4: Stay away from my son.

Five years ago, her biased father's heartlessness had thoroughly broken her heart.

She was about to avoid the slap when her stepmother, Wendy Simpson, unexpectedly came forward and stopped her father. "There are so many people watching, Henry. Don't forget the more important matter."

The more important matter…

Henry Smith suppressed his anger and said, "Come upstairs with me!"

In the study.

Henry, Wendy and Angela sat together.

Nora sat opposite them. She leaned against the sofa, her eyelids drooping, making her look like a defiant madman who despised everything. However, anyone who is familiar with her would know that she was just sleepy.

Henry went straight to the point. "Nora, the Grays have agreed to cancel the engagement, and your sister is also going to marry into the Grays. It's also your sister's birthday today. Why don't you give her the company that your mother left behind as a wedding and birthday gift?"

Angela said eagerly, "your premarital pregnancy has embarrassed the Smiths and also caused the Grays to be a subject of ridicule for so many years. Take it as you're compensating us by giving me the company."

Henry threw the contract that he had prepared in advance over and ordered, "This is an ownership transfer agreement. Sign it."

Nora's eyes were cold.

The Smiths had obviously been the ones who didn't want to cancel the engagement because they wanted to climb up the social ladder. The Grays had also refused to cancel it for some reason. Yet everything was now her fault?

Besides, everything that the Smiths had was left behind by her mother…not only where they hogging the house, but they didn't intend to even spare the company now?

Their insatiable greed was disgusting.

She looked up slightly, and said coldy, "No."

As if a cat with its tail trampled on, Angela shouted sharply, "Nora, what do you mean by that?"

Nora glanced outside — it was getting late. She wanted to go back and sleep with Cherry, so she went straight to the point and said, "Calling off the engagement, okay. Wedding gift, nope."

Then she stood up and walked out

"Stand right there, Nora"

Henry yelled angrily. Unfortunately, Nora turned a deaf ear to him and reminded silent.

When she reached the front porch, Angela came chasing after her and blocked her path.

"Tell me, Nora, do you have no intention to cancel the engagement at all because you can't bear to give up Anthony?"

Nora found her annoying. "Get out of the way."

"So, that's really what you're thinking! you're so shameless!"

Angela reached out her hand and sent it flying toward her face arrogantly and unreasonably!

However, the next moment, Nora grabbed her wrist.

Unable to break free, a flustered and exasperated Angela cursed angrily, Don't you dare think that Anthony will have a change of heart and come back to you just because you've become pretty! He'll never marry a sullied woman like you who is saddled with little bastard children, no matter what! Oh, and by the way, why didn't you bring that little bastard child whose father's identity is unknown?"


With all her strength, Nora returned to her a ruthless slap of her own.

Her pupils were very dark, and she looked like a demon crawling out of hell. "Cherry is not a bastard child. If I ever hear you spouting nonsense again, I'm not holding back!"

After leaving behind a warning, she turned and left.

Angela's cheek stung fiercely. She widened her eyes in shock and was so scared that she even seemed to have forgotten to cry.

Neon lights flickered at night in California.

Nora sat in the cab with her eyes closed and rested. Light flickered on her face, shinning and digging erratically, giving off a feeling of loneliness.

Unknown father…Little bastard child…

These two words made her sigh in melancholy.

It was still a mystery how she had become pregnant five years ago. She had no clue as to who Cherry's father was.

"We're here." The cab driver's voice interrupted Nora's thoughts. She had only just alighted and entered the hotel when a row of bodyguards suddenly rushed out in front of her and stopped her at the side. "Please step aside!"

Many people who were stopped speculated in low voices:

"What is Mr. Hunt going out for when it's already so late?"

"I heard that the Hunt's sole grandson wanted mousse cake…"

When Nora stretched out her hand to yawn, she immediately saw a tall and noble figure striding out of the elevator with a boy of about five or six years old in his arms.

The man kept his gaze straight as he walked forward. However, when he passed by Nora, he suddenly stopped. He looked at her with a deep gaze, and said in a deep voice, "Miss Smith.."

Nora paused mid-yawn.

With her mouth half open, Nora looked at Justin in astonishment.

The man was very tall, and was a little over 6'2″. Dressed in a black bespoke suit, his legs were long and straight. The lavish hotel lights spilled onto his expressionless face, making his facial features appear three dimensional and refined with a firm outline, and he gave off a sense of loftiness.

However, the mole at the corner of his eye forcibly merged allure and coldness, adding a sense of abstinence to him.

The little boy he was holding was also wearing a suit. He was leaning on the man's shoulder and had buried his head into it to hide his facial appearance, so as to prevent the media from secretly taking photos of him and exposing information about him.

Unfortunately, she was in no mood to appreciate his hood looks.

Had Justin Hunt …. caught wind of her identity as Anti?

She was just thinking about it when she noticed Justin frowning. In an imposing manner, he said, "Stay away from my son. Also, you're not my type."

His voice was deep and melodious, like a baritone hitting one's eardrums. It made people want to hear him speak a little more, yet they where dissuaded by that chilly aura of his that reached bone-deep.

Nora's eyes, which had been drooping because of drowsiness, widened big and round in this instant. A question mark slowly appeared in her mind: ?

While she was stunned, the man turned away and strode off.

The people around looked at her all at once, and they took a step back as if she was some kind of virus while they engaged in private discussion: