As he left the lab and spacedock/secret base.
He went back to his vine palace. He went to sleep his hus basic bedroom he brought.
In his sleep he was casting chaos magic.
As a chaos spell ascension work he growed vines around the landscape as well as a sea and space above them on the ground lay a mass of gravestones.
As he looked to the sea it looked like the nightsky became it was as dark as the night.
As he looked around he thought of things to do and he went with trying to add life to the sea but it worked but drained a lot of mp.
He said system of all show he my god stats.
The system of all showed the stats.
He the chaos god of magic the sea vines and war and death.
Because you made life in a lifeless relm you have gained life as a divinely good work.
Please choose your side evil or good but as he was about to choose different choice showed its self it said both.
So he choose it.
Well done because of your choose you have gained both of the divinelys one evil one good please select your two or you cab evolve the ones you already have.
He choose to get two new ones.
One was was undeath the other was the light.
Because of that he made a undead chaos demon.
As well a chaos demon of the light and all his other divinelys.
His undead chaos demon was a undead with horns with vines growing on them.
The light chaos demon was a demon with light crystals on there shoulders with a halo on them.
The vine chaos demon was looked like a dyad but it was Genderless and had demon like vine horns and on its shoulders where vines.
The death chaos demon looked like the grim reaper but with horns.
The life chaos demon looked like a wolf but it had glowing green marks on it.
His magic chaos demon looked like a mage but it looked like a centuar with horns with glowing white marks under there eyes.
His sea chaos demon looked like a deep one but had more eyes and had horns as well as tentacles on their back.
His war chaos demon looked like a warlord but had horns and a tail and there armor had war marks on it.