Confronting the Past

"You lot made my f**king life a misery! You needed a good slap to keep you in line. I was disciplining you, that's all," he spat, getting up from the sofa gripping his hands into his hair.

"Discipline? One time you punched Jake so hard in the stomach that he couldn't eat for a days. You broke his arm, and ribs. You made us all scared to do anything in case we made you angry!" I shouted, trying to provoke him.

He rounded on me and I stood up quickly, needing to be on my feet in case I needed to run. "Jake deserved all of that! I should have f**king drowned that kid at birth!" he shouted, slamming his hand down on the coffee table, making me yelp.

"What about Johnny, Matt and Ruby? Do they need discipline too?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, they all need to learn some respect. Where is Ruby anyway?" he asked, his eyes trying to bore holes into mine.

"She's gone back to Mersey," I lied.