CHapter 46 | Something isn't right

As they settled into their temporary camp, Trex quietly scribbled on a piece of paper and showed it to the party. The word "rest" was clearly written, and he pointed towards the ground.

Joize, ever quick to understand, nodded. "He means we should set up camp here," she said to the others.

Without hesitation, the group began setting up a camp in the spacious corridor. They arranged their lights around the area, creating a secure perimeter of illumination. Meanwhile, Trex reached into another pouch on his waist and took out a handful of seeds. He scattered them near the opening tunnels leading towards their location. Kneeling down, he began to do a silent prayer.

[Creak...!][Branching sounds]

Within moments, thick, barbed vines sprouted from the seeds, weaving themselves across the entryways and creating natural barriers. He repeated the process at the other entryways until the entire area was isolated from potential threats.