
Meanwhile, back at Karl's house.....

"Come back here!"

Karl's father roared stopping Karl from moving any further. He turned back to look at his Father, his hands still in his pockets as he wore an expressionless face.

"You dare defy me Karl? You have the guts to walk out on me?" Karl's father roared again moving closer to Karl. Karl instinctively looked down, avoiding his father's intense gaze.

"I'm sorry father. It won't happen again." Karl said sounding a bit apologetic.

"You're damn right it won't. I am your father and you'll do as I say."

"But dad, those guys were completely at fault. They were harassing an innocent lady. I just couldn't watch and do nothing. Besides I didn't even go overboard, they just suffered minor injuries" Karl protested.

" Those guys are the ones that ensure that we stay on top of the food chain Karl. And minor injuries? You count a broken arm, a dislocated cheek bone and a ruptured spleen as minor injuries, Karl?"

" I'm sorry, it won't... It won't happen again"

"You're walking today. Alfred will take your brother to school. That's your punishment."

" But dad!"

" Not a word from you Karl" Karl's father said as he walked out of the large living room leaving Karl alone. Karl dipped his hands in his pocket again, lifting his chin up and letting out a sigh. Apparently, Karl had attacked a bunch of thugs harassing a young lady the night before. He could never stand seeing the weak and powerless oppressed by the strong. There was this wind of anger that burns inside of him. He just couldn't stand injustice. But unfortunately, those unjustified acts were committed mostly by his father's men.

Karl came from a very influential family. His father, Mr Anderson, the wealthiest man in the whole country of Vulgaria who also has the biggest industrial base in the city of Laurania, gave birth to 3 kids. Flames, Karl and Harry. Karl was the middle child and even from his early days, he had always been different. Unlike his majestic and stylish elder or his loud and carefree younger brother, he had always been a calm reserved person. Always drawn to nature and solitude. Though he related well with people and was a natural born leader, he prefer peace, silence and solitude.

All 3 kids of Mr Anderson were exceptional beautiful. Some even dared to compare them to angels. They were all mesmerizing, breathtakingly gorgeous if that can be said for a male. But something about Karl made him standout. Beyond his attitude and calmness and love towards people, there was this strange aura he always carried around him. And sometimes strange things happen to him and around him.

He had been moved from his previous school to Mattson High School because of an incident. He was one of the brightest student in the whole country. Just like his brothers, he was exceptionally intelligent as he is handsome. He truly was a perfect man.

Karl had a long walk to school as a punishment from his father. He loved his walk and enjoyed the breeze as the cool air continued swaying his shiny black hair and as people kept getting distracted by his handsome face and seductive physique.

Well, Karl was not moved at all as usual. Even though he knew almost all the girls in the school was trying to get his attention, he only ever thought about one girl, Carl. Wait, what's about this girl? Who is Carl?

Karl walked gracefully, still in his thoughts, hands in his pocket. Finally, he got to his school gate only to meet an unaccommodating scene.

'Hmm, is she been kicked out too?' Karl asked himself.