Chapter 3- poker game ( his attraction)

After a while in the casino,she spotted a couple of men playing this poker game, she sat on the bar stool sipping her cocktail with her face down not letting anybody see her face. However the men by the side caught her attention. She fixed her mask back on her face to stare at the men. By the side she watched the bald middle age men drinking and playing a poker but the poker wasn't just an ordinary poker game, it involves female betting.

Kimberly saw a girl in the midst of the men sitting uncomfortable, one man among the others was touching her thighs, she watched the girl face that showed disgust but also helplessness. As Kimberly saw the man trace his hand barely touching her vagina, Kimberly have encounter other young girls just like this one girls who is being betted on or thrusted around like a sex toy. Kimberly fought the urge to punch those fuckers but then an idea struck her.

Walking over, she decided to use another approach to help the lady. "Wow nice moves" Kimberly pretendingly praises the bald man who was obviously winning the game. Seeing a curvaceous figure with a mask on her face the men instantly got attracted.

"Wow Pablo, your guess attracted an angel from heaven" one man said pervatedly praised while the other men who smiled and smoked her cigarettes while staring at her pervatedly. Pablo is the same man trying to harrass the girl. Pablo who was basking in the praises of his fellow gamblers stared at the mask lady, with a boastful appearance he said " what can I say, my play is out of the world" he smiled showing his brown teeth that left Kimberly disgusted . However, she had to smile at him with a fake smile.

" I can't play that much, how about you teach me Pablo" Kimberly asked Pablo who was smiling boastfully but Kim was lying,she is a pro in this game. Someone created a space for her to sit down, this mysterious girl was increasing their urge with her figure. " hey cutie, why don't you take off your mask" Pablo said anxiously wanting to see the face of this mysterious lady, she has a cute voice that is making him hard. " it isn't important" Kimberly replied this time her face getting stern. " cutie how about we spice up this game" pablo requested making Kimberly glare at him, but she was still able to hold back with a fake smile she asked " how ?"

"We play this game, if you loose, you take off your mask and let me fuck your sweet little pussy into submission" Pablo laid down his request smiling pervatedly at Kimberly, who was already loosing her cool, but she managed to ask back " and if I win the game?" . " if you win then you can ask anything you want from me, even if it means killing someone" Pablo said with pride not believing that this petite girl was going to win him a master of poker not knowing that he is making her job very easy for her.

" how many games are we talking about here?"she asked but Pablo was ignorant not believing that he needs many game only one game is enough to get her in his bed.

"Just one game sweetheart"Kim nodded her head " Pablo I just need your word that if I win you would never send your guys after me, and if I loose I'll go with you just for tonight". "Okay you have my word" Pablo said with pride laced in his voice. Everyone kept looking at the both of them as they played. Pablo has never been defeated before,so they were already anticipating on how Pablo would fuck this mask girl tonight.

Pablo kept playing with pride not realizing anything wrong, it wasn't until the game ended that he saw the result that left him shocked.

One second

Two seconds.....

Three seconds.....

It took Pablo three seconds to realize that he had just lost to the masked girl, using his last string of pride he had to save face in front of his other gamblers. " It seems that you win sweetheart" Pablo said still not believing that he had just lost. " seems so, so Pablo about your promise to me" she requested not leaving any room for Pablo to compromise. " what do you want sweetheart, billions,power,fame,a good fuck just name it" Pablo asked with pride.

"Pablo I want the lady besides you,I want her freedom, I want her for myself " her request made everyone quiet.[ how could this mysterious girl be a lesbian?] . Kimberly could hear the other men by her side. Pablo ordered the girl who is sitting beside him, the girls eyes were widened in shock, she couldn't believe that her new owner is a woman.

" you can have her, I won't go for you, I thought you would want me but turns out you are a lesbian" Pablo's face was laced with disappointment. " Stacey come here" Kimberly ordered still trying to look unaffected.After a while she got up with Stacey and left soon she ion felt someone following her. She turned to see Stacey following her like a puppet [fuck ] she almost forgot about her.

" you can go" "huh!" . " Stacey I'm not a lesbian, i only did that to give you your freedom" Stacey burst into tears at Kimberly's explanation, she kept thanking kim " thank you so much, I owe you my life" .

Seeing that there were gaining attention,Kim gave Stacey some money for her fare before walking away. Unknowingly to her,she never knew that a pair of eyes had been watching her moves for quiet sometimes, his attraction towards her grew, he felt his lips lift, he touched his lips only to see that he was smiling.

Alex kept replaying the whole scene in his head, how can a girl be this good at poker?,this mysterious girl even freed a girl. However, he saw her entering the room which one of his amateur energy just entered. His bad mood was lightened up a bit. Zeke was stunned beyond measure, he followed the sight of his boss to see that his boss was staring at a lady in hood. Damm the girl is so lucky zeke thought