chapter 16 the dryads town leaders name is voirea the apostle for the dryad and elf goddess of horror

After that he went to go meet the dryads town leader Voidrea

When he was walking down a path he saw eyes in the bark of the path ge was confusd

because there are no Lovecraftian horrors with him

When he looked into the dyads town hall he saw 5 lovecraften horrors with vines on them to blend in he was confusedwhy Lovecraftian horrors have vines on them

Then he noticed that the Lovecraftian horrors have elf and dryad aspects

There was one with a vine and eye crown she had eyes in her eyes

There was a different one with eyes on her shoulder pands and on her armor there was a vine carving of a dryad goddess of horror

The one ones had the same as the second one but with out the eyes on the shoulder pads

The first one called her self voirea the apostle for the dryad and elf goddess of horror.