Chapter 7

I sat in my room, staring at the Fuinjustu on the scroll. "Fuin!" I put my hand on the tiny seal and applied a bit of my chakra to it. 

Nothing happened. I waited some more. Still, nothing happened. "Ummm…" said Isobu, "Nothing happened." 

I nodded, "I guess I'll ask Minato-sensei tomorrow." 

"That's it?" asked Isobu, "What are you going to do now?" 

"Well," I said, unrolling the scroll, "I'm going to read."

I looked and began reading the words. Thank god I received Rin's memories or I probably wouldn't have been able to read much of it. Maybe 50% if I was lucky…

The scroll went over basic human anatomy before going into a deeper dive of how everything worked and other stuff. One section was interesting. It went over fatal spots and how to heal it. Tsunade was probably drunk or not caring when she wrote that section. It said, 'Use Strength of Hundreds seal or they die.' Not everyone had the seal. Maybe I should learn it soon… 


The scroll was left, forgotten for the next few weeks as I focused on Genjutsu and the Flying Thunder God technique. I had nearly perfected short distance teleportation with hand seals and my eyes closed and now I was working on keeping my eyes open and sensing based on instinct, not force. My Genjutsu improved as well, and with Kaa-chans teaching, I was able to master a few smaller D-rank genjutsus and one C-rank. I was so proud of myself. I also did my shifts at the hospital. It was mostly changing bandages and fetching items for the patients. 

I walked through Konoha, towards Minato-sensei and Kushina-nee's home to ask Minato about the seal on the scroll. "One! Two! Three! Four!" shouted Guy's voice beside me. 

"Hi Guy!" he was walking on his hands again, counting his steps. 

"It's the weirdo again…" muttered Isobu. It was the morning and he sounded tired. Did tailed beasts need to sleep in my body?

'Shush! Be nice!'

"What are you doing? Would you like to be YOUTHFUL with me?" he asked. 

"I'm heading to Minato-sensei's. Thank you for offering but I'm a bit busy." I replied.

"Oh! He's probably not at home!" said Guy. 


"Didn't you hear?" asked Guy, "You are his student after all." 

"What happened?" I asked, curious. 

"It's the most YOUTHFUL thing!" shouted Guy, "Your sensei is so YOUTHFUL! So amazing! Yosh! I will work harder to become more YOUTHFUL than him!" 

"Guy?" I asked, "What did he do?" 

"So YOUTHFUL!" declared Guy, drawing attention from others, "He's going to be Yondaime!" 

I let out a gasp, "Really?!" 

"Yes," said Guy, "And with my YOUTHFUL brain, I think he's at Hokage Tower right now!" 

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, "Bye!"

I changed my course of direction and headed towards the tower. I applied chakra and shunshined toward the tower. This was exciting but bad. It meant Naruto would be born soon, then Minato and Kushina would die. I probably had a year or two left. Barely. Obito would be responsible for their deaths and Kakashi would be plunged into deeper depression. 

'I have to start learning the strength of Hundreds seal NOW.' 

"What's so special about the seal?" asked Isobu. 

"The seal holds accumulated chakra that can be used in fights and to heal basically any injury, no matter how life-threatening." 

"Sounds like me," said Isobu. 

"Except you can't fully heal the injuries cause you didn't fully heal that chest wound. Said I'd experience after effects…" 

Isobu grumbled. I ignored him and ran towards the tower. It was amazing to look at. The tower was red with a large Fire kanji on it. I ran through the gate and up toward the office. "Hello?" shouted the secretary at the front desk, "Do you have an appointment?" 

I stopped short, "Ummm… I'm here to see Minato-sensei…" 

"Do you have an appointment…" she looked super annoyed. 

"No…" I replied, "But I'm his student? Rin Nohara? I just wanted to congratulate him." 

"Honey," sighed the secretary, "Everyone wants to congratulate him, I'm afraid you're going to need an appointment." 


"It's alright, Sato-san," said Minato from behind me. 

"Yondaime…" said the secretary respectfully. 

"Not yet," grinned Minato. 

Was it just me or did the secretary blush? Don't tell me Minato-sensei was like Jiraya… or maybe he was just a pretty boy that girls liked. 

He led me to an empty room. As soon as we entered, I spun around and grinned, "Congrats sensei! I can't believe it!" 

He gave an awkward laugh, "Yeah…" 

I smiled, "Seriously, you deserve it." 

"Really?" he asked, "You think so?" 

I nodded, "Of course, who else could be Hokage other than Konoha's very own Yellow Flash?" 

"Thanks," he smiled. "What else did you need me for?" 


"I mean, you didn't come here just to congratulate me right?" 

I faltered, "You're right." I pulled the scroll out of my bag. 

"This is a medical scroll…" he said, "I'm not a medic-nin, you should probably ask Kushina." 

I shook my head, "There's a seal on this scroll but I tried to open it and it didn't work. What do you think?" 

"Interesting…" he mumbled as he studied it. 

"What is it?" I asked after quite some time. 

"Hmmm…" he finally said, "It looks like a normal seal. Add chakra and it opens." 

"What?" I asked, "Are you sure? I tried yesterday but it wouldn't open." 

"Fuin!" he said, trying to open it. Nothing happened. 

"Huh," he said, "Looks like you need a ridiculous amount of chakra to open it." 

I frowned, "How much do I need?" 

Minato grinned sheepishly, "That would be… about the size of the… Strengths of Hundreds?" 


"Tail beast chakra might work!" he said quickly, looking at me. 

Oh. "You think I could open it if I used the Sanbi's chakra?" I asked. 

He shrugged, "Just… be careful." 


"Let's do it!" said Isobu, excitedly. 

"But…. but…" I muttered, "I can't let you do that. What if you use too much chakra?" 

"I sleep…" 

"Good point," I said, staring at the small seal, "But how would you get your chakra out?" 

Did he grin? It felt like he was grinning. "One-Tailed beast chakra cloak!!" 

"Uh… what?" In canon, Naruto only used it when he lost control. "But, wouldn't I go on a rampage?" 

"You can control it," said Isobu, "If I let you."

"Alright," I said, "Promise you won't kill anyone?" 

"Yep," said Isobu, "Now close your eyes and draw some chakra out of the seal on your stomach…" 

I did. The chakra felt warmer than usual as it flowed out. I opened my eyes and saw what a thin layer of chakra covering me. It bubbled. I felt strong, so strong, I could destroy everything! I shook my head and turned to the seal. 

"Fuin!" I pushed as much chakra through it as possible 

Slowly, but surely, the seal opened. Ink began to spread and words formed on the pages. I grinned and with the help of Isobu, dispersed the cloak. "It worked!" grinned Isobu. 


"Rin!" shouted a worried voice from below me. 

Kaa-chan ran into my room, the door slamming open. "Are you alright?" she asked. 

"What's wrong Kaa-chan?" I asked, "Did something happen?" 

She scanned my room, then put her hands in a tiger seal, "Kai!" 

Nothing happened. She looked around. "Kaa-chan?" I repeated. 

"Nothing…" she muttered, "I thought I sensed a powerful chakra from your room."

'Shoot, I forgot she was also a sensor.' 

"I'm fine," I grinned, "Probably nothing."

"Right…" she left and I turned back to the scroll. 

What I read next both shocked and excited me.