Seeking Refuge

"I don't think that's a good idea, Amber. Matt's not well. You can see his room another time," my father interjected before Ruby could answer.

Ruby smiled. "I'll be right back." She headed out of the room with the little boy clinging around her neck.

I stepped to the side and almost ran out of the room after her. Just as I passed him, he grabbed my wrist, yanking me to a stop, almost making me fall. I felt the scream trying to rip itself out of my throat but I swallowed it back down, I couldn't show him how much power he had over me.

"You look beautiful, Amber. Just like your mother when she was your age. You always were a f**king peach," he purred, licking his lips as he trailed his hand across my cheek.

I brought my knee up and kneed him as hard as I could in the groin, yanking my arm from his hold and streaking for the hallway as fast as my legs could carry me.