New Friends

After Marnie and I settled into our room, I heard a door creak. Shifting my gaze, I find two more of my roommates, a twinge of anticipation circling me. Their entry was marked by a flurry of greetings and introductions, instantly transforming the space into a hub of excitement and connection. A girl with unnatural grace and beauty approached me with a warm smile.

"Hey! I'm Astraea Moon, an aspiring blood pathologist. And you are?"

Taking her outstretched hand, I replied, "I'm Elysia. Blood Pathology sounds fascinating!"

Meanwhile, a girl with an air of mystery joined us. "Reese Black," they said, their voice commanding attention.

"Elysia, right?

"That's me. Nice to meet you, Reese."

Astraea jumped in. " Reese and I were just talking about our classes. What are you looking forward to, Elysia?

"Well, since I'm in general studies, I don't know yet. I mean blood pathology- pixie dust. I didn't even know they were a real thing till I came here! So, for now, I hope to just explore the many wonders of this school. This realm even! It's so different from mine," I confess.

"And you, Reese?" I turned to the silent figure.

"I'm just from a small town in Massachusetts," she exclaims, scratching the back of her neck, 

"Nothing too special here.

As Astraea eagerly encouraged Reese to share more about her small town, the atmosphere in the room became animated with anticipation.

"Come on, Reese. There's always something special about where we come from. What's the charm of your small town?" Astraea prodded, her eyes sparkling with genuine curiosity.

Reese, leaning against the window sill, considered the question with a thoughtful expression. 

"Well," she began, a wistful smile playing on her lips, "it's one of those places where everyone knows everyone. The kind of town where the local diner has the best pie, and the librarian knows your reading preferences better than you do. It's mundane, but there's a comfort in its simplicity."

Astraea, intrigued, inched forward. "That sounds quaint and charming. What's the local diner like? Any specialties?"

Reese chuckled, reminiscing about her hometown. "Oh, the diner is the heart of the town. They make the most heavenly blueberry pie you've ever tasted. It's a tradition to gather there on Sunday afternoons, and the pie is so good that it's almost a town secret. Almost."

I couldn't help but join in, "That sounds wonderful, Reese. Must be a close-knit community."

She nodded, her eyes glinting with fond memories. "Absolutely. The kind of place where neighbors look out for each other, and you can't go to the grocery store without running into someone you know. It's simple, but there's a beauty in the familiarity of it all."

Astraea, her eyes filled with appreciation for Reese's description, remarked, "I can almost taste the pie just from your words. There's magic in those small-town traditions."

Marnie, who had been arranging some magical trinkets on her desk, chimed in, "Oh, small towns are fascinating! I've read about them in my books, but hearing your experiences adds a personal touch. What's the most enchanting thing about your town, Reese?"

Marnie, surrounded by an array of magical trinkets on her desk, couldn't resist joining the lively conversation. With genuine curiosity, she chimed in, "Oh, small towns are fascinating! I've read about them in my books, but hearing your experiences adds a personal touch. What's the most enchanting thing about your town, Reese?"

Reese, appreciating the interest, considered Marnie's question thoughtfully. "Well, the most enchanting thing would probably be the annual Midsummer Festival. It's like stepping into a fairytale. The whole town comes together to celebrate with vibrant decorations, music, and dancing. There's this magical energy in the air that makes even the simplest moments feel extraordinary."

Astraea, captivated by the description, leaned in. "Midsummer Festival? That sounds amazing! What kind of traditions or rituals do you have during the celebration?"

Reese's eyes lit up as she delved into the details. "One of the most cherished traditions is the lighting of lanterns at dusk. We each write a wish or a hope on our lanterns before releasing them into the night sky. It's a breathtaking sight as hundreds of glowing lanterns fill the darkness, carrying our collective dreams."

Marnie, her own eyes sparkling with fascination, added, "How magical! The unity and shared aspirations must create such a powerful atmosphere. Do you have a favorite memory from the festival?"

Reese smiled, transported back to cherished moments. "Oh, yes! One year, there was an unexpected meteor shower during the festival. It felt like the stars themselves were joining our celebration. People were dancing under the meteor shower, and it was like the universe was applauding our joy. It's a memory that has stayed with me."

Astraea, enchanted by the imagery, sighed, "That sounds like a scene from a dream. I'd love to experience something like that."

As the conversation gradually settled into a comforting hum, I found myself reflecting on the intriguing personalities that now comprised my circle of roommates—Marnie Fae, Reese Black, and Astraea Moon. However, we are missing just one person. I wonder what they will be like.

Marnie Fae, with her wild curls and the aura of faerie royalty, was a fascinating blend of whimsy and quiet strength. Reese Black, the mysterious figure from a small town in Massachusetts, carried an air of reserved wisdom, and Astraea Moon, an aspiring blood pathologist, seemed to embody both curiosity and determination.

As I sat at my desk, glancing over the magical trinkets that Marnie had arranged, I couldn't help but feel a connection forming—an unspoken understanding that went beyond the excitement of starting university. We were all here for a reason, seeking something more profound than the knowledge within these ancient walls.

The conversation about small towns and enchanting traditions lingered in my mind. Reese's description of the Midsummer Festival painted vivid pictures of community and shared dreams. It made me ponder my past and the mystery surrounding my missing parents. What traditions did they have? What stories remain untold?I could sense a similar contemplation in the eyes of my roommates. Marnie, with the weight of faerie royalty on her shoulders, her gaze distant at times as if searching for answers in the past. Reese, the quiet observer, seemed to carry a depth of experiences that begged to be unveiled. Astraea, ever enthusiastic about blood pathology, appeared driven by a purpose beyond academic pursuits.

We were all, in some way, seeking answers—about our origins, our purpose, and the missing pieces of our stories. The air in the room seemed charged with the unspoken anticipation of 

unlocking those mysteries.

As we wrapped up our conversation, there was an unspoken understanding among us—a shared acknowledgment of the paths we had walked, the mysteries we carried, and the hopes we held.