The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 4)

As the morning bell's chime faded into the background, Chu Xuan stood there, broom in hand, ready to face the chosen opponent. Enter the scene-stealer—an impressive figure with muscles that seemed to have a life of their own, showcasing power that promised more bear hugs than martial arts manoeuvres.

"I am Chu Xuan, a trial disciple at the 4th stage of the Body Tempering Realm," Chu Xuan declared, broom held with a determined flair, while the robust figure flexed his muscles, unintentionally stealing the spotlight with a display of raw power.

Now, let's unravel the sect's hierarchy, a majestic pyramid where trial disciples reside at the bottom, like the unsung heroes of a martial arts sitcom. Moving up, we have the ordinary disciples—regular folks mastering their moves. Above them are the lower base disciples, maybe the middle managers of martial arts, striving for that promotion to elite disciple status. Then comes the elite disciples, the cool kids with impressive skills. To graduate as a normal disciple, you at least have to achieve elite disciple status, which sounds challenging but, truth be told, almost everyone manages to get there. And then, there's the pinnacle—the core disciples. It's like climbing a mountain but with more kicks and less oxygen. However, reaching the core disciple status is a whole other ordeal, and not everyone gets the golden ticket.

With formalities out of the way, both Chu Xuan and the robust figure engaged in a peculiar tradition. The broom, an unsuspecting participant in this saga, decided the fate of their impending showdown by its fall. A bit like a quirky martial arts version of musical chairs, only with a broom deciding who gets the spotlight.

"Thank you for the opportunity," they both exclaimed in unison, a touch of theatricality adding a sprinkle of humour to the situation. As Chu Xuan took his stance, ready to face his broom-chosen opponent, the robust figure gave his introduction with a booming voice, "I am Zhou Ding Jun, an ordinary disciple at the 5th stage of the Body Tempering Realm!"

The clash began, and Chu Xuan, fueled by determination (or perhaps the broom's unpredictable choices), lunged forward like a hyperactive squirrel. His punches, while technically sound, seemed to be on a solo mission, evading their intended target with impeccable precision. Zhou Ding Jun, amused by this display, couldn't resist a cheeky comment, "Is that the basic long punch? I've heard it's a must-learn for any lower disciple. Maybe you need to review the handbook!" The onlookers erupted in laughter, enjoying this unexpected twist in the martial arts sitcom.

Seizing the moment, Zhou Ding Jun exploited Chu Xuan's momentarily exposed chest, delivering a punch that echoed like a drumbeat through the training ground. Chu Xuan winced in pain, a mix of surprise and agony on his face. Before he could regain composure, another blow landed squarely on his stomach, leaving him stunned and trembling.

As the dust settled, the audience revelled in the comedic turn of events. Zhou Ding Jun, grinning triumphantly, turned the martial arts showdown into a spectacle, leaving everyone wondering if they accidentally stumbled into a sect-wide comedy night. And who knew, maybe Chu Xuan's broom had a secret career as a comedic genius. The fight was far from over, and the unpredictable twists of this sect's sitcom continued, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the next episode of this unexpected martial arts comedy.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)

** Sect disciples status: Trail disciple <-- ordinary disciple --> low base disciple --> elite disciple --> core disciple.