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FlyingMonkey Monster

A year after the marriage, Mirta became pregnant. The warrior was careful not to spread this secret. Perhaps monsters were lurking around. 107

The monster Monikori screams in the castle at the monsters and at the monster Magisi

You bastard, maybe you're like a warrior. You've been hiding for 50 centuries, and now you've emerged to tell us your life.

You want revenge 108

O flying monsters, arrest him and bring him to me. If the dragon monster wakes up, he will destroy us 109

The head of the monster Magisi was at the bottom and its tail was at the top, carried by four-headed birds coming 400 BC. 110

Monkey Monster: Do you know who's catching you?

Monster Magisi: I have never seen such faces 111

Monkey monster: These monsters have been hidden for 400 BC. Their mission is to destroy generations. They are capable of killing even monsters 112

The monster Monikor asks the flying monsters, "Is this from the generation of warriors that you destroyed?"

The Flying Beast of Beknia: A monster that was hiding in the village and did not return to the castle 113

Monster Monicore: Why does it remind us of the Capelli family?

The Flying Beast of Beknia: Perhaps to follow the trail of lost keys

The monster Monikor asked the flying monsters and threw him. The monster Magisi turned into a flying monster after those monsters bit him, and he emits a green ray while saying:

Capelli was born in winter 114