Chapter 152 - The Waymaker

Chapter 152 - The Waymaker

After they entered the temple, they came across an old woman who sat on a mat.

This woman, who looked really old and seemed to be three hundred in appearance, beamed a smile at them immediately they entered.

She had a diamond-shaped, bright red crystal at the center of her tattooed forehead, intense blue eyes that had tiny enigmatic symbols float about within them, long grey hair that went far beyond her waist and spread all over the dusty, marbled ground of the seemingly old and ruined temple.

She wore a purple garment that had numerous enigmatic embroideries on it. As for the mat she sat on, it seemed like something processed out of the hide of an beast.

With that smile still on her face, she said as she looked at Lorrena, "Young lady, welcome to the fifth phase of the legacy inheritance trial."