After all that he fell asleep for four days when he woke up he brought a old republic sith warrior ship and he brought four sith warriors to protect the ship with ten droids for repairing damage.
As he flew into space he fell asleep for ten days after wakeing up he brought a planet with a sith academy a few droid factorys the name was korriban.
The name and title of the planet was korriban the sith homeworld.
As well as all that he brought some high tech factory upgrades for the factory's on the planet.
Korriban was far away from the planet he spawned on so no one thought doomsday was coming.
So he put in the upgrades and then he brought some lumberjack droids from the factory to help clear out a area on another planet he had ideas for also he placed four sith trooper guard posts on the korriban.
Ah he left he placed ten sith troopers to guard the planet while he was on his spawn planet.
Before he left he placed and brought two cloning facilities to clone the sith troopers.
Then he went back to his spawn planet .