Chapter Three

Present time 

The cold takes over my cheeks as the fluffy white snow lands on it. Collecting snow flakes in my hand, I analyze them. They were huge, and not one snowflake looked exactly the same. Weather in Sandy Shores hardly ever changes, besides a few rain showers which were brought on by magic. I was certainly excited about the snow. My feet walk back toward camp, and I notice all the pack members looking up at the sky with a smile on their face. 

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas," Dev says.

Everyone chuckles. Christmas time was always my favorite as a kid. Hot chocolate, eggnog, popcorn, and Christmas lights, my family had so many traditions. My favorite one of all was a game of Secret Santa we used to play, and I always hoped to draw the name of my twin sister. 

My ears hear many feet marching towards our camp, and besides the centaurs, I don't have any idea who this may be. This was more of stepping sounds and crunching. You can tell it was by two feet and not the gallop of hooves we would hear from the centaurs. The red caps, which could make these sounds, but they mainly stayed by themselves, living in peace, but coming around others for conversation. 

My eyes are shocked when a group of elves approach us. They looked friendly and jolly, their cheeks red, and their shoes pointed outward, and then curled at the tip. Some wear overalls and their Christmas hats dangled in front of their faces. Every outfit sparkly in red and green. This was a positive energy. I could just feel it in my veins. I just feel happy looking at them. 

Chetan wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his side. 

"I am Senior Elf Jolly, I was told to find Alpha Ajay."

Smokes burst out laughing. "Is this for real?"

"I am Ajay."

"We are Christmas elves." 

Ajay nods. "I guess Christmas elves are mythical creatures too, of course they would find their way in Sandy Shores."

"We are here to bring peace and Christmas cheer," Jolly says,his grin so big it nearly fell off his face. 

"We're glad you're here," Ajay says. I always adore the way Ajay conducts himself, always welcoming new creatures with such respect, even though we have little knowledge about them.

My eyes watch as the Elves use their magic to decorate our camp. Christmas trees, lights and stockings hung everywhere in the woods. It was absolutely stunning, almost every tree surrounding our camp sparkled with bright colored lights. The camp smelled of cinnamon, gingerbread, and peppermint from the snacks that were magically made on our picnic table.

Taking a sip of eggnog, it brings me back to my childhood. I smile watching Kirsten and Ajay make a gingerbread house together. She looks so happy, and I am so grateful to the elves for bringing us something special. 

Later that night, I lay on Chetan's chest. He rubs my back gently. I love the feel of his hand on my skin. 

"How can you leave with all this Christmas magic?" I close my eyes, remembering the elves singing all the Christmas Carols. 

"Zare, I know it's magical, but I miss my mom, just ask Kiara she'll tell you how close we are."

I look up, and he brings his lips to mine. The taste of his lips always makes me crave more of the man I love. 

"I understand you don't want to go, and I will miss you, but it will only be for a few weeks."

I feel my eyes filling with water, and I know I am being selfish. I love him so much, and I can't imagine being apart for any amount of time. 

"I nod."

I feel his lips on my nose. 

"Dev wouldn't let anything happen to you." He moves the hair behind my ear. 

"I know, why isn't he returning home?"

"Well, from one I think he's still a little pissed at his dad. His dad was livid when he turned down the record deal with the band, and Riya's face is too unnatural. Everyone would know that she doesn't look normal being part zombie and all."


"Just a few weeks, maybe it will be good for you to miss me a little."

We both laugh.