Chapter 59 : Visions of the Future, Gather for Those Who Wait

"For a lich supposedly in that dungeon for years, you know your way around." Taegan teased, though for as lighthearted as he sounded his eyes and ears were on full alert. His body heat radiating like a beacon even under layers of fur and animal hide poncho's.

Oz kept a firm hand atop his corded bicep, linking her fingers like a lifeline into the lacework of the leather bracer. Even the boots she borrowed had little traction atop the centuries old ice. Yet Professor Com's loafers didn't catch much as he walked, walking cane tapping slowly atop the ice sheets. The pair followed the rambling lich through tunnels of hand carved ice tunnels. 

"Wow." It sounded so stupid but Oz couldn't help but gasp. The ice was carved like some Greek temple! Or the Sistine Chapel! Layers of walkways connected either with ice carved bridges or suspension rope bridges. Despite the cold, it was packed with people. Cold, untrusting eyes peered out at the golden beast and Oz. Their eyes shifted between their weapons and the massive beastman, wisely choosing not to mark her for an easy target.

"Little changes in the world of ice and snow, unlike the more vibrant summer worlds. Did you know, " The lich spun around, eyes glowing like fireflies within the empty sockets of the cow skull. 

"In my youth I studied the dungeons as a profession, centuries of time spent trying to unravel the great mystery. Maybe biomes are set up to mimic a natural environment, while others are to give off the appearance of a season. In my travels I once came across a dungeon that was rendered into the center of a sky. It was quite the hassle to enter it , having to bribe a dragon to fly my research crew to it."

"How old are you, bone bag?" Taegan asked with a blink. Oz slipped again, nearly falling straight on her ass, or would have if the golden beast hadn't grabbed the back of her cloak.

"Damnit." Oz cursed. "Why aren't you two slipping? I can't walk two steps without nearly hitting my ass."

"A few centuries here and there." The professor chuckled before pointing his walking stick at Oz. "Mana control. Focus your energy into your feet, make a solid connection. Then walk." 

Oz looked at her feet then at him, then back at her feet. "Like a ninja?"

"For the love of the tower…"The lich held his head, muttering something in between the creaking of bones.

"Here." He walked over and knelt before Oz. His peacoat elegantly parted either side of his fine suit as he placed a hand atop Oz's foot. A sudden warmth made her jump, a steady pulse from her heart to her feet.

[Skill Acquired! 💣︎♋︎■︎♋︎ ⬥︎♋︎●︎🙵⬥︎♋︎⍓︎ 🖳︎ 💧︎⧫︎♓︎♍︎🙵⍓︎ ☞︎♏︎♏︎⧫︎]

[Error in Translation. Translating….Translating]

[Skill Acquired : Mana Step - Ninja Step]

Oz tilted her head at Source's odd error. It never had problems translating before. Maybe because it was from Com? She lowered her feet back to the ice, the odd warm pulse was back. Professor Com offered his arm to her.

"Now walk normally, feeling the pulse of your natural mana connect with the life-flow of the world under us. Feel it surge into you like a lightning strike, connect and walk." Said the Lich, allowing Oz to hold onto him.

The feeling was odd, like she had glue on her feet. After a few yards it started becoming more natural to the point she was walking with ease.

"Wow! Thank you Com." Oz gave a small smile, "Can I run up walls with this?"

"Oh yes! It is an assassination skill after all. It should come in handy with your travels." The lich said casually, as if not dropping an info dump on her. Oz stared at him in shock, mouth agap before holding up her hand. She paused, biting back that question for another time. Instead picked another, better question for the moment.

"So why are we down here again? We need information for Nahern…" Oz felt her chest ache, the excitement of a new skill now muted by their problems.

"To speak to a friend, you need information after all. It doesn't matter if you are strong if you are ignorant." The lich tutted then motioned to a fur covered walkway. Pots sat stacked beside the covered door, shelves carved into the ice marking it as someone's home. "Ah here we are, in here. In here."

"He really is something, isn't he, saint?" Taegan chuckled, nudging her with his shoulder. 

"...Either the dungeon made him nuts, or he always was like that." She muttered and followed him inside the space. "Pardon my intrusion."

"Well, we have meet again." Said a soothing voice. Like a summer breeze, gentle and warm, with the same familiarity of the old door chime in her mother's old cafe. 

Oz froze in her steps, eyes darting across the entirely out of place room. She barely noticed anything but the fortune teller she saw weeks ago sitting atop a floating massive pillow, leaning casually atop her hand. Sparkling cards turned on their axis around her, spinning in orbits like a mini galaxy. Her hair floated skyward in contrast to the heavy red robe draped over form. 

Professor Com held a hand over his chest, "Just as you foretold, old friend."

"Of course." Smiled the fortune teller. Her other hand came up to part the delicate bead and chains from before her face, shielding most of her appearance from view. She moved slowly, swinging from the pillow to stand on the floor. 

"Hello young Saint. Welcome to the Access Room."

Oz gasped as the iceworld gave way, suddenly she was standing in that same starscape where the cards took her. A sparkling endless void surrounding a pool of shallow water, stars and fireflies flew upward with each step she took through the water.

"Who are you?"

"I am Katrina." The fortune teller held her long robe up as she curtsied, the sea of stars dancing about their feet. "Your Guardian in this quest of yours. We have much to speak about."

"Damn right we do…" Oz growled, hand flying to her small blade. She blinked, feeling herself now weaponless. Armorless. Her heavy furs and armor were gone. She patted herself down in confusion, only wearing a simple slip dress that ended just under her knees. 

"None of that, Dear Saint." Katrina smiled, waving her finger at her. "I am not here for you to fight against. But we do have much to speak about. Since we have a connection."

Katrina moved the beads that curtained her face, a sparkling ruby implanted deep within her left eye socket. "We are sisters of a sort, my friend."