In the garden of magic, stood many flowers but the exceptionally beautiful of them all was a rose. The gardener took no partiality in taking care of his flowers but he held a very soft spot for the lonely sunflower that stood aloof. The gardener wasn't the only one to notice the sunflower, the rose noticed him too. It actually fell in love with the sunflower after watching it for a period of time. It fell in love with the way the sunflower was loyal to its only love of its life, the sun. Sure it pained the rose to see that and very soon it grew venomous thorns out of sadness. The gardener being the keen observer he was, planted the rose infront of the sunflower. At first the sunflower paid no heed to the small rose infront of it but very soon it too fell in love with its beauty. The rose became extremely happy again and even if she couldn't take back her thorns, she at least made them without any poison. Wherelse the sunflower found its new sun, its beloved rose.