Chapter 27 : Forward Push

Oz stretched her arms over head as she stretched out her aching back. Another day's dailies were down and out of the way.

Thankfully they had been easy, done within two hours. Another long jog around the settlement, another 100 burpees and more crunches. She took a few scouts with her, and returned with her dailies done and a number of kills for the day's meal.

Fat ground squirrel/varmint like creatures, happily taken to be broken down. 

Oddly enough, today's reward was different. 

[Mystery Box: What is needed or what is wanted]

She stared at the dialog box with a frown as the elves around her all argued. After a moment she mentally sent it away. Those boxes could be dealt with later. For now she had to focus. 

It had been hours now, she felt actually overheated in the communal hut. Stripped down to her lighter tracksuit, she listened to the waves of conversation while snacking. 

"The Saint needs a proper Temple for us to grow her power."

"No, a Saint needs a proper place to show her strength."

"Both of you are incorrect, the Saint needs to have more rights to prove her power so others believe her strength."

The hunting party was all gathered in the largest communal hut. Everyone sat around the fire, atop fluffy pillows. A few attendants were piling up dishes from the afternoon meal for cleaning later.

Oz sat with the siblings, Nahern and Selene sitting directly across the open flapped door, at the place of honor closest to the banked flames. Even the scouts and guards joined them for the much needed discussion.

Clearly everyone had opinions. 

Oz eyed Nahern, who surprisingly was honoring every elf's addition no matter how useless. There were three main opinions that everyone agreed to. 

One : That they needed to develop the ruined Temple more. 

Two: But counterpoint, it was more important for them to move back to the Capital for supplies and selling what they could for profit

Three : That she needed more time to develop her strengths before they showed her off.

Oz frowned as she sipped her tea, breathing in the floral notes. Before she came back, she made sure to grab as many tins of coffee and tea, no matter how cheap to bring back with her. Even the bags of cheap coffee were treated like diamonds.

It was an easy way to return their hospitality. The elves were highly impressed, each family had their own tins of coffee and tea right now.

She wanted to spoil them, for helping and believing in her. Buying small things that were meaningless back home meant the world to them, so it was easy to stock up.

She looked over as the rabbit eared bear nuzzled into her side. Resting its large fluffy head onto her lap, applying enough pressure she couldn't get up easily.

She scratched behind one of the lop ears, wincing slightly from all the noise. The hut was warm but offered little sound dampening.

"Enough for now." Nahern held his hand up, and the voices quieted down. The prince sat on the only chair of the hut, which was odd given it was mostly just a bench.

Still, it proved his station over the others.

"I agree with everyone's statements. We need to give our Saint a place she can grow in power and for others to see her, for the only way she will grow in power is through our belief. But sadly we can not directly return to the Capital while my Uncle is in power. His men will be watching the known roads. I will not stop any of you from making the journey should you wish to return to civilization. Your sacrifices for joining me on my banishment has brought me much joy, but I can not ask those with children and families to continue to follow me. It would be safer in the capital for you all." Nahern said in an even tone, looking over his followers. 

"But if you wish to follow us, it will not be an easy path. I have pledged my life to the Saint and her purpose, and I will not rest until we fulfill the Dragon's Call. And freed us from the curse of the dungeons. I say that we make the trek as close to the Capital so those who wish to leave may have a quick trip back to safety." Nahern finished with a shake of his head. 

Selene frowned at her brother but oddly didn't do anything to make him lose face. Instead she placed a hand over her chest.

"I will continue to follow my brother and the Saint. We have no place in our Uncle's court, but I hope you all will find happiness in supporting us. Even if it is back in the Capital or following us."

After a moment an elf stood up, cradling her small child to her chest. "The saint saved my beloved child. I will follow you to the ends of the world, Saint." 

"As will I." Another said, Oz remembered him as one of the forward scouts. "The Saint and the royal siblings have done more for us than any other."

The eldest of the elves stood up, the hunched back old elf that treated her horrid fever days ago. Even Nahern and Selene remained silent as the elder shuffled forward.

Oz felt compelled to sit straighter under the weight of the elf's ancient eyes. 

"The first dungeon came to our world when I was a small, small child. Over a thousand years ago. We have long struggled with the weight of the Dragon's request. We have been waiting for you, dear girl. For you, we will devote ourselves to your every need." 

Oz immediately flustered as the old elf lowered herself down to kneel before her. 

"Please, please don't. Don't." She said, offering her hands to help the old elf back up. 

"Please don't bow to me, or any of you. I owe my life to your kindness. All of you. You had no reason to be kind enough to save me, given what humans had done."

Once the old elf was back by her family, Oz pushed the rabbit bear away so she could stand. She counted the group, not a large amount but easily enough to flare a small bit of anxiety. She fidgeted with the edge of her sleeve before lifting her chin.

"Let me properly introduce myself to everyone. My name is Ozel Kasper, I know everyone has been calling me Saint but still. I am in my early thirties and have been a hunter for the last sixteen years of my life. Dungeons have been part of my world for only a few decades now. Give or take since it took so long for anyone to believe them." Oz spoke as she fidgeted with her sleeve, slowly getting the confidence to look at everyone.

"I'm not sure exactly what will happen to us on this path. But let me be honest. I am going to do my best to save everyone affected by the dungeons. To do that, I'm going to need help." She held a hand to her chest. 

"Armor, weapons, power. The only way humans listen is through brute force. The only way to protect those I care about is to become a force no guild can ever ignore. I need to become a Dragoon, the highest of all rankings of the Guild system. To do that, I need information." Oz paused to gather her breath. 

"So as your Saint, I say we go to the Capital and let me absorb all I can. It might be dangerous, but we have to take any opportunity open to us. We're at a disadvantage, so we must do what we can for our own survival."

There was a roar of cheers in reply, Oz sighed. At least they listened, she let out a cry of shock when Nahern reached out, grabbing and had her sit on his lap. Her face flushed bright red, painfully hot as the prince agreed.

"Then it is finalized. We will ride to the Capital." He said softly, a sadness in his usually warm eyes.