Three days passed and he still hadn't contacted Kim and for some reason she felt lonely like a vacuum was in her but nope she had to control her urge to call the asshole.
"Shit" Kim hit her head the moment she realized that she was thinking of Alex.
Alex came back from his business trip, he took out his phone and stared at the wallpaper of him and Kim when they first had their sex. He felt really numb for and without being told he knew that this was the effect Kim had on him, he wanted to call her because this pass three days hasn't been easy at all but every times he tries to he remembers her words "don't fucking come close to me". Although he still gets Feedback from the secret bodyguards he assigned to protect her but it isn't the same as having her in his arms.
Alex stares at the picture of Kim laughing with her customers and his face turned dark [how could she be smiling happily when his heart was in turmoil]. He exhaustedily walked to his home bar he picked up a brandy that would literally make one booze with just one shot and reluctantly drank from the bottle till he passes out while still sitting on the bar table.
Cheng Mó yún pǎo- (Cheng moyun run) the cries of a woman was audible
Noooooooo !! the woman cried holding a little boy who turned around to see his father and his twin brother lying in the pool of their own blood.
Suddenly Alex jolted outbof his dream with unknown voices ringing in his head
Alex held his head trying to stop the voices but couldn't and immediately the killing intent struck him, his blood shot eyes made most of his men to back away in fear, but Zeke immediately called Jonas who just came out of his surgery room after performing a surgery.
Jonas boos is at it again- Zeke said and immediately Jonas understood what he meant by boss is at it again.
"I'll be there soon" Jonas ended the call driving to Alex house like a maniac till he got there.
The sound of things breaking greeted him immediately he entered Alex's house, he knew very well that Alex was in his room. Most times Alex tend to shut himself inside his room when he is at it while waiting for Jonas to to sedate him so that he wouldn't hurt anyone.
But the sight of Alex this time was scary an frightening at the same time.jinas tried to sedate him but was grabbe by the neck by a psychopath Alex and was a loser getting suffocated as Alex grip on his neck was firm and strong. Faced with death,Jonas thought of only one thing.
Jonas struggler under Alex's grip but manged to say the name Kimberly which seems to work as Alex releases him making jinas run out of the room while coughing. [Damm Alex almost killed him] alex is a mafia boss so naturally he is strong. He kept coughing but then something struck his mind [wait alex was out of control yet he calmed down as soon as he heard the name Kimberly, shit maybe Alex wasn't lying when he said that she might be his cure].
Jonas immediately asked Zeke for Kim's phone number as Alex was getting worse and that is really bad.
Kim was about to leave for home when a call from an unknown number entered
"Hello pls who's this? -Kim asked but was replied by an anxious voice
"Kimberly I'm Jonas Alex's doctor pls I need you to come to Alex's house right now pls" Jonas anxiously pleaded with Kimberly. However, Kim was reluctant to go [this must be Alex's plan to get her but she wasn't falling for it] Kimberly thought inwardly.
"Sorry I can't come" Kim replied shattering Jonas hope,if Kim doesn't come and Alex gets wild there is no telling of any of them will be alive.
"Miss Kimberly pls you have to come lives are at stake here pls I beg you" Jonas beggars clinging to the last bit of hope that he has. Kimberly wanted to refuse but something about the strange things man's voice and the noise in the background voice stopped her and jinas took her silence as a yes
I'll send Ezekiel to pick you up pls come I beg you"
" Okay" Kimberly nonchalantly agreed she wanted to see what that bastards Alex was up too she is still convinced that this was all Alex's plan.
Ten minutes later a car pulls up in front of her, she was faced with a badly bruised Zeke
"What happened to your face ?-Kimberly asked concerned
"Miss Forster I cant say now but we have to go meet he boss fast or something lose a dead body will be found soon- heading Zeke's words Kim felt a pan of fear [this couldn't be a joke right,Alex wouldn't joke with her like this]
After ten minutes Kim entered Alex house however,she was greeted by the sight of injured men, [this doesn't look like a joke anymore ]
What happened- Kimberly asked herring scrared. She saw a man walking up to her ,looking at the man although not injured but he had a bluish purple mark on his next which shows that he was almost strangeld. Immediately jinas saw Kim he anxiously ran to her
"Miss Kimberly my name is Jonas Alex's doctor-he stretches out his hand for an handshake which Kim returned as she recognized him as one of the best doctors in the country.
I'm Kimberly, pls what's going on? - she asked as her eyes roomed around all the injured men in the floor
" Miss Kimberly, Alex went through some trauma as a kid and growing up it had some psychological effect on him and this efytemd to make him violent" he explained while she finally realized why the men where injured .
"wait you said that Alex has a trauma that makes him violent" she tried to process what she had heard while Jonas nodded anxiously
Then what does it have to do with me?- she asked confused and scared at the same time
"Miss Kim pls right now I can't tell you Alex's trauma but it seems like you are the only one that calms him down, earlier when Alex friend Tî strangele me I calle out your name and he had control for a while before loosing it again, pls you have to help us right now alex isn't himself and would kill to calm his blood lust" - jonas explained the earlier incident and also the one in her family's house and begged Kim whose eyes widened in surprise but was also sweaty with fear she agreed to take the risk after so much pleading seeing that more lives are at stake.
She took a deep breathe and stood in front of Alex's room door. The sound of groans and things breaking scared her shitless but everyone has their hopes on her.
She entered Alex room that was badly messed up, she tried to avoid cutting herself with the broken shards of glass on the floor when someone grabbed her neck