The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 6)

Chu Xuan repeatedly pushed but never tired, resiliently bounced back into the "ring" like that one friend who insists on telling the same joke at every party – he just couldn't catch a break. This time, his nose decided to join the act, getting punched in the face and deciding to play a role by bleeding profusely.

Amidst the chaos, Chu Xuan, in a heroic attempt, reached for what he thought was a stylish wrist cloth. However, to his surprise, it turned out to be a random piece of parchment he'd swiped near the sect temple, thinking it held profound ancient martial art secrets or perhaps an ancient sect elder's grocery list. Was it the key to enlightenment or a shopping list for sect snacks? The mystery remained unsolved, but Chu Xuan, the unwitting scholar, decided to use it as a makeshift tissue, thinking he looked cool doing it.

Our hero wasn't ready to throw in the towel – or, in his case, the parchment. With a flair only Chu Xuan could muster, he strutted back into the "ring," which, in this case, was the ground he had been sweeping earlier near his home. Ready to throw a kick, Chu Xuan, with parchment in hand and a nose that had seen better days, continued the comedic martial arts show.

Chu Xuan, with his newfound parchment confidence and a nose that refused to stop bleeding, wiped away the blood with flair and swung back into action. The crowd, ever the vocal peanut gallery, started whispering among themselves. "This guy doesn't know Chu Xuan? Hilarious!"

Ignoring the whispers, Chu Xuan managed to bamboozle Zhou into an opening. However, his attempt at a punch was missed, and Zhou seized the opportunity with a punch to Chu Xuan's face. Blood. Drama. Action. The crowd erupted in laughter, signalling that Zhou might have underestimated the main act of this comedic martial arts show.

Undeterred, Chu Xuan got up, parchment cloth in hand, wiping his nose with flair. He returned to the "ring," near his home, with a kick, catching Zhou by surprise. The crowd, now part of the ongoing sitcom, couldn't decide if Chu Xuan was a genius or just plain crazy.

Zhou, realizing the battle was far from over, sought enlightenment in his humble thank you. The crowd, still laughing, hinted that Zhou might need to brush up on Chu Xuan's reputation. Meanwhile, our hero, with the undying spirit of a rubber ball, pressed on, receiving a kick, a chop, and ultimately fainting.

As Zhou caught his breath, wiping the sweat off his brow, he couldn't believe he'd just been part of Chu Xuan's 98th match. In a nearby tree, a mysterious girl in purple cloth, face guarded like a ninja, observed and recorded in her diary, "Trial disciple Chu Xuan challenged by Zhou, Zhou won. Chu Xuan's 98th match." The sect's sitcom continued, and Chu Xuan's determined antics left the crowd amused and wondering what crazy episode would unfold next.

** By the way, sorry for not giving a proper explanation about the fight in this part or for my poor English. I will try to give a better explanation next time. So in short the summary for this part is 'In Part 6, Chu Xuan faces Zhou Ding Jun in a comedic martial arts showdown. Despite repeated punches and setbacks, Chu Xuan's undying spirit and unconventional tactics keep the crowd entertained. As Zhou thinks he's won, Chu Xuan surprises everyone by returning to the "ring" near his home, using a mysterious parchment as a makeshift tissue. The fight continues with unexpected twists, showcasing Chu Xuan's determination and flair. Ultimately, Zhou, recovering from the shock, thanks Chu Xuan, unaware that the battle is far from over. The sect's sitcom unfolds, leaving the audience eager for the next unpredictable episode.'.

***Picture this: Chu Xuan's "ring" isn't some glitzy martial arts stage with ropes and spotlights. No, no, it's the humble, dusty patch of ground in front of his abode, which is more like a rustic hut. This isn't Madison Square Garden; it's more like Madison Square Backyard, where the grass probably dreams of becoming a lawn someday. So, when we talk about the "ring," we're basically talking about the sweeping ground Chu Xuan was diligently sweeping earlier – his home turf, where the real martial arts magic happens, with a touch of broomstick flair!

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)