Chapter 15 : Either you are with me, or against me

The Black Lotus Guild Headquarters was a comfortable office building located near downtown, surrounded by plenty of booming hunter-based businesses. In the previous era, it would have been the centerpiece of some megacorporation, with thousands of suit-wearing employees scurrying about like ants for their queen. But now, in the Era of Hunters, the shining jewels of cities were the guild headquarters.

As the largest guild in the city, the Black Lotus was the hub for all hunters seeking employment for the week, or returning from dungeons and hoping to sell their wares. The streets were lined with businesses on either side, ready to empty hunters' freshly filled wallets with weapons, armor, and accessories of all sorts. Not only hunter wares, but restaurants promoted all the rarities taken from the dungeons: magical herbs and seasonings, or meat from domesticated massive boars found in plains dungeons. It was a constantly busy and loud part of town that always gave Oz a horrible headache whenever she had to walk through the open-air malls.

The air was thick with the smell of sweat, blood, and magic, and the sound of battle was never far away. The streets were crowded with people, all of them hurrying to get somewhere. There were hunters of all shapes and sizes, from grizzled veterans to fresh-faced rookies. There were also merchants, selling everything from weapons and armor to food and drink.

It was a dangerous place, but it was also a place of opportunity. For those who were brave enough, the Black Lotus Guild and the other guilds offered a chance to make a fortune. But for those who weren't careful, it could be a quick and bloody end.

Nahern's and Selene's presences had been much appreciated. The prince kept his hand to her lower back, guiding her through the crowds with an unusual ease. As if he knew exactly where he was going. Oz glared up at his side profile, for a being in an entirely different world he was taking it rather easily. She was a mess in their world! Why were they taking it so naturally?

'Does this mean they have been in my world before?' She chewed on the straw of her drink at the thought.

"Keep your head up, Saint. You are gracing the rabble with your presence, not the other way around." Nahern whispered gently into her ear, pressing just enough into her back to make Oz adjust her posture. Shoulders back, chin high, she felt her back pop in complaint.

She let out a squeak of a complaint as she sucked down the iced coffee bought from one of the stands. The sweet brown sugar and bitter coffee was extremely refreshing even on a chilly morning. Selene reminded her of a squirrel, peeking around with wide eyes.

"It's like a market back home. But smaller."

Oz couldn't believe that as she stared, "Smaller?" She asked in shock.

"Quite. In the capital there are markets that span three times this size, with vendors having space for butchering of ice buffalo." Nahern said, lifting his hood as they finally broke free of the vendors and back to the main street.

The cool morning air hit Oz's cheeks at once, she shivered despite the thick scarf around her neck and winter coat. Usually she would just walk around in her day-old sweats and hoodie, but Selene refused to allow her to leave the apartment without a proper dive into her closet. It was odd.

She felt oddly professional in black slacks, a nice blouse she had completely forgotten she had, and a cozy cardigan. The elf spent a solid hour helping her get ready, refusing to allow her to lift a finger as she patted down powders and creams from her long forgotten makeup bag.

Last night they didn't allow her to look in a mirror, nor this morning. How bad was her eye? Oz reached up, the scar still slightly tender to the touch.

"Ah, it has been so long since I had proper ice buffalo." Selene sighed in complaint, already lifting a hand to stop Oz from scratching at her scar.

"Does it taste like a normal cow?" She asked around a mouthful of straw.

"I'm not sure what you consider 'normal', dear Saint. But it is a very fatty but delicious cut of meat." Selene said with a smile.

Oz had to nod as she looked up. The Headquarters blocked out most of the sky. It was already busy with hunters waiting for their turn in line. She sighed, not looking forward to the wait.

"Best we line up. The higher ranks are allowed first...Nahern? Nahern!" Oz squeaked.

Nahern ignored the line of hunters and strode straight to the glass doors. He nudged Oz's shoulder slightly. She scrambled to pull her badge from her pocket, flashing it to the security guard. The man blinked in confusion but paled at the harsh glare Nahern was giving them. Nahern held the door open, allowing Oz and his sister to slip in underneath. Selene flashed a smile at the complaining hunters in the long line before walking in.

"Which floor?" Nahern asked, Oz pointed to the elevator. She was pulled over and flashed her badge to the reader. Within moments the doors let off a small chime as they stepped off on the highest level, the Chairman's personal floor. The last time Oz was up on this floor was when she was employed years ago, and then it was as the only favor her aunt had ever done for her.

Nahern walked over to the security desk by the closed doors before them. "Good morning, gentlemen," He said. "We're here to see the Chairman. Would you direct us?"

The security guards inside stared at them in shock. They had never seen anyone walk into the Chairman's personal floor without an appointment before. The guards looked at each other, then back at Nahern.

"I'm sorry," one of them said. "You can't go in there without an appointment."

"I have an appointment," Nahern said. "With the Chairman himself."

The security guards looked at each other again. "I don't see your name on the list," the other security guard said.

"That's because it's a private meeting," Nahern said. "The Chairman specifically requested that I come to see him without any of his staff present. It will be under Kasper."

The security guards looked at each other one last time, then the other saw the name. Hastily written in fresh ink.

"Oh there you are. Kasper," one of them said. "Go ahead."

They walked through the security doors and into the Chairman's office. The office was large and luxurious, with a high ceiling and expensive furniture. The Chairman was absent, only an assistant left there.

The woman in her short suit set stared in shock before motioning to the sofas. "Chairman Orion will be back shortly, please wait here."

"Thank you, will you call Mr. Smith and Mrs. Winscot in as well. They will be needed here at this meeting. That will be all." Then Nahern sat beside Oz, stretching his arm out behind her. Posturing himself as the one in full control of the situation.

Oz sipped the watered down remains of her coffee. Just stunned that Nahern's ballsy attitude took them right to the office. Their winter coats hung up by the door, along with her scarf. Selene hummed as she casually smoothed down Oz's freshly braided hair. It was annoying, her hair had grown nearly an extra six inches this morning, leading to an incredibly itchy scalp.

"Posture, Saint." Selene hummed, smoothing down the braid. "Posture is the first thing people see."

Oz looked up and grumbled, "Oh, so they can just find something else to make fun of you about?"

Selene shook her head. "No," she said. "You should hold your head high, not because of what others think of you, but because of what you know to be true. You are our Saint. You are a force to be reckoned with, and you deserve to be respected."

Oz's face flushed at Selene's praise. She looked away, barely able to choke out a small thank you.

The door creaked open, and Oz started to stand out of reflex, but Selene's gentle fingers kept her shoulder in place. Nahern looked over and said, "Ah, Chairman. Good morning."

Chairman Orion stared in shock at the sight of them, his three assistants all fighting for his attention, tablets held out for him to sign. The tall man waved the assistants away, closing the door behind himself.

"You're early."

"Best to start the day fresh." Nahern flashed a fanged smile, "Please sit, I already summoned Mr. Smith and his benefactor."

Chairman Orion walked around to the matching sofa, opening his jacket with one hand as he sat. The assistant of the room closed the doors behind herself, leaving them in privacy. Oz wanted to wilt under the chairman's fierce glance. Somehow she found the inner strength to look the man back in the eyes. She wanted answers.

Within minutes both Mrs. Winscot and Mr. Smith was brought to the office. A pair of security guards depositing both of them on the floor. Oz frowned at her Aunt, the woman already looked furious at everything.

"Sit. Both of you." Chairman Orion pointed at the pair of chairs, his tone made it clear he wouldn't take no for an answer. Only after they sat down did Nahern finally speak.

"Now that we have all parties present, let me say what I could not yesterday. As you are aware, Mrs. Winscot and Mr. Smith are believed to have purposely set up a murder to happen so they could attain illegal ownership over our dear Kasper's property." Nahern spoke with a bored tone, far too used to such things with his title of prince.

Mr. Smith's face paled before he snorted, "Hunters die all the time in the dungeons, it happens."

"Of course." Mrs. Winscot glared at Oz.

"It would have been a shame, but there is no shame in wanting to get on with one's grief. The world doesn't stop spinning because one person died."

"Insufferable human bastards." With those words, the entire office froze over.