Don't Be Scared To Come Out



One day I walked into the girls restroom and I caught Smith glaring at me

- can I help you?

[SMITH]- I saw you k*ssing Isabel behind the building,what is that about?

-Oh god oh god,you cannot tell anybody about that,Plus why do you care?

[SMITH]-Maybe I like you and wanna date you, I've been into you lately. You dress better,you wear more makeup, you're even h*tter than Isabel now

Smith took my hand and at that moment I realized I got mad

- actually Smith I'm not interested, I've liked you since forever and you never appreciated me.infact you pretty much ignored me and used me to raise your maths grade,I don't even want to talk about what you did when we were both dating Becca so... Back off I'm with Isabel now, deal with it.

I walked away before Smith could answer.

When launch came,I walked into the cafeteria to find everyone on their phone whispering and Isabel was crying,I ran to her and asked what was wrong.

[ISABEL]- Smith just posted a TikTok telling everyone that we are dating,did you tell him anything? this is not how I wanted to come out.

-of course not,he saw us k*ssg and because he got jealous he posted it for revenge.

[ISABEL]- what do you mean,he got jealous? is there something going on between you two?

- Not anymore,since I confessed my feeling to him, he rejected me and so I thought at first to revenge on him by been friends with you and becoming popular.

[ISABEL]- by been friends with me? you're my girlfriend, OMG you used me didn't you? you lied to me and made me think that you liked me

- that's not true. after we started dating,I realized I liked you for real.

[ISABEL]- I don't think I believe you, you're hung up over a guy whose never thought you were good enough for him and I don't even think you like him,you just wanted his attention and approval because you don't like or respect yourself.

Isabel stormed off and I burst into tears as I walked home,deep down I knew Isabel was right.

I didn't like or respect myself, I'd felt like a freak my whole life but I was so sick of hating myself and I just couldn't let my own issues ruin my relationship.

The next day at school,I went back to dressing the way I usually was who I was and I bought some flowers for Isabel to apologize,then I was passing an empty classroom when I saw Smith and his friends setting loose poisonous snakes

-OMG what are you doing?

[SMITH]- I see you're back to looking like an Emo freak,just walk away bubble gum head

- You know what? No. I'm gonna tell the principal about this unless you post a public apology to me and Isabel on TikTok

[SMITH]- please,like I would ever do that

- you leave me no choice then

I snapped a picture of Smith setting loose the snake before he could move, and then I matched out of the classroom and reported him. And to my delight,he got suspended for a week.

The news was all over the school and surprisingly, people were happy about it. The went up to me thanking me

[GIRL]-Smith was such a j*rk anyway,none of us liked him.

[BOY]-And it was messed up what he did to you and Isabel,as if any of us care that you two are gay.

I couldn't be happier.the best part was Isabel came up to me after school and accepted my flowers

[ISABEL]-im glad to see you got a little fire in you girl,and come to think of it I don't know why I was so scared of people knowing I'm into girls

-You forget it's a new generation,plus didn't you tell me we shouldn't care about what people think of us?

[ISABEL]- I remember girlfriend, I love you

- I love you more.

And we kissed passionately..