The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 2)

Chu Xuan turned back, and lo and behold, a group of disciples, about 8 or 9 of them, strutted out from the shadows. Picture this: matching dragon headbands and the leader? Oh, he looked like he'd just stepped out of a rich brat fashion show. Beside him, the youngest recruit, wide-eyed and as green as a spring leaf.

Why the fuss around Chu Xuan? Well, they had come 5 days ago to challenge him. Chu Xuan, a trial disciple stuck at the 4th stage of the Body Tempering Realm for the past few years, had unwittingly become the target of their so-called training, which more accurately resembled relentless bullying.

Here they come, the drama squad! The leader, a walking ego on two legs, points at Chu Xuan, "Isn't that Chu Xuan?" Laughter erupted as they recognized him. Chu Xuan, a trial disciple stuck at the 4th stage of the Body Tempering Realm for the past few years, had unwittingly become the target of their so-called training, which more accurately resembled relentless bullying.

Today was no different; they had come again to challenge him. Why hadn't Chu Xuan complained to the sect elders? The answer was grimly simple—the elders were aware of the bullying but chose to turn a blind eye. As a trial disciple, Chu Xuan's fate was inconsequential to them. Luck, or rather misfortune, had marked him as an easy target for the stronger members of the sect.

The youngest guy, looking like a deer caught in sect headlights, hesitates. Newbie alert! He's probably wondering if he accidentally joined a circus instead of a sect.

Chu Xuan, our unsuspecting hero, doesn't throw punches; he throws a curveball. He sits down, Zen mode activated. The disciples? They're collectively scratching their heads, wondering if they missed the memo on "Meditation Mondays."

Leader Dude, not a fan of waiting, dismisses Chu Xuan's peaceful protest. "Give up already!" he huffs. But our hero remains unshaken. Determination level? Over 9000!

The newbie, caught between joining the circus or rebelling, speaks up, "Any tricks up your sleeve, Chu Xuan?" Oh, sweet summer child, if only he knew Chu Xuan's sleeve was trick-free.

Chu Xuan, flashing a sly smile, declares, "No tricks, just determination." Cue the blue aura, because apparently, determination has a glow-up in this sect.

Leader Dude, now in full drama queen mode, strides forward. "You think meditation will save you, Chu Xuan?" Dramatic pause. "Let's get this over with!" Spoiler alert: It won't be over anytime soon.

Chu Xuan, still cool as a cucumber, fires back, "I'm not stalling. I'm preparing." Someone give this guy a mic; he's dropping sect truths.

The disciples form a ring around Chu Xuan like they're about to break into an ancient martial arts dance-off. But instead, Chu Xuan takes a deep breath. The blue aura? It's like he's hosting a one-man light show.

His eyes, once unsure, now sparkle with newfound bravery. The youngest disciple, under the pressure of his fellow disciples, manages to murmur, "You're forcing so many of us against him."

The leader, unyielding in his arrogance, retorts, "If you've got a problem, you're free to leave. I make the rules here."

As Chu Xuan meditates, a blue glow starts emanating. The morning bell rings, not just for prayer but as a background score to this sect sitcom. Chu Xuan, seizing this moment, opens his eyes like he's the star of an epic showdown. Now he is ready to face whatever absurd challenges this training-themed sitcom throws at him.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)