Chapter 69 - Domineering!

Chapter 69 - Domineering!

Once Maxmillan said that, with a really frigid look appearing in his face, he summoned the Rapid Space-Displacing Combat-Assisting Industrial Battle Gear that appeared as a grey-coated technological armor on his body and began to emit ripples of space-control power. Also, a localized space-displacement field emission generator that began to operate within the armor suit and buzzed, suddenly released a vast and unseen, dome-shaped spatial displacement field that spread out for many hundreds of feet around Maxmillan.

Then with the armor's helm automatically covering his head and causing bright white glows to emit constantly from the two square-shaped apertures that Maxmillan would use to see in front of him, he said with a blood-chilling tone in his voice, "Who would like to be my first slaughtered lamb?"