Difficult Decisions



-Hi,how did you find me?

[BECCA]-i begged your mom to tell me, Katie I now know you didn't betray me.I'm sorry

-Dont be it's okay,just tell me this.If non of this had happened who would have won?

me or Smith?

[BECCA]- Smith wasn't even close,it was you Katie,you

-i just wanted to confirm that,but I'm sorry Becca

we can't continue our relationship,you could dish me out without trying to hear my own side of the story,I know at times it's hard to just believe someone without evidence but I was so hurt

I tried reaching you several times but you cut me off.

You enjoyed i and Smith fighting over you,even when we said we want to compete

I was the first person you liked but you allowed us fight to get you.

and with everything that happened I just grew to get over you,I'm so sorry.

[BECCA]-i understand that I f*cked up,is there no way for us to start a fresh?

-Sorry Becca bye.

With that I just closed the door and she left.

The next day at school,I saw someone surprising and it was no other person than Lewis my ex boyfriend, he met me

[LEWIS]-Hi,how are you doing

-Lewis? what are you doing here?

[LEWIS]-its a long story but just know that from now I would be living in my former house

we moved out from the other city

-Okay nice to see you again,bye

He went over to sit beside Isabel and was trying to engage in a conversation with her

I was just looking at them from my corner,when he came to me again

[LEWIS]-Are you jealous

-of what exactly?

[LEWIS]-Isabel getting close to me

-what made you think so?I'm not.

[LEWIS]-Time would tell

And he left,I was so confused with his question

When I got to my room I couldn't stop thinking about it,was I liking another girl?

The next day at school my eyes were all kept on Isabel but I couldn't accept anything I was feeling.

during recess Lewis came to my sit

[LEWIS]-i like Isabel can you match her with me?

-i'm not a match maker

I just stood up and left for another sit.

[ISABEL]- mud girl I saw you speaking to Lewis,is there anything going on between you both?

-Nah we were only talk,but why did you ask?

[ISABEL]-I thought he asked you out

-Hmm I can get him to ask me out if I want though but I'm not into that any more

[ISABEL]-Oh really so what are you into now?

-Never mind.

[ISABEL]- I dare you to k*ss Lewis. I'm having a party this weekend that everyone is coming, why don't you come.and dress beautiful so he would agree to k*ss you

- and why do I have to k*ss Lewis

[ISABEL]- just do it,it's a dare.lets have fun

-okay,I would be there.

During the weekend,I dressed up for Isabel party and the second I walked in every one turned towards me shocked.

[ISABEL]-GIGGLES,gee mud girl. I almost didn't recognize you.

-Well it's me and FYI, my name is Katie

[ISABEL]- okay Katie,good luck in having Lewis,I will just sit back and enjoy watching you both.

Uhh Isabel is such a wi*ch,lol...

To be continued...