Chapter 227 - SOS rings out!

Chapter 227 - SOS rings out!

- Evening -

As Maxmillan relaxed in the place that he chose to await the bad people that would come over from the organization that forcefully took the boy, he could suddenly detect a SOS transmission. It was picked up by the nanobug danger signal receptor on him.

Wondering what could have suddenly caused that, without even a whimper of terror or anything—sound or noise ringing out from the boy or his mother, he immediately adorned his Space-Displacing Combat-Assisting Industrial Battle Gear and vanished many miles away from the inn he resided in.

Then immediately he appeared—in the region that he surfaced in using the gear donning his body, the moment his feet touched the ground, the Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots instantly materialized on his legs and began to operate.