May 23th was the announcement that gave them eight days to prepare so Winter created a portal between home,Jupiterian created for the grandchildren to travel through to Grandma Aurora.

They're had to get certain materials they needed to get through as well for Winter wanted to use some traditions from her Mother Aurora side of the family combining her late mother's clothing together to make one they penwork abilities couldn't they needed to sew the fabric together without damaging it.

Doris and Perry stated that they had never seen a wedding in which winter has spoken about so Aurora showed them several videos of her family weddings and they also attended Archelon.Jr and

that Jupiterians haven't seen Eartherian ceremony several creatures. Like how wedding gowns are made. How shoes are presented and how weddings are really mawe. Time is we're going to be hard but they could do ithe two of them walk through the portal together holding hands gathering materials

The preparations were given to Rijana the head of the birds her wings changed colors as she flapping around her language has no barriers for she can speak in Jupiterian, other hues of bird languages she fluent in morphing into a half human and bird to conduct the trees telepathically.

The veins created the foundation for the gazebos the designs looked magnificent the color of the flowers Jupidaisies and Jupisunflowers hung down in a spirial the veins built semi fences with Jupililies,tables of dark green,chairs.

A beautiful arch small jupispiders used there web's to tie the petals of other Eartherian flowers that Aurora had preserved.

Jupihumming birds practiced singing for their voices was very angelic to the ears of Eartherian for in reality the Jupihumming birds frequency is very deadly to other creatures ears for protection.

But was asked to listen to alternative music to help them they synced with Eartherian musicians the jupibettles played the jupidrum,as the jupibeasts use their howls as the bass the music was coming on beautifully.

Rijana reminded everyone that breaks are needed as well day by day Jupisilkworms prepared a gold and creame saree wedding gown red flowers throughout was Jupilycoris,embroidery of Jupihibiscus her dupatta.

The dress fit her body like a glove Aurora gave her elegant shoes with mint gold heels,Winter's had created a pairsof shoes for herself, the children with the underwater and moving veins and flowers throughout the running shoes the children were at awe with their mother's penwork powers.

For Winter Jupianemones,Jupialstroemeria was added to her Sherwani for she wear here ancestors clothing her mother Aurora had also given her a wedding dress from Eartherian.

That she had specially designed with all Winter's childhood drawings which began to sparkle in the light and darkness of the Jupiterian starlight for the gown had to be in giant forms.

Doris penwork abilities emitted and created a spell of growth on the clothing she said when Winter and Saphron put the gowns on they will grow with their bodies and you will see their true form Aurora for we will do this wedding for our children but we also have our traditions as well.

The two women walked together laughing one of the grandson's tried to use their penwork abilities but nothing happened Winter explained that those abilities,powers will grow in time don't try so hard to grow up so fast boy's.

O'Dian, Arthurian,Oliver,Immanuel

Now 11,13,15,17yrs old had been climbing trees looking onto the horizon at the blue between orange,red they could see beyond the stars Winter called for the boy's as they came down one by one she kissed each of they're left hand.

Arthurian asked What's a wedding?

It's when you come together as one to be a couple Mommy and I will stand facing each other holding flowers called a bouquet flowers,Nana will say with this ring and we will repeat what she saying afterwards we will kiss.

Ollie began to giggle and Nana Aurora will say now this is the introduction of Mrs,Mrs Winter and Saphron Island Grimm Gargoyle then we kiss and have a party of our love.

We dress in our finest clothes and invite our close friends and family we will also light lanterns and put our wishes it them and send them off towards the sky you as our children ypu will plant a tree from both worlds,pour sand from both worlds as well unifying us together as one family.

One love this a tradition of our new journey together for I have always lived your mother not only as her mother but as the woman of of all my dreams one day you will find someone like this as well.

Love has no boundaries when comes to your heart no color,no creed,creatures will keep you and your soul love apart.

I'm going to be taking you all to a store to get some suits for you boys and dresses or gown for your sister's we only have couple more days to the ceremony.

How do you boys want your hair done?

A quick braid replied Immanuel,Oliver said I have locks so I wil tidy them up, Arthurian said I would like old style ponytail,O'Dian replied I will have the same Immanuel.

O'Dian asked who will hold the rings Winter answered you can if you wish too do so.he smiled with such respect you could see he was very proud of himself.

The same day the girls were out with Saphron, Nana Aurora,Grandma Doris they went to a cloth store were the girls all picked their individual colors of they're gowns going to make.

Rejoice wanted a traditional saree of the Jupiterian princess the colors she picked out were a magneta red with a mix of yellows, Reneasme wanted a dark orange with floating auras swimming in her saree,

Sage-Jane got a green with shades purple, Waverley wanted a saree with all colors the woman made the dresses for the young ladies the seamstress was pleased with the outcome of the saree's.

On the day JupitJuni 1st the sunlight seemed brighter for the occasion ahead they had gotten dressed the girls wearing gowns that both grandmother's had designed for them.

The boy's wore sherwani which complimented theyre sister's saree's the boy's escorted the guests to the chairs.

The two brides had been getting dressed in separate rooms for each wanted the shock each other but when Winter sneaked a peak at Saphron in her wedding gown her heart's started beating faster then usual for Saphron looked amazing like a Queen.

At the alter stood Aurora Grimm with book in hand she was wearing a yellow gold saree the book had both Jupiterian and Eartherian Bible quotes for love.

For she was marrying her daughter and gaining another her heart felt so warm that tears started to flow Doris came around the corner Oh girl you're makeup?

Let me help you Oh Rory she'll be fine,so will you be.

Saphron walked down the forest trail with jupitglow worms on the forest grounds lighting her way as jupifyreflies guiding her way the drapes opened up and she saw the guests all sitting in rows.

Her eyes adjusted and she finally saw Winter for the first time they have seen each other in their wedding gowns and suits.

They're son's came forth with the sand from Eartherian and sand of Jupiterian sands the sands whirlwind into one hovering above the clear glass and swirled down into the glass.

They're daughter's brought forth the a seed from Eartherian and Jupiterian,placed both seeds into a pot and poured the water into pot a stem started to grow together and leaves developed before their eyes.

Nana Aurora said we our gather he today for the celebration of love between these two women.

Saphron do you take Winter to be your wife to have and hold to be her shelter her strength to the next life and beyond Saphron replied I do.

Winter do you take Saphon as your wife to have and hold to be her shelter and her strength to the next life and beyond Winter replied I do.

By the Jupiterians and Eartherian rights I now pronounce you wife and wife you may kiss the bride the two kissed and everyone stood up and clapped.

The two walked towards the guests and thanked them their children surrounded them hugging and kissing them Oliver said I definitely want to have a wedding when I find the one Saphron smiled and said give it time my son,you'll find her or him.

Doris announced that the ceremony wasn't finished as yet the is another part of the ceremony before we can start the celebration you Jupiyounglings one's must stay here the Jupibeasts will guard you.

You make sure that no gets too them, make sure nothing comes in no matter what they appear to be outside sejupitmi guards make sure no one enters the gates or gateways.

All the Jupiterians and Eartherians guests are here already protect them as well No harm must befall on them.

Just in case there's any surprises do you understand Let no one enter our home Ambrose said I will stay below as well his Mother Heal looked at him Kierl-Ann held his face,said You got this! We will not be long she kissed her son.

They're bodies enlarged for they had to do the Jupiterians part in the sky together uniting the two Queen's into their new Royal bloodline to show their ancestors the new Penwork abilities.

Saphron held on to Winter who had her Mother's hand Perry said Aurora wear this and you will also descend as we do Perry placed the robe in her hands Aurora Grimm became the Queen Hannon Gargoyle they became one.

Perry wiped his forehead for he hoped it would work Doris held his hand and they became Giants. Winter, Saphron laid they're hands together and grew as one to the higher atmosphere of Jupiter among the other planet's.

Ancient words were spoken and a portal opened up showing Saphron and Winter the dimensional world's which involve them the light said if One door opens another will surely open.

The comets flew past showing colorful auras Red,Black,Bright White showing them the color's of their lineage.

The guest's could see what seemed to be fireworks above their heads Archie said to Zimmi that this is beautiful the planet the air the creatures,beings he never imagined this world and that his friend Winter came from it.

Zimmi replied its definitely marvelous the colors of the new world nothing like we learned in school that's for sure.

Immanuel introduced himself and his siblings too Archie,Zimmi for they hadn't seen each for a long while the remaining Jynxs in Archie said in a different voice.

A ARMY HAS ARRIVED I CAN FEEL THEM his voice repeatedly the sentence and then Archie fell to the ground Zimmi picked him up.

Above in the sky Neyma could feel something off her body started to resort back to being human size Zian caught her before she could fall out of orbit several times her body tried to enlarge but couldn't.

Zian floated down to the ground were the guests and his children were her body fizzled in and out so did Archie's they were laying beside each other they're bodies became one they rose above their families a barrier was formed around the planet.

Winter and Saphron landed on the forest grounds Archie separated from Neyma body,sat up like nothing was just said Congratulations on getting married in both world's,the celebration of Love started.

Gold and light Pink Jupibutterflies flew around them Aurora had separated from Queen Hannon she could see the woman who give birth to their daughter for she wanted to embrace and hug her as she stepped forward the spirit of Queen Hannon had disappeared.

Neyma walked up to Aurora and said your were always Queen Hannon,Aurora Grimm have always been one being.

Winter hugged her mom and asked for dance they danced to Luther Vandross and Janet Jackson the best things in life are free its their mother and daughter song they parted and danced to the morning sunrise.
