The Party Unleashed

After dinner Jake and Liam went out and got some drink for the party as usual. So I took the opportunity and had a nice long bath, making myself feel relaxed and refreshed. I groaned at the thought of another party. They didn't get too wild or anything like that, but they would last until two or three in the morning. On top of lack of sleep, there would always be a huge mess to clean up in the morning, both inside and out.

I sighed and wrapped myself in a towel. As I stepped out of the bathroom I walked straight into Liam. His hands shot out to steady me, grabbing my waist so I didn't fall over. I clutched the towel tighter around myself as I tried to calm my shocked heart.

"Wow, I like the outfit," he teased, looking me up and down, slowly. I slapped his hands away and stormed into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

As soon as the door closed, he knocked. "What, Liam?" I asked angrily, through the door.