chapter 7-call me super man

During the ride back Alex kept an expressionless face all through, but with the aura of managing from him one could sense danger as his icy appearance screamed run!!, his driver and Zeke sitting in front of him where finding it very difficult to even breathe freely so as not to offend their boss. Alex fixed his eyes outside the car window watching the scenery without any expression on his face. Suddenly,a barely noticeable smile appeared on his face as he spotted a familiar figure of his little tigress " pull up in front of her" Alex ordered his surbodinate who were still lost as to why the boss ordered so. As soon as the car pulled up the stepped out of his car "hey is your car spoilt ?" He asked and Kimberly turned to see where the voice was coming from, standing in front of her is a carved carefully by God himself, his handsome face and his built body could be classified as a Greek god,she is usually composed in front of other guys but seeing this guy she felt her tummy make some funny movement [OMG why the actual fuck I'm I having flutters in my tummy?]kumberly thought shamelessly.

Seeing her checking him out made Alex feel proud of his looks, he remembered the last time when she said that he wasn't worth her attention now who is drooling over his looks Alex smirked staring at her. "I know I'm handsome but could you pls stop eye fucking me "Alex chuckled as Kimberly blushed in embarrassment, his teases seem to bring her back to reality [fuck!! How could you do this you bitch] her mind teased her too. "Uh ..huh ... no I wasn't checking you out"she began to loose her cool as she found her self stammering

"Yes you were "

"No I wasn't "

"Yes you were"

"I said I wasn't " Kim glared at him not knowing why she was having a child's play with this jerk that was so arrogant on their first meeting

"Of course sweetheart you know you were but, anything that floats your boat, oh by the way I'm so sorry for the last time in the casino, I know I was a total jerk so pls can you forgive me!"Alex said with a charming smile that nearly swept her off her feet plastered on his face. It took a while before kim could respond "no problem at all " "oh by the way what happened to your car ?" Alex asked

"I really don't know, it just fucked me up big time"Kim itched the back of her neck in embarrassment, hearing the F word from her mouth was enough to make Alex smile his little tigress never seems to amaze him.

"You sound too innocent when you use the F word but about your car let me see what I can do " Zeke and the others widened their eyes in surprise [their boss is a rich man he didn't need to do things like this unless.... ] Zeke stares at Kim and his boss.

Alex rolled up his sleeves while Kimberly just stared at him in amusement and concern "are you sure you can handle it, don't get hurt"she said full of concern while Alex was shocked that she could be concerned about him. After few minutes Alex dusted his dirty palms

"Done and dusted "Alex said full of confidence that the car is okay

"Oh thanks, I mean thank you so much for fixing my car if not u would really be stranded right now"

"No worries, saving a damsel in distress isn't bad it reminds me of super man who saved a damsel in distress "Alex joked making Kimberly chuckle "oh super man thank you so much " still laughing at each other a car pulled up in front of them making Kimberly utterly shocked as Alex walked towards the car

" wait is this your car ?"Alex paused as Kimberly asked "yes why did you ask ?" Alex was confused by her question

"Wow you've got a cool baby here I mean this is a custom made Ferrari it worths about 50 billion US dollars"Kim drooled in amazement while Alex was surprised by her interest in cars, other girls are just interested in driving the car but not in the amount or the model of the car his little tigress is totally amazing.

"Oh I'm so sorry I just love the models of cars "Kimberly said jotting out of her reverie "no problem I'm Alexander by the way but you can call me Alex for short"Alex stretched his hand for a handshake she hesitated first before accepting the handshake "I'm Kimberly you can call me kim for short and thank you for helping me" she exchange greetings before finally driving off in her car

Alex watched as the car left his view he turned to look at Zeke and Leonard that were staring at him weirdly " why the fuck are you staring at me maybe putting a bullet in your head will make you come back to your senses" Alex said in a cold demour totally different from the Alex that just talked to Kimberly now [what the fuck is wrong with the boss] the two thought in their mind of course not saying it out for fear of heir lives. Alex entered the car thinking about the petite figure he just talked to now fuck she was driving him crazy

Meanwhile Kimberly kept hitting g her head, pinching herself to come out of the dream she had entered

Com'on Kim we both know that you were blushing red there" Kimberly's mind seems to be teasing her badly

"No I did not blush, wait what just happened ?, why did I blush?, why did I feel strange" Kimberly kept asking herself as she walked back to her apertment since she wasn't leaving in the house she built for her family. " No Kimberly he is just like other guys, do not let your guard down" Kimberly kept chanting in her head , but she still couldn't sleep as a certain face was in her dreams