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Marriage of Sulla and Capelli

Night came and Sula's wedding to Capelli began. The village soldiers lit the tree trunks as they carried them. The couple was in the center of the circle. 208

Merta and Kun the female soldiers took the couple to the hut, carrying sweets and cakes, singing and applauding them. 209

 Good night to you both

We'll put the key in the door

And you both took it

Don't waste it, don't waste it

We'll be singing to you all night long

And the stars smile at us

We will bring rose water

Challenge him at the door

Take a warm shower

In the evening we meet

I was the monster Magis on the roof of the house. I was jealous of that warrior Sula, and I began to think of an idea to ruin their marriage and lose their keys. 210

So I said, "I will turn into a beautiful woman, and in the evening, Kapili will see me and fall in love with me."