphere.
She knew that her feelings wouldn't change for her wife she would support her like she has done in the past and she has done their feelings has always been loving mutual relationship for each other.
Winter's sleeping aura's showed like a picture in her mind with looked like galaxies when lite up the inside of the the cabin all lights of colors throughout the forest.
How much she yearned for her love,many lives,many alternative times,every memory she has encountered Saphron in many forms,many worlds but she was glad it was this form and planet.
For in one too many of her pasts she has lost Saphron to many times these power other people's ambition,struggles of endeavors
received from other Star planets that never ended well for them.
Memories of dimensions has come forth to her as well the auras,the missing shards of Juprystals,the now the rest of the stars will be down in a weeks time.
Winter woke up Saphron wasn't there she walked out the cabin the trees moving it felt like they we're dancing or rejoicing the leaves changed as she walked further through the trees.
A bird landed on her shoulder it sang a message of a Sacred tree of Everlasting Life that just appeared the branches holding sackets it appears too have babies in them Saphron said that's not how babies are born?
In Jupiter she explained to Winter.
That we are Giants in Jupiter !
We can't hold that baby in our wombs for the child is to big but when the tree feels that its time for the transfer of life the mother's or father's receive a aura message that it is time.
The sacred life is given to each couple no matter if its husband and wife husband and husband and wife and wife a child of both Penwork is created for you .
Winter said then is it your child of you dont carry them Saphron answered "Yes" for they are made from your dna which the tree has within itself the tree of life.
From the treetop Winter saw a pond and a figure was seen from the top of the tree as she walked towards the pond she didn't realize that she was flying until she felt her stomach become uneasy she slowly descended down to the forest floor.
Winter saw Heal Wuhan,Zian and Jude Eldon,Alben Qeitia Kierl-Ann Linjina, Saphron Island at the pond when they saw her they hugged and kissed her forehead and cheeks for the reunion of the them the original Jupiterians.
Holding hands the old seven now anew opened the remaining auras above in the sky they all fell down like falling stars the planet itself started rising up from the Eartherian planet all that was Kazone,Ontario was now gone it became a desert once again.
The stars guided them back the solar system of aura's to raindews of stars through the Druid Stars of the past the ship sailed through meteors the colors lite up the sky like fireworks.
They flew through darkness and pushed right through to the light when the ship submerged they saw the three sun's and four moon's they knew they were near.
As the elders Perry and Doris came to see the seven combined in one powerful being returning them to there home planet they went to join them that was pushed back by the young rulers they spoke We are Giants of Jupiter.
We need no help!
We will arrive sooner then expected!
The stars are eyes and darkness that holds it together we have arrived the seven hands unlocked the seven layer on the floor exhausted from the long journey the beasts of Jupiter's planet escorted them of the ship once Giants there form still stayed in human form.
The castle now deserted and broken down the rocky paths cracked into orange redish clay had now been restored the lands which looked like wasted land had now flourished in minutes of them arriving.
The trees which was covered by rocky depree had shaken off the depree and opened up with beautiful green's,purple's and orange's and emerald blue's,the grass began growing rapidly through the planet.
The sky above changed once was dark and grey now brought blues and pink clouds inside the sky the birds who had been I've been having hibernating had come out and started flying around in happiness.
Saphron's wings activated and she began to float around the castle the trees started singing and air followed suited the birds raced with Saphron's the air swirling in the sky.
They were playing in the sky the colors of purpleish blue doing low and high dives enjoying the bees buzzing around the ears of the bird.
Outside the Jupiter planet the stars we're rejoicing as well for the universe finally felt whole,the seven stood outside the now growing lands.
Zian Eldon said We all rule the lands our Penworks will survive as we all have they're are no King's nor Queen's in our lands.
We all rule with equal footing for we are home!
The crowd of Jupiterians clapped saying hooray!
Saphron holding hands with Winter hadn't noticed the change in her features her hair white as snow and face pale,her eyes glowed a fiery orange and her clothing become wedding dress.
Her arms had enlarged she held her chest, screamed and the rest of Juprystals flowed out of her and entered the the castle floor the flow of Juprystals didnt look unusual but very unique.
Her Giant mode started to shrink above the clouds,her body slowly changed she went to drop down to normal size but Saphron held her wife close to her body as they landed on the red sand of Jupiter.
The everlasting tree of life took in all the Juprystals and began to bloom the sacks of babies the new generation of Jupiterians and Jupibeasts with the new life.