8: Cherry's Hobby

After walking into the cafe, Nora found a table by the window. In a matter of a few words, she had made Anthony turn the topic to the matter of his engagement.

Anthony was eager to explain himself, yet his tone was mocking and awful.

"I'm really not a scumbag, Miss Anderson. You don't know how ugly that fatty. There's so much flesh on her face that even her eyes were nearly squeezed shut. When she walks, it's as if the whole place is shaking.

"She even insisted on using the excuse that her obesitis due to hormonal injections. Hah, she speaks as if she'll be a beauty if she slime down.

"She's also mentally I'll. She dropped out of elementary school in third grade, and stayed at home ever since, cooping herself up everyday in her room. She doesn't even kick up a fuss when anyone hits or scolds her, much less retaliate.

"It's unfair to make me marry an uneducated, illiterate and mentally impared fatty like that, isn't it?!"

Nora was close to nodding off as she listened to him with her cheek in her hand.

She had known since she was a child that crying and kicking up a fuss were useless in a home as biased as theirs.

The reason why she hadn't fought back despite being hit was that she had always kept her mother's last words firmly in her mind — she must be plain and mediocre, and that she was not allowed to show her with and ingenuity before she became of age. She had said that this was the only way her life could be saved.

"I really hate the Smiths' behavior. If it weren't for that company, I wouldn't be humoring Angela now either…"

Anthony, who realised that he had said too much, hurriedly asked, "Oh, what am I saying such things for? Where are you from, Miss Anderson?"

Nora casually made up an answer. "New York."

The Andersons from New York?

Anthony swallowed hard. That was a big name family comparable to the Hunts!

Anthony fawned on her even more. "I didn't expect you to cone from such a wealthy family. No wonder you have such a compelling presence and air of elehance around you."

Nora didn't care about his assumptions and continued to sound him out.

Her disposition seemed casual, but her grip around her coffee cul had tightened slightly. "I heard that your fiancee gave birth to a child five years ago, but it was abandoned. I'm curious — where did that child go?"

Anthony hurriedly explained. "That's just a rumor, Miss Anderson! that fatty took the child abroad!"

What the Smiths publicly announced was that Nora had only given birth to a baby girl.

After all, they would incur the people's wrath if anyone knew that they had done something like abandoning a newborn infant.

Nora scoffed. "I'm just curious. Since you don't want to say it, then forget it!"

She put the coffee cup down heavily on the table and pretended that she was leaving, vividly acting the part of a rich, spoiled princess.

Sure enough, Anthony panicked. He reached out to grab her, "That not What I meant. Don't get mad–"

Nora subtly evaded him and raised an eyebrow. "So, are you going to answer me or not?"

Her behavior didn't raise Anthony's suspicions. After all, such secrets about wealthy families were what many people liled to talked about idly. Just like the gossip about celebrities, a lot of people would find it interesting. He spoke reluctantly. "Uncle Henrh — Henry Smith — was the one that handled it back then. I really don't know anything."

Seeing that Anthony didn't seem to be lying. Nora lost interest right away.

What a waste of her time that she could've spent sleeping.

She got up and walked out straightaway.

Anthony was stunned for a moment before he went after her. "I'm telling the truth, Miss Anderson… Are you busy with something? In that case, why don't you give me your number? We can contac–"

"I don't think so".

Nora left behind only four words and went straight out, got into a taxi and left.

A confused Anthony was left behind frozen in place. His expression couldn't help but darken.

Were the temperaments of all the girls from top-class wealthy families this volatile? She was too hard to chase!

Nora got a few private investigators in California to try and look for clues. It wasn't until the evening that she finally dragged her tired self back to the hotel.


As soon as she opened the door, she heard the conversation between Cherry and another child coming from within:

"The princess is here! Everyone, step aside! The little dummy is to escort her!"


"Heh heh, do you want to try my cannon? Little dummy, tank the damage from the defensive tower. Go!"

"I'm out of HP."

"Hey, why are you running? Tank the damage for me, and I'll be able to get the five kills!"

"I'll die."

"Are you a man or not? you're so cowardly even in a game. What are you so scared of?"


Cherry was usually very cute and well-behaved, but once she started playing games, she would become very irritable and foul-mounted. Her behavior today was already considered rather self-restrained.

Whose kid was this playing mobile games with her, though?

Nora walked into the living room and saw Cherry in her pajamas holding a cell phone. She was sitting cross-legged and was playing happily with the game's audio turned on.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the little girl turned and looked over. Seeing that Nora was about to get mad, she on a bright smile and blinked her big round eyes. "Mommy, you're finally back. I was so bored. I missed you so much!"


Nora sighed silently.

Wasn't the reason why Cherry played games everyday exactly that she was either busy or sleeping, and didn't have any time to spend with her?

She resisted her drowsiness and desire to immediately jump into bed, and said, "Clean up the place, Cherry. Let's have dinner outside tonight."

Mrs. Lewis asked, "What would you like to wear tonight, Cherry?"

Cherry thought about it seriously. "The little gray suit from Gucci!"

Nora frowned. "Are you wearing boys' clothing again?"

Cherry had a quirk — she liked going out with her dressed like a boy.

She continued to start at the phone. "Uh-huh. This round's ending soon. Mommy, what are we having?"

Nora reached over and grabbed her cell phone before she answered, "We're having pizza downstairs." Then she turned off the phone.

"Hey! We're raiding soon. You –"

An irritable Cherry was about to throw a tantrum, and she was even about to curse. However, when her eyes met Nora's, the little girl pursed her lips and squeezed out two words from in between her teeth: "Let's go."