Chapter 14 - Enhanced!

Chapter 14 - Enhanced!

"Arghhhhhh!!" Maxmillan continuously screamed in vein-ripping, blood-bursting, and eye-gouging pain.




[Host is currently undergoing evolutionary metamorphosis from Average Human to Peak Human.]

[Body Transformation Process can be canceled if pain can't be endured by Host.]


Cancel: [Yes] / [No]


As Maxmillan gnashed his teeth in pain with green veins bulging out from the sides of his temples, a holographic screen that displayed what he was currently passing through and provided the option of cancelation, appeared in his vision.

Maxmillan read through everything despite the excessively overwhelming, artery-rending pain and groaned, "No!"


[System Alert!]


[Host has refused to cancel Body Transformation Process and is therefore rewarded with the following items:]

[Digital Compass, Binocular, First-Aid Kit, Sub-Machine Gun, Long-Range Flamethrower, .45 Magnum Pistol, Pump-Action Shotgun]


[Accept Reward: [Yes] / [No]


Maxmillan who kept an eye on the holographic screen, despite the pain that he passed through which wracked his whole senses and entire body, painfully groaned "Yes!"


[System Notification!]


[Host has been rewarded with the previously displayed items and can visit the [Inventory] Directory to deploy them for usage]



Then the screen changed once again to display another where he saw a progress bar.




[Body Transformation Progress is ongoing!]

[Progress Bar: 1%...18%...32%...58%...79%....95%...]


As the progress bar moved from 18% to 95%, where it took about 1 hour 12 minutes to reach the ninety-five percentage level, Maxmillan couldn't help but roll on the ground due to the greatly unbearable pain that interminably afflicted him.

At the moment, his eyes were bloodshot, his lips were bleeding, his nose was bleeding, while his fists were tightly clenched that they pierced into his skin. Also, he shrieked at his highest that if his shrilling cries rang out in the city, people would definitely believe that a baleful, underworld monster had appeared there to wreak mayhem.

'Maxmillan, you are undergoing a body modification process carried out by Bionites. These are specialized, nano-sized robots that will alter your body's morphological make-up and physiological configuration.'

'Therefore, due to their cellular-level bio-alteration activities on your body, you will be changed from a human of average prowess to a human with immensely astounding, peak-tier physical prowess and mind-blowing capacity'


[System Notification!]


[Host Morphological Transformation/Physio-Enhancement is complete!]

[Congratulations, Host!]


Once the holographic screen displayed that notification message, it immediately showed another.


[System Message!]


[Evolutionary Metamorphosis]



[Host has become a Peak-Enhanced Human.]

[Host has gained 560 pounds in weight]

[Host can lift approximately 1 ton.]

[Host can run at a peak speed of 90km/h]

[Host can achieve a high vertical jump of 12 feet without acceleration]

[Host can achieve a long horizontal jump of 15 feet without acceleration]

[Host possesses Peak Cardiovascular Endurance]

[Host's Lung Capacity have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Physical Senses have heightened to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Reflex/Reaction Time have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Agility have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Intellectual Prowess have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Mental State/Disposition have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Bodily Durability have increased to Peak Human Level — Can withstand full-strength dagger stab by someone 2/3 times his weight]

[Host's Healing Rate have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Metabolism have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Skeletal Framework have augmented to Peak Human-Level Toughness]

[Host's Dexterity have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Flexibility/Contortion Ability have increased to Peak Human Level]

[Host's Pneumo(Lung)/Cardio(Heart) Tolerance have increased to Peak Human Level - Lung/Heart are many times more powerful than that of a prime adult]

[Host possesses heightened immunity/invulnerability to infectious diseases, alcoholic intoxication and poisoning]


Once these strings of messages displayed on the holographic screen in his vision, Maxmillan suddenly felt the traumatizing pain that seemed like it wanted to devour him whole, disappear completely.

"Huuuuu!" He heaved a huge sigh of relief.

Then he stood to his feet from the ground to observe himself and know what astonishing effect had taken place in his body. He then he saw to his amazement that he had grown taller, which is from a previous height of 5.6 feet to a height of 6.3 feet. Also, he had gained more weight which he saw on the holographic screen to be 560 pounds of pure muscle, as opposed to his previous slightly impressive weight of 120 pounds.

His biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles, back muscles, shoulder muscles, neck muscles, entire abdominal muscles, quadriceps, calf muscles, and many other minor muscle groups of his body, had grown proportionately bigger in size and were many times more denser than those of accomplished, Olympic gold medal-winning power-lifters.

"Wow." Maxmillan said astonishingly after observing himself for sometime.

He then tried to test out the new abilities that he was bestowed with by the Supreme Battle-Technology System.


He immediately took off and began to run at a speed that would leave an Olympic Gold Medal athlete in the dust, as he was many times faster than the top speed that they could possibly achieve. And he absolutely felt that he could run at that speed for several hours before getting exhausted.

After running for a while, he stopped with a smile appearing in his face.

"This is really amazing." Maxmillan said.

'You have only reached the peak of human conditioning. But there are still many more levels that you are going to reach once you can fulfill certain behemoth tasks within the timeframes stipulated for each of them.' The Supreme Battle-Technology System suddenly said, drawing Maxmillan's attention back to the situation around him.

While Maxmillan after hearing that, had his eyes shine brightly with awe. He then proceeded to ask with a puzzling expression appearing in his face, "Supreme Battle-Technology System, what are these tasks, if I may ask?"

'With time, you will be prompted about them. But these missions will appear as events that have varying degrees of significance. They can range from negligible or inconsequential significances to world-shaking significances.' The Supreme Battle-Technology System said, while a thoroughly amazed Maxmillan nodded his head in understanding.

"How do I go to inventory?" Maxmillan asked.

He wanted to look at the things that he was rewarded with for being able to endure the incomparably agonizing pain that surfaced when he was being morphologically and physiologically altered by the Bionites to become a zenith-conditioned human.

'Just say 'Inventory.' The Supreme Battle-Technology System indifferently replied.

"Okay." Maxmillan said.

Then with his eyes glittering in anticipation to what he would find in the inventory, Maxmillan said, "Inventory."

As soon as he mentioned that, a holographic screen appeared in his vision and displayed the items stored in his inventory.




[Digital Compass, Binocular, First-Aid Kit, Sub-Machine Gun, Long-Range Flamethrower, .45 Magnum Pistol, Pump-Action Shotgun]


"Wow. This is awesome." Maxmillan said excitedly.

He then continued, "How do I summon any of the items in the inventory to my hands?"

'Click on the item you want with your mind. You will get a haptic feedback on your index finger when you do so. Then when it opens to display its features, attributes or characteristics, you will see 'Use Item' and a 'Yes or No' option at the bottom. When you respond with a yes, the item will immediately teleport to your hand.'

' Then to return item, you will find 'Return Item' with also a 'Yes or No' option at the bottom of the item details.'

'However, if there are many items in your hand and you want to return a particular one, just mention the name of the item. But they can be number-coded or letter-coded to allow for a quick return of the particular item.' The Supreme Battle-Technology System mentioned.

"Alright. I perfectly understand." Maxmillan said with the nod of his head. Then he proceeded to try.

Still looking at the inventory that displayed the items that he was rewarded with, he neurally clicked on the Long-Range Flamethrower.

Immediately he did so, a large holographic screen was presented to him where he saw the image of the flamethrower and the features it possessed.


[Long-Range Flamethrower]


[Model: MA-C2A]

[Item Class: E-Class]

[Item Specialization: Flame Projection]

[Purchase Points: 4200 Points]

[Status: Owned]


[Characteristic/Function Specification]


[Flamethrower can discharge really hot flame up to a distance of thirty feet]

[Flamethrower is capable of constricted flame-spew that can be as narrow as 1 inch, or a dilated flame-spew that can be as wide as twenty feet]

[Temperature of discharged stream of flame can reach up to 9800°C due to Liquefied Alpha-Cyclotronene (Flame-Generating Fuel/Ignition-liquid) — an extremely volatile, instant-igniting Poly-Chemical Compound stored in the Pressurized Cooling Chamber of the Flamethrower. It is many times more powerful than oxy-acetylene used in producing flame that can weld steel metals at a temperature of 3000°C]


[Power Modes/Discharge Duration]


[Max. Power — Flamethrower can shoot a 30-feet long stream of flame for 45 minutes before running out of 20L of ignition-liquid]

[High Power — Flamethrower can continuously shoot a 20-feet long stream of flame for 1 hr, 30 minutes before running out of 20L of ignition-liquid]

[Low Power — Flamethrower can continuously shoot a 10-feet long stream of flame for 2 Hours, 45 minutes before running out of 20L of ignition-liquid]


[Flame-Spray Modes]


[Super-Focused Spray - Allows Flamethrower to project a compacted stream of flame that is 1-inch thin]

[Focused Spray - Allows Flamethrower to project a compacted stream of flame that is 5-inches wide]

[Diffused Spray - Allows Flamethrower to project a stream of flame that is 20-feet wide]

[Ultra-Diffused Spray - Allows Flamethrower to project a highly-diverging stream of flame that is 30-feet wide]




[Upgradeability Status: Upgradeable]

[Upgrade Item: Locked]




[Mergeability Status: Non-Mergeable]

[Fuse Item: Locked]




[Exchangeability Status: Exchangeable]

[Exchange Item: Locked]




[Tradability Status: Tradable]

[Trade Item for Purchase Point: Locked]


[**System Message: Locked Functions are due to Insufficient Mission Achievements!**]

Use Item: [Yes] / [No]


"Yes." Maxmillan who had understood how to use the system, said with an intensely amazed expression in his face due the large amounts of points it would cost to purchase the flamethrower.

But the moment he mentioned that, space instantly warped and distorted around his hands before a large heavy gun with a flame-projector muzzle that was 5-feet long and 7-feet wide and could rapidly grow in width through automated nano-expansion to 15 feet, suddenly appeared in them. Also, the Flamethrower seemed to possess a powerful, twin turbine-like engine behind it.

Looking at the weapon that gleamed in the moonlight and radiated fearsomeness and destructiveness, Maxmillan nodded his head and said with a cold smile emerging from his lips, "The soldier in me is back! And now that I have been enhanced to peak human level, I wouldn't be as pitiful as I was when those thugs first came to me to brutalize me out of wickedness and pleasure."

Still looking at the monstrous weapon that glinted with fierceness and weighed around 500 pounds, and would seem tremendously heavy to anyone that looked at it from a distance, Maxmillan said to himself, "I guess it was for this reason that I was enhanced to peak human level."

"So heavy that I can feel it, despite my strength classification to effortlessly lift one ton."

"I am beginning to seriously wonder how heavy other advanced futuristic weapons would be. I hope they are lighter than this excessively bulky, flame-shooting monstrosity."

"But look at it, feels so much like an alien-tech flamethrower. It is entirely different from the flamethrowers that we have on earth."

"From it details that I read, even if I haven't really handled a flamethrower before, I can guess it will be hundreds of levels advanced than the flamethrowers used on earth in my time."

"Well, what can one expect from a consciousness capable of endlessly spawning weapons of countless exotic designs and are eons of decades improved than ours?"

"Besides, I feel the other items in the Inventory, such as the sub-machine gun and pump-action shotgun, will be vastly different and dozens of times better than the ones used on earth."

As soon as Maxmillan finished speaking with great excitement and astonishment enshrouding his whole being, a holographic screen suddenly appeared in his vision.


[New Mission Alert!]


[Mission Type: Revenge Mission]

[Mission Title: Thugs Extermination; The Grim Reaper]


[Details: Different groups of thugs caused great harm to Host's life. Therefore, Host is required to find these thugs and eliminate every single one of them!]

[Difficulty Level (Based on Host's current skill and strength level): 8/10 — Extremely Difficult)]

[Completion Rewards: Ultra-Kinetic Disintegrator Gloves, Belt-Fed Grenade Chain Launcher, Telescopic Quad-Spectrum Vision Goggle]


Accept Mission: [Yes] / [No]


Immediately Maxmillan read through the details of the mission, he didn't think twice before answering with an inexplicable glow radiating from his sharply gleaming eyes, "Yes!"


[System Alert!]


[Mission has started!]

[Countdown to the end of the mission has begun!]

[Failure to complete mission will result in removal of rewarded items for 6 months!]

[Success in completing mission will allow Host to be rewarded with previously displayed items!]


"Haha. This is just wonderful." Maxmillan said with unbounded delight in his tone.

He then said further with a bright contemplative look in his face, "I guess the system wants me to retaliate for the inhumane, torturous and agonizing beatings that I received in the hands of those bastards."

Then he shook his head in amazement, as it seemed the Supreme Battle-Technology System understood his intention perfectly well and went ahead to generate a mission fully based on his thought, which it possibly obtained from his mind through their neural link to one another.

Once he recalled once more, those scenes where he was wickedly struck with glowing hard fists and was hit multiple times on the body with thin enchanted sticks that was as heavy as a thick steel pole, he couldn't help but have a baneful glow of devilish vengeance emit from his eyes that sparkled in the silvery light coming from the crescent moon above him.