
"Done with your assessment?" Borjana asked me without any emotion on her face.

"Yes," I said with resolve.

"If so, good luck," she said, and with a snap of her fingers, my surroundings transformed drastically within moments. The sight before me caused a surge of panic. I had been thrust into an area teeming with five goblins.

These goblins felt different from the ones Borjana created in front of me. They felt real and looked bloodthirsty. I instinctively took a step back and began to retreat slowly while looking at the goblins. 

As the goblins saw my retreat, they began to laugh maniacally and also began moving forward slowly. Right now, it's not funny anymore. They were closing in on me, and I knew that as soon as I turned my back and ran, that would be the end of me unless I had a plan.

Right now, the distance between me and the goblin is approximately 70 meters. It wasn't much, but it gave me the time I needed to add some settings to the terrain.

Right now, it's not funny anymore. I began to run at my top speed. The goblins sewing me away began to follow me like dogs on a hitch. It was a test of the survival of the fittest theory. 

But I was getting tired, and these goblins were relentless in their pursuit. I stared, making small bumps of rock on the ground whenever I passed a place. It was not much, but it helped reduce the speed of the approaching goblins. 

After running around at my full speed for fifteen minutes, I was exhausted, but these goblins were still in pursuit, but this time they were not running at their top speed. 

"FUCK, I NEED TO GET COURAGE. FOR FUCK SAKE TRAVIS WAKE UP. WAKE UP, WAKE UP. YOU NEED TO FUCKING WAKE." I shouted at myself while slapping myself. It was a do-or-die situation now. At this point, I had totally forgotten that this place was just an illusion. Because everything felt so real.

Grabbing a large stick near by, I began to charge at the goblins with relative speed. As soon as I was in a 10-meter radius near the goblins, one jumped at me and met its end by eating a swing from the stick.

When I was done with the one in midflight, I kicked the sand on the ground into the eyes of the goblins and began to strike at them with fervor.

"DIE, DIE, DIE HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA." I laughed maniacally while dealing damage to these monsters. But my laughter soon turned into cries of pain when a goblin lunged at me and bit into my arms.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I screamed out to the heavens because it fucking hurt like hell. The goblin was gnawing at my left hand as I cried. I grabbed its head with my right hand and slammed it on the floor.

Enraged and in pain, I crushed the goblins into pulp with pure force. Having slain one goblin, I turned my fury towards the three survivors. Resolute to finish the battle, I prepared to address my wounded arm. It throbbed painfully, yet it didn't impair my ability to think clearly.

As the goblins witnessed my approach with fervor, they too charged towards me once more. However, this time, when they neared, I conjured six-centimeter marbles of earth on the ground encircling me.

This caused them to trip and fall. Observing that these fools had succumbed to my trick, I approached one of the goblins and started hitting its head with the stick I held. Each strike was accompanied by a shout. I wasn't sure why I was yelling, but it helped me stay composed and also lifted my spirits.

Only two green fiends remain. Laughing, I declared this just as another goblin lunged at me, quickly followed by its companion. At this moment, both goblins are clamped onto me with their teeth. Despite the pain, I continue to fight back, sinking my teeth into them as well.

"HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA A good story always needs a good ending. HAHHHAAHHAHAHAHHA." After saying this, I rushed and jumped into a 3-meter hole I made with my ability."