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The monster Shaoqin disappears

The warrior met with the soldiers, and Mirta stood in front of them, addressing them, telling them that before he died, my father instructed me to become the warrior king. Mirta carried the crown, dressed it for the warrior, and handed him the keys to the castle.

The warrior ordered one of the soldiers to approach and take the box of keys. The human monster approached 85

The warrior ordered him to mention the secret number, but the monster stood up and said, "I forgot."

The soldiers laughed as they said: This is a new, young soldier

The warrior asked the soldiers to leave and head towards the fortress, and he told them to wait, the leader of the monsters will come out 86

The soldiers left the room, and the warrior remained talking to Mirta, telling her: If I do not feel comfortable with that soldier, there are spies among us. How did they enter the castle? Come on, go and hide those keys in a place that no one knows.

Mirta went down to the squares of the wall, entering a tunnel under the castle 87

The monster was looking for her and entered another tunnel

 Mirta turns the square room, places the keys, closes the small room, and hurries back to the top of the castle, where the warrior king is waiting for her. 88

Warrior: Where did you put the keys, Mirta?

Mirta: In a tunnel under the castle inside the square room

Warrior: Did anyone see you?

Mirta: No, but I heard the sound of a wolf howling. Maybe it was a beast taking its last breath

Warrior: The wolves have disappeared, why does this sound remain?

 The warrior felt that a monster was still inhabiting the castle, so he asked Mirta not to leave the king's room 89

He headed towards the fort, watching the soldiers. When he reached the fort, he called for the soldiers. He did not see that soldier

He said: There is a soldier among you who has disappeared

Soldiers, the monster is among us. Put a red signal on your shoulder. If a soldier appears without a signal, attack him 90

The human monster left for his leader, Shaoqin, to tell him that the keys were buried under the castle. On his way, the monster, Shaoqin, appeared, arresting the wolf, laughing loudly, and telling him, "You are too late for me, and you did not find the keys." So he swallowed it in his mouth. 91

The warrior and soldiers were looking at the monster, it was a giant emitting flames from its mouth 

He ordered the warrior to throw large logs at him, and to shove the log into his giant mouth 92

All the attempts of the warrior and the soldiers failed, but Mirta was near the window and the monster was behind her, so she climbed onto his back until she reached his eye, so she inserted a dagger into his eye, and he fell to the ground, then a fire caught fire in him and he disappeared. 93

The warrior and the soldiers descended outside the castle, looking at his place, and found Mirta lying on the ground

The soldiers chanted: We have defeated the monster 94

The warrior carried Mirta into the castle to help her. She woke up and told him, "We are fine. The monster and the wolf are gone."

Are you a human or a wolf, bear with me?

The warrior laughs as he tells her that the wolf and the beasts do not appear at critical times. They do not help us, but rather wait for the loss of our keys. 95