Travis Wilson 3

Chapter 3

One might ask this obvious question: How can one still be a virgin while living near the wildest forms of sexual temptation and exposure?

The answer to this question is multifaceted. Firstly, I am somewhat intimidated by girls. Secondly, I am a focused and goal-driven individual who has no time for fleeting romances and heartbreaks. Now, with that out of the way, let's continue from where we left off.

Feeling a little lightheaded as I moved back to my apartment, I was nonetheless content. Navigating my way to my room, I struggled a bit due to the drunk patrons and waitresses bustling about.

I couldn't believe how someone could be drunk at 7 p.m. and still claim they were going to party all night.

Once inside my apartment, I was greeted by the familiar sight of unopened bills and job rejection letters scattered across the floor. The room was small, the walls thin, and the furniture worn, but it was my refuge from the world's relentless pace. I tossed my suitcase aside, kicked off my shoes, threw my shirt onto the couch, and walked briskly to bed. After a bit of effort, I finally managed to lie down.

"I am really not good with alcohol." I laughed at myself, regretting not considering this when I was downing those shots.

As I stared at the ceiling, I decided to play some tunes to help calm my mind. Listening to Celine Dion's "I'm Alive" really helped push away all those suicidal thoughts and made me feel less depressed. It was now time for me to ask myself the million-dollar question.

"What am I not doing right?" was now on my mind.

After pondering the question for a while, I think I have found one answer. And this was my fault to begin with.

I had no one to rely on when I was in a pinch. I never thought having connections was necessary until now. I decided to go through my phone to see if I could find any number to call and send my greetings.

But sadly, all I found on my phone were two contact details, and those weren't even human beings. The first was my bank account number with the password, and the second was 911.

Realizing this made me understand how lonely I was at the top.

Despite not remembering my classmates' names, I know for certain that some of them are incredibly rich—like money-blowing-in-the-wind rich.

So maybe if I had made some friends when I was in school, could I have changed how my life turned out?

"Argh, I really hate myself now. I didn't know that I was the problem all along," I screamed, rolling all over the bed to vent my frustration.

Wow, I never realized how lonely I was until now. I don't even have Uncle Ken's number.

And besides, I learned nothing practical from the course I took at the university. How was I ever going to build relationships with customers with such behavior? Ah, I am such a failure. That was the main reason I wasn't picked for the job after several interviews.

I'm just not cut out for this. Sadly, I went through school, but the school didn't go through me.

I think I am the main reason why I'm not progressing in life.

After scolding myself for some time, I decided to ask myself the question again to see if I could find more solutions to my problem.

"What am I not doing right?"

And after a while, I got another answer: I am not fond of taking risks.

I'm afraid of taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. I think I really have a big problem, and the only way I can change my life is by taking some risks now and using some unconventional means to make money.

Let's start with the national lottery.

I took my phone, quickly entered the required pin, and decided to choose 25, 11, 20, and 23 as my lucky numbers for the lottery I was going to play. I chose these numbers because this was the day I would change for the better.

"I know I had wasted that money, but deep down I felt happy because I had taken the first big step, and who knows what the future has in store for me."