Chapter 17- Met Kim’s mom


Alex and Kimberly were both set to visit Kimberly's mom together. On their way Alex signaled his driver to stop at a cafe, he bought chocolate cakes and different skin care products from another store for both Kim's mom and sister.

"Little tigress what's your mom like, what does she like, and what kind of guy would she like for you ?" Alex asked feeling nervous.

"Alex calm down okay, you already bought my mom's favorite flower,cakes and other stuffs for Reese don't sweat it ,and besides it's a fake relationship" Kim said stressing the word fake relationship to make him stick to reality that they aren't a thing just fake. However, her words made him more nervous.

She stared at Alex whose palm is sweating, she couldn't believe her eyes "I can't believe that the gray Mr cheng who controls the country's economy, number 1 too eligible diamond bachelor would be nervous to meet his girl's family, a fake one at that" Kim kept laughing making Alex frown while pouting his lips childishly. No other person has ever seen him this way except Kimberly.

He knew to Kim it doesn't matter, but he really wanted to impress his girlfriend's family maybe then she would like him. Alex has never thought or even dreamt that one day he would be this nervous like he is right now.

The drive to Kim's house were filled with either teases from Kim to Alex or Alex openly flirting with her to the extent that she blushes red. When they finally got to their destination, he looked at the two story building in front of him, although it wasn't that big but the architectural structure was cozy. He couldn't help but admire the woman beside him, he knew that this was the handwork of his little tigress, she became successful just for her family, she just just so different from other girls and that alone makes him like her more.

"Alex lets go" Kim said hooking her arms with Alex smiling which caught him off guard.

"Momma I'm home" Kimberly said aloud

" Kimberly is that you ?" And elderly voice asked

" yes it's me mom" Kim responded as she glanced at Alex who was busy fixing his already fixed shirt. She fought the urge to laugh this dude was really serious about impressing her mom. The two were interrupted by footsteps.

Alex turned to see an elderly woman and a young girl. He presumed them to be his little tigress mom and sister.

" Bonsoir" Kim greeted kissing her mom's checks

"Bonsoir cóm à çava ?" Her mom responded

"Çava béin merçi ... Tus bein ? Kim said

"Je sûis çava bein" her mom replied

Watching the mother and daughter duo speak French was boring to Reese but amusing to Alex. As a business man, he had learnt different languages French,Italian,German and Russian.

"Qui est- ce ?" [ who is he] mrs Jonas asked bit without waiting for Kim to reply, he spoke for himself — Je suis Alex [i am Alex].

Alex smirked as he watched the mother and her daughters jaw drop, Kim was so stunned she never knew he sparked French,miss Jonas was impressed by his ability to speak French.

"Tu parles français?" [you speak French?] mrs Jonas asked

"Qui Je parles français" [yes I speak French] Alex responded, mrs Jonas was already pleased with him. While Reese rolled her eyes staring at the awestricken Kim who was just staring at Alex with surprise.

"Es-tu le petit ami de ma fille?" [are you my daughters boyfriend?] mrs Jonas asked

"Qui Je suis" [yes I am] Alex replied nodding while handing the flower and cake he bought to her.

Mrs Jonas turned to Kimberly mad then spoke back in English "I like him daughter, I'm so proud of you, you found a boyfriend who isn't just handsome but also speak French. She turned to a smiling Alex and said

"I like you for my daughter,plz come let's have a meal together" mrs Jonas walked away from them.

Pls don't mind mom, she can be too much, anyways I'm Reese" Alex turned to where the voice was coming from, he stared at the mini version of Kim but this one had the mom's blonde hair but brown eyes.

I'm Alex" Alex responded handing to her the skin care products products he bought for her.

OMG, thank you so much, don't worry I could sell my sister to you just for this products" resse joked happily making Alex smilie he knew that with this reaction he had won both mom and daughter approval.

" Reese you brat, I can't believe you're selling me off just for cosmetic" Kim has a fake hurt expression on her face making everyone laugh. Alex watched how playful his little tigress was to her family, he hadn't seen her smile like that.

" oh big sis, how can I bear to do that to you," Reese blinked her eyes innocently yet funny

"Too bad I heard you say it"kim said still having a fake frown

" what, when, how, brother in law did I say such a thing?" Reese asked making Alex feel good as she called him brother in law.

"Well I didn't hear you say such thing" Alex sided with Reese and just when Kim was about to respond again, an elderly voice spoke;

"Everyone lunch is ready" they walked over to the dining room. Alex was pleased by the different dishes that were on the table, now he knew where his little tigress got her cooking skill from.

" I'm so happy that you finally have a boyfriend, I was scared that you would never have one but Wait...." mrs paused at them stared at Alex and Kim sternly like she was trying to notice something wrong. Seeing her mother look at her like that Kim became scared what if her mother had figured it out.

" Alexander Is your boyfriend right, you both are not trying to fool me right ?" Mrs Jonas asked making Kim breathe pause she was scared. Noticing Kim's discomfort, Alex stepped in;

" why would we try to fool you mrs Jonas"Alex eyes Met mrs Jonas suspicious eyes, her honey brown eyes looks so fierce now.

" how do I know that you both are not lying" mrs Jonas asked still suspicious

"We aren't" both Alex and Kim said the same time making Reese chuckle,she knows how her mom is when she is lied to or deceived.

"Mom why don't they prove it"?reese chipped in

"Prove ?"mrs Jonas said confused not sure what Reese meant by prove. However,Kimberly has a feeling that this was a trap.

"Mom why don't they prove it by kissing right now"Kim fought the urge to smack her younger sister's head [can you pls stop speaking] Kim chanted in her head, praying that Reese would stop talking and her mom won't take it seriously.

"I agree" Kim's prayer came to an end when she head her mom agree for her to kiss Alex.kissing Alex was the only option she had now.

Kim pulled Alex who was sitting beside her into a kiss.alex was caught off guard first but then deepened the kiss, intwinning and savoring each other tongues,Kimberly unconsciously let out a moan as both were lost in the moment forget the people sitting with them.