chapter 38- Pregnancy result

Kimberly woke up with her hard feeling very heavy, she felt nauseous and hence ran into the bathroom to vomit at she smell of something unpleasant.

Alex woke up at the sound from the bathroom, he saw Kimberly vomiting till she felt weak and had to lean on the sink for stability, he rushed to her

"Babe are you okay" he asked a barely responsive Kim who only replied with a nod.

"I'm fine,maybe I ate something unpleasant last night" Kim said also trying to convince herself that what was happen isn't what she was thinking. After successfully conbincjng Alex, she made an excuse to stay in the bathroom alone. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, her boobs are a little bit bigger, she remembered the day Alex while making love that her boobs were bigger but she took if for granted.

With shaking hands Kimberly brought out a pregnancy test kit she jokingly bought during one of her shoppings with Alex.


After five minutes she stared at the kit showing two pink lines with shaking hands. She finally understand why her regular period became irregular. With shaking hands she flushed the kit down the toilet bowl still convincing herself that the kit was wrong

[ no the rest is wrong, no no she can't get pregnant she isn't ready to be a mother, the kit is wrong,yes the kit is definitely wrong ] she chanted in her head. Kim stared at her pale face in the bathroom mirrror, she pinched her arm to wake up from this god damm nightmare but she felt pain meaning it was all real.

Kimberly was her the teras away from her eyes, took a shower and told Alex that she had too much work to do not after kissing him goodbye. She didn't mean to lie to him but she couldn't afford to let Alex know of her thoughts yet. Kim drives straight to the hospital and headed straight up to the ob/gyn department.

After the test she became anxious "doctor pls can I see the result" she asked anxiously making the female obstetrician smile as she thought that the anxiousness of Kim was her willingness to have a child.

"Here just give me your phone number, I'll send the result to your WhatsApp later, if I may ask where is the baby's father" the doctor asked Kimberly.

"Well I plan to surprise him" Kim felt guilty for lying to the doctor too.

"Oh my God that's so good, the result would be out tomorrow but I'll see what I can do to bring it out later in the day, so that I won't ruin your surprise" the doctor said and Kim thanked her before leaving the hospital.


Alex noticed how absent minded Kim was and hence contacted the bodyguards in charge of protecting Kim secretly, and was informed that Kim went to the ob/gyn department.

Alex didn't mean to pry but he was worried and curious as to why his litttle tigress visited the hospital and obstetrician for that matter, so he used his connection and influence to get Kim's medical report which shows that she was 8 weeks pregnant, and since then he had been swimming in the ocean of happiness that they were about to welcome a life together.

After getting the report Alex after as if he hadn't learnt anything, and was waiting for kim to tell him the good news herself.

However Kim stared at the result the obstetrician sent to her and her mind was in chaos. She didn't want to be selfish but she couldn't take the risk either. Kim remembered how her father abandoned her mom when he heard that she was pregnant.

Yes she loved Alex but a baby was another responsibility, she wouldn't be able to take the pain her mother took when her father left her. She couldn't risk loosing Alex just because of she was pregnant. She walked to her room and stared at the abortion pill in her hand she had prepared just Incase her report showed pregnant which it finally did. She was about to take the pill when she headed footsteps so she hid the drugs in the mist of her skin care product on her skincare table making it difficult to realize that it was a drug.

Kimberly felt a pair of arm around her waist with his lips placing small wet kisses on her shoulder. She wanted this to continue, she didn't want it to stop just because she is pregnant.

Alex sending how distant she was, whispered in her ears

"Baby are you okay, you seem lost in thought" Alex questioned softly waiting for her to say the good news.

"Er.... yeah ....yeah I'm okay, I'm ..... I'm just stressed out today, hows was work today"

"Work was stressful but seeing you takes all my stress away" Alex said kissing her shoulder . Kim was almost moved to tears by his sweet words [ will he stop saying all his sweet words if he knows that she was pregnant ]she asked in her mind.

"I love you babe" Kim spoke out,choking on her tears.

"Hey babe, slow down, I don't want you to cry, this tears are so precious to me, even more than jewels" Alex spoke wiping her tears.

"Kiss me" Kimberly commanded and without hesitation Alex plunged his tongue into her mouth intertwining his tongue with hers .

Alex felt Kim undoing his shirt buttons, he knew her needs but he was scared that. Making love to her might affect he baby so he stopped her.

"Babe it's late,let's sleep" Alex said removing her hands from his shirt.

"But babe I need you right now, pls make love to me,don't you want me too" Kimberly begged desperately in need of him and tried pulling down his sweatpant but Alex stopped her. He didn't want the baby to get hurt because of his hard thrusts. However, his actions were completely misunderstood by Kimberly.

[ Did he not like her anymore? Would be leave her ? Didn't her pregnancy make her not look attractive to him anymore ] and thoughts flew in her head making her push all the blame to the baby in her womb. She decided that tomorrow she would get rid of the baby, as long as she has Alex by her side she doesn't need a baby.

Alex noticed her expression but didn't think deep about it, he carried her to the bed,pulled the quilt to cover them and then hugged before sleeping. Meanwhile Kim couldn't sleep, as she was pledged by nightmares of Alex leaving her and people laughing at her.