chapter 40- fall out 2

It's been three days since Alex left,and in this three days kim was almost going crazy, Alex didn't contact her,even when she went to his office, he refused to see her making her frustrated not knowing how to beg Alex anymore so she became a shadow of herself.


"Moyun Xiōngdì, zhè shì dì sān tiānle,Nǐ bù qù kàn sǎozǐ ma?" Jonas asked him worriedly (Moyun bro this is the third day aren't you going to meet sister in law)

This three days Alex has become an acholic, he missed the way she was in his arms, all he wanted now was to hold her and sniff her scent that made him obsessed but he also wanted her to crave for him,he wanted her to feel him pain too . He was able to get information from the house keepers that Kimberly barely eats or sleeps,she kept crying. He knew how much she missed him,but he wanted her to learn, he wanted her to feel the same heart ache he was feeling, he was definitely not breaking up with her but he also needed space.

On the other hand, Kimberly recieved a surprise visit from her mom. Her mother got the news about her daughter from Alex,she blamed herself, her failed relationship with her husband left a scar on her daughter and now she was scared of relationship and the baggage that came with it.

"Mom why are you here" Kim asked with a weak voice surprised to see her mom, while miss Jones stared at her daughter who could be compared to a living corpse.

"Silly girl, if I didn't come would you have told me about your problems" miss jones said gently and opened her arms making Kim rushed into her arms with tears in her eyes, while miss jones patting her head.

"Mom" Kim cried in her arms.

"Tell me what's wrong" miss jones asked

"Mom, it's Alex, I chased him away, mom.... it's.. it's... the b.. baby.., mom I want the baby now,pls tell Alex to come back" Kim kept mumbling nonstop as she sobbed.

"Sarah calm down, calm down baby,tell mom what happened" miss jones patted her hair trying to calm down a crying Kimberly.

"Mom I found out hat I was pregnant" Kim sobbed

"Oh my God !! And Alex didn't want it" miss jones asked almost getting disappointed at Alex.

"No...No mom,when I found out I was pregnant I tried to get rid of it without Alex's consent" Kim explained.

"What !! How could you Sarah, this isn't how I raised you" miss jones exclaimed wondering why her daughter would take such a step.

"I'm sorry mom, I thought that Alex would leave me just like how dad left us when you were pregnant and how Mrs millers husband abandoned her when she was pregnant so I thought that this baby would made him leave me, I thought by the baby was a problem,but no I am the problem, I was selfish,and I was heartless, Alex was right I don't consider his feelings I never did and I'm so sorry"

"Sh baby it's okay" miss jones tried to calm her down.

"No, mom you don't understand Alex wanted a family with me but I lost him because of my selfishness" Kimberly sobbed hugging her mom.

"We would sort it out, just take care of your self and the baby" her mom said to her

"What's the use of the baby if Alex isn't here, I don't want to be like you mom, I don't have the strength to raise a child on my own like you did mom, you're strong but I'm not, that's why I need Alex the father of my baby by my side" Kim said.

"I'm here baby"a deep baritone voice spoke from behind, they turned to see Alex with puff eyes.

During the three days with Jonas, he got to think deep.


"She's So heartless" a drunk Alex drunkenly yelled at his friend.

"Alex calm down" Jonas calmed a dejected Alex.


When Alex was sobbed,he and jones had a heart to heart talk.

"Alex I can't see you like this" Jonas said worriedly.


"You're obviously hurting, why not go back to her" Jonas asked

"No, she doesn't love me, else why would she try to get rid of our baby" Alex argued sipping a vodka

"Look Alex, what if she has a reason" Jonas asked snatching the bottle from Alex.

"What do you mean ?" Alex asked confused as to why Jonas who was his friend was siding with Kim.

"Look Alex, everybody has seen how much Kimberly loves you, I can see it an you also know that she loves you even if you still deny it. I'm hen you think with all the love she has for you, she'd just get rid of the baby like that" Jonas said trying to make Alex see reasons

"So what re you trying to say" Alex reluctantly asked.

"I mean that something must have prompted her to do it, Look I know that no reason justifies what she has done but look at it from her perspective" Jonas said

Immediately Jonas said it, Alex mind flashed back to when him and Kimberly were involved in an argument, she said [ I thought you would leave me like my dad did to my mom ]

"Kimberly is with her mom right now, I called miss jones over coz she's the one kim needs right now" Alex lazily said

"No you're the one she needs right now, honestly bro you leaving now is not different from what her father did to her mother,think about it bro,you have to go back before it's too late, if not she'll think that you're also abandoning her, and Alex you'll be missing a lot when she leaves you, don't forget hat she's pretty and she'll still have many admirers even if she has a baby" Jonas said patting his shoulder in a manly way before leaving for the hospital. Alex who was left behind began to ponder on what Jonas said and without hesitation he entered his car driving to his mansion.

************END OF FLASHBACK ************

Alex entered into his mansion and heard two people discussing, he stayed back to evesdrip ontjeor conversation,only to hear things that made him realize how wrong it was for him not to give her a chance to explain herself.

"I'm here baby" Alex stayed at he crying Kimberly, who was staring at him lost, like he was an illusion.

Kimberly turned to see Alex, thinking he was an illusion a picture in her mind yet she ran into his embrace, wrapping her legs around his waist not minding if enelderly person was there.

"I'll give you two space to talk" miss jones walked out it blushing at the actions of the two love birds, [ kids of these days don't even mind who's watching them before they publicly display their affection ] miss jones thought.