Warning: Sexual activity
(Back to the present day.)
If an adventurer had any reputation worth talking about, it was necessary to have more than an ordinary tent. A good tent wasn't just storage and living space, it was one of the ways an adventurer could silently brag about the money they brought in.
So even before taking over Kres' care, Elmerin had splurged on one of the Edwards Merchant Clans specialities, space magic tents. Looking like a small square on a carrying loop when folded up, a tap or word expanded it to full size. From the outside, it seemed like a normal four-man tent; inside, it had a center area the size of a large inn suite with a kitchen and storage area at the back, and an attached room on either side the size of the smaller inn rooms. Each smaller room had a curtained area for a camp toilet.
The tent had sound-blocking magic on both the outside and the panels between rooms, allowing conversations in the main area while letting others sleep. There was some basic defense magic to keep bugs and weaker animals or monsters away, middle-level durability magic to lessen wear and tear, cleaning enchantments, and temperature control. All wrapped around the understated elegance the Edwards products were famous for.
The interior was furnished with those products: Cushions, floor mats, kitchen equipment, storage containers, and in the bedrooms, sleeping mats, blankets and pillows. Kres had a small camp cot, since Reefka had worried about the effects on Kres from sleeping on the ground, and Elmerin didn't see any harm in allaying those fears.
At the moment Elmerin was debating whether he should try to go back to sleep, or just get up. His instincts told him it was a couple hours till dawn yet -timepieces tended to lose time when stored inside space magic- so either would work.
Well there was that. He got up and headed to the curtain pulled in front of the toilet.
As he sat back down on his sleeping mat, he noticed a gem on one of his bracelets was glowing.
This device recorded events that happened in his immediate area when he was unconscious or sleeping. It was a backup to a spell he had constantly running via an invisible mana circle traced on his side, but if he was out of mana, that spell couldn't work. The recording bracelet was set to kick in when that happened.
The light meant something worth recording had happened. Since there was only one time recently when he was out of mana, it must have recorded something while in the room with Drysia.
It disturbed him. Had Drysia honored the Code? Or had the bracelet recorded something he'd rather not think about?
Elmerin laid back down. Either she had or she hadn't. He could review the bracelet, and if she hadn't, he could make sure she paid for it.
At first the recording just showed her sitting there. He wondered what she was thinking to look so miserable; the bracelet couldn't see thoughts. Then she began to speak.
By the time she was done, Elmerin was furious. More furious than he'd been in a long time.
Damn him. Damn Lisko. No wonder Drysia was so bitter. That kind of exploitation would wreck anyone. And no wonder Falchan was so fucked up.
But more worrying was Lisko apparently having known about the enslavement. While many kingdoms had long forbidden the practice, Korrum still had laws allowing someone to be enslaved for sex work. But it required a severe crime and the ruling of a high-ranking priest from the head temple of Ishana, as well as the king. Such a worker would never be sentenced to a poor village.
So an illegal slave. That Lisko, and possibly former counts, had known about. And known they were producing children who were also forced into slavery.
How deep had their dungeon of crime grown?
He'd have to find a way to hand over the evidence to Rammeld while coming up with a reasonable explanation of why he had the thing -small devices like the bracelet were rare.
An instinct rather than a sound alerted him he was not alone. Not that anything harmful could enter the tent with the combination of the installed spells and his own magic on it. But he remembered he'd left the security panel down in case Kres had to come in to get something.
Quietly, he got up and carefully pulled open the panel separating him from the main area. The lights were definitely on, and a soft moan told him there was at least one person out there.
Swearing to himself, he strode out. In the pile of cushions to one side, Drysia and Nera were lying. For a minute he didn't see what they were doing.
He pulled up short. Drysia was kissing Nera. It looked like full tongue was involved. One arm was around the younger woman's shoulders, while the other was under the skirt of her inner robe, the outer robe tossed to the side. From the motion of her arm, Elmerin suspected what Drysia was doing… and somehow found it more enticing than if he could see what was going on.
Getting control of himself, he growled, "What are you doing?"
"Hmm." Drysia disentangled herself from the kiss. Nera didn't seem to notice; the haze in her eyes spoke of being completely out of it with pleasure. "Nera came to my tent yesterday evening to check on me. I managed to get her to stay put for the night. But a bit ago I woke up to her sneaking out. I caught up to her in here." She licked Nera's neck. "I had to distract her, and it seems to be working."
Forcing himself to ignore his arousal, Elmerin silently cast Limit Level: Analyze. Nera seemed fine, just out of her mind with her apparent first taste of serious foreplay. "Do you have to do that here?"
"My tent isn't nearly as comfortable. Besides, she's hard to get past a certain point with just fingers. I don't want to walk her back to my tent in this state." She removed both her hands from Nera, causing a whimper from the young priestess, and pushed aside the cushion covering her legs, reaching for an item bag.
Elmerin found himself stumbling, his breath coming faster. Drysia had neither pants nor underclothes on, and her rear was facing him as she rummaged through her bag.
The blond adventurer found what she was looking for: a strap-on sex toy, that she promptly put on and lubed up. She turned and winked. "Watch this."
Pulling Nera's robes up, she turned the younger woman over. Pulling on her hips, Drysia adjusted her at a comfortable angle, then leaned forward and licked her before penetrating her with her tongue.
The young priestess moaned, thrusting her hips toward Drysia and calling her name. Drysia pulled back and smirked. Carefully positioning herself, she slowly pushed the toy into Nera, causing a small cry.
"Drysia, it, it feels..."
"Sssh." The older woman was all the way inside the younger one. "I'll hold still so you can get used to it." She looked over. "Hey, Elmerin."
He started. "Yes?"
"Want to join in?"
"Yes!" Nera gasped. "Please." She pushed herself up, whimpering as the pressure within her changed and pressed in new ways.
Drysia pulled out part of the way, then thrust in again.
A few more plunges, and Drysia pulled out. Grabbing Nera around the waist, she pulled her upright. "Hey, El, a little help here."
The adventurer was trying desperately to control himself and convince himself to at least go back to his room, and losing at both. "Don't call me El," he gasped.
"Well, help me get this robe off. It's in the way."
Instead of retreating as he knew he should, Elmerin found himself moving forward. His hands were on Nera's chest in a moment, alternating caressing her breasts with removing the robe. As he worked her arms loose from the sleeves, she put her now-bare arms around his neck and kissed him.
A surprisingly strong but inexperienced kiss. He used his own tongue to show her how to lick, where to apply pressure, the angles that worked best.
Hands were working at his waist, loosening the laces of his pants and pulling the clothing down. He tore his mouth free. "Drysia!"
"Shhh." He felt a cool circle enclose the base of his dick. A cock ring, from the feel of it enspelled to allow plenty of blood flow while restricting orgasm. "Just want you to enjoy this as long as possible."
It was like he was drowning in the sensations, which only increased as Nera licked his neck and collarbone. His rational mind was yelling about what a terrible idea this was, but his arousal, thoroughly aggravated by the remaining Lustvine in his system, reduced the noise to a bird chirping.
Drysia went behind Nera and pulled her back, landing her face in his lap. "She told me she's never had a dick in her mouth before. Why don't you do the honors?" Watching him, she timed her next thrust into the priestess with his into Nera's open mouth. "Suck it like one of those long candy treats, Nera. Lick it up and down. Be careful with your teeth." At Elmerin's cries, she laughed. "She's that good at following instructions?"
"Shut. up." He grasped the back of Nera's head and pushed his dick as far down her throat as he could. But this wasn't enough. He needed more. "Are you done yet?" He released Nera, backing out so she could breathe.
"Do you want to share?" Drysia was going faster and faster, pushing the dildo deep inside the young woman.
Nera suddenly cried out as she experienced her first full orgasm. Panting, she didn't struggle as Drysia and Elmerin turned her around and he thrust into her. She gave a sharp cry.
"Feels… different…"
"Living flesh always does." Drysia was digging in her item bag again. "Hold still a minute, El -you're bigger than my toy."
He growled but complied. Caressing Nera's back, he reached around to fondle her breasts. "It's alright."
"I'm- I'm fine." She could feel him stretching her out, but it felt so good. "I-I want you."
Elmerin's reply was cut off when he felt fingers stroking his bottom. "Dry-"
"You'll like this, I promise." She put the lube from the new pot on him, spreading it on and around his hole. "Just take care of Nera." His back to her, he didn't see the thin gloves she was wearing as she heavily coated her fingers from the pot. "There." She slid a finger into him and smirked at his moan.
Nera gasped as Elmerin twitched inside her. "Drys, what-"
"I'm just playing with his hole, dear." Drysia added another finger. "Some men like that, as much as you liked having your front one played with." She carefully avoided touching a certain spot while she worked at him until she could get three fingers in. "This one doesn't need a harness, El. It's spelled to stay in until it's pulled out."
He could feel it. He could feel her inserting the new dildo until the flared base touched the edge of his hole. It felt just right, pressing him in all the pleasurable places. He couldn't even think about anything but getting more.
Nera was grinding against him. He pushed forward, feeling the tip of his dick pressing against her cervix. She felt so tight around him. More. He wanted more. He pulled out and rammed into her again, and again, relishing her crying out how good it was.
Drysia pulled his head around and kissed him. "Hey, sit up. I want to fuck her from the front."
Elmerin sat up on his knees, pulling Nera in and holding her on his lap. Drysia knelt in front of them, fingering Nera to loosen her enough to start inserting the strap-on.
The young priestess suddenly cried out; this sounded like one of pain. "
"Do you want me to stop?" Drysia asked. She had no intention of doing so, but as long as Elmerin wasn't in a blackout state, he could recover enough to interfere if he felt Nera was being abused.
"N-no, I'm fine! Keep-keep going." In truth it did hurt, but Nera was determined to keep up with the more experienced adventurers. Her uncle said the adventurers worked hard and played hard, and had also said sex was one of the most fun types of play. She wasn't going to ruin this because of a little pain.
"Let us know immediately if you want to stop," Elmerin said. He swallowed; he hoped she didn't. The pressure of the strap-on against him while they were both inside Nera was stimulating him beyond all reason.
Gently, Elmerin by nature and Drysia to avoid suspicion, the two older adventurers thrust into the younger one. She moaned and writhed as the pain and pleasure mixed, each thrust tossing her to a new height.
Nera came again, gasping in excitement. But she was also tired, so tired…
The two older adventurers gently laid her down. Elmerin groaned; he'd been so close, just a moment more…
"Hold on a moment." Drysia removed the strap-on, then moved over and kissed him. "Lay on your back."
Elmerin did, making sure not to be too close to Nera. After stashing the strap-on and lube pots back in the item bag, Drysia knelt beside him. "Hold still." She gently pulled his wrists above his head and wrapped them with a piece of rope, pressing his wrists to the ground. "This has magic on it. It'll hold your hands in place while we're busy."
There was something wrong with this, but Elmerin's warning sense was still drowned under the Lustvine and arousal.
Drysia straddled him, lowering herself onto him. "That's what you want, isn't it? Not an amateur, but someone with experience." Up, down, slowly. Then faster. His hips bucked trying to meet her. He wanted to touch her, but the magic rope kept his hands pinned to the floor.
She slowed. "Please what."
"I need to… the ring, please."
She reached forward and stroked his face. Elmerin's corneas showed a faint hint of green. "Say it. I want to hear it."
"Let me come. Please. I need to."
Drysia grinned maliciously as he begged. She reached between her legs and released the ring.
The reaction was immediate. Elmerin cried out as he was able to finally release, thrusting his hips up as hard as he could. Finally, spent, he collapsed, panting as if he'd run the entire first level at full speed.
He was too out of it to notice when Drysia had removed the rope and put it back in her bag, or when she picked up Nera's robes and put them in Elmerin's sleeping space. He barely noticed when Drysia helped a nearly-asleep Nera into his room as well. Then she came over to him.
"Up. You need to get back to bed." She reached down and grabbed his hands. "Up, now." Still in a cooperative state due to the lingering Lustvine, he allowed himself to be pulled to his feet, stumbling along with her support into his bedroom.
Drysia sat him down next to Nera, then helped him out of his shirt and pants. "You'll need to clean these anyway. Now just lay down here…"
After laying him down and tucking Nera against him, Drysia smiled, but one full of malice. Messing with people was so much fun -it was probably the only thing she was going to miss about being around the Cothmores. Nera was already asleep and Elmerin was almost there -too bad she wouldn't be around when they woke up fully. Humming to herself, she went to get her underclothes and pants back on and go back to her tent.
People mentioned in this chapter:
Items, magic:
Camp toilet: A set that consists of a wooden stake inscribed with spells, and a bucket with a seat and lid. The bucket and the stake are connected with enchantments.
A hole is dug where the camp wishes to dispose of their waste, and the stake placed within, usually in the side of the hole rather than the bottom. Anything put in the toilet is transported to the site of the stake. Both stake and bucket are inscribed with cleanliness spells. Fancier sets can come with a towel also enchanted with cleanliness, or even a container enchanted to produce water, usually via a water stone.
Recording bracelet: A silver or gold bracelet with a flat metal piece set with gems or crystals, held on by a chain. Each stone is a storage device that can hold one recording, the length and detail dependent on the quality of the gem. Much more difficult to make than its larger counterparts, and most models the public has access to are much more likely to break under stress.
Elmerin's bracelet is a special craftwork from the Edwards Merchant Clan, and much more durable and less noticeable than the average bracelet. They are very picky about who they allow to have them.
Tent, magic: A tent that uses magic to increase the space inside, and possibly provide other benefits. Using space magic to make more room in tents goes back long before the Summoned ever showed up. It's a mark of status to be able to afford a nice tent, whether merchant, adventurer, or other. How much a kingdom values its soldiers is often reflected in their gear, including whether they buy tents with decent space magic, basic, or none at all.
Elmerin's tent has 70 m^2 of space.
No one knows why timepieces cannot retain their accuracy when stored in space magic.
Deities mentioned:
Ishana: No gender, both Light and Dark. Sex, any kind.