Personal System

Chapter 8

After refreshing myself, I did not make the games because I had about 5 hours before the better matches started playing. 

After freshening up, I opened my laptop and began to look through some YouTube videos to see if I could find further information on how to analyze football matches. And besides, as the saying goes, "Too much meat does not spoil the soup." This means that being extra careful with the way I am going about this new job of mine is not a bad idea.

After an hour of watching the sports analysis videos, I accidentally selected a video about women talking about how close the world is to the end. She was talking about forces that transcended human might and other supernatural stuff. 

I was not new to supernatural fantasies of this level because I used to go to church since childhood and come from Africa, where supernatural beliefs are taken seriously.

After watching her, I was able to summarize the 10-minute video into a single word, and that was rapture. I did not want it to come right now because I felt I was not yet ready and was now about to enjoy life.

"Sigh, anyway, let me look at some videos that would help me create a system for organizing my stuff," I said with a slight yawn as I looked through the videos.

And after watching a bunch of videos, I was finally able to create a perfect system that would help me change this Hobo life of mine into an elite one. 

Name: Travis Wilson

Age: 22

Job status: Self-employed

Physical State: 5 out of 10

Bank Account: $1784

Instagram Followers:132

Overview: I can do better, lazy ass.

Task to be done before the end of the week.

1. Invest in something!

2. Register at a gym!

3. Get a new apartment!

4. Make sure to attain at least a 90% winning streak in sports betting!

5. Get better clothes!

After looking at my status, I was happy because I now had plans. But the most important plan I must accomplish would be the fourth, because my survival now depends on it. 

After getting this done, I closed my laptop and began to reply to the DMs on my Instagram. Even though I wanted to have nothing to do with these girls and, surprisingly, the guys here, I can say one thing for certain: they weren't sending me DM's for money.

Because I knew everything, I did show I was just a nice guy who just had life in easy mode. I did nothing that proved I drove the best sports cars or owned a big company. And maybe one of the bitches in here who wants a dick can just be wife material.

And looking through some of the profiles, I was astounded. Some were nice, with perfect body proportions and faces.

"Damn, I have become hot enough to attract these women," I said, shaking my head and smiling at the same time. I was shaking my head up and down like someone who was listening to the bars of a rapper.

I knew I could smash anytime I wanted as I looked through the DM's. I was now even amazed by how fast I changed from my introverted self into this easy-going person.

I think everything boils down to the fact that my parents died too early. I was around 15 years old by that time, and I had lived in America for 2 years then. Lucky for me, I was not deported back home because I had no one. It was just my parents and myself; the feds had no option but to register me as an American citizen and send me to a foster home. 

I was happy at the new place I was sent to, and they helped me through SHS until level 100 of the university, where they also died. I was heartbroken because I felt like everyone close to me seemed to die early. 

The reason why I was not able to make friends in high school was due to the fact that I was different from all the students in my class. It made me feel out of place, so I decided to just crawl myself into one little hole where the air was enough for just one person.